Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive


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Episode II
Between the stars in the blackness of space, the Nebulon-B frigate Resurgence
floats silently away from the prying eyes of the Empire.
Meanwhile, the galaxy continues to sink further into darkness. Each day, remnants
of the Old Republic are crushed and a New Order is more firmly established.
Former Imperial Admiral Gilder Varth has provided Alderaanian agents
with vital information on secret projects, and even now events are in motion
to reveal the Empire’s misdeeds to the galaxy . . . .

Two weeks after your arrival, the Resurgence has jumped again and now sits in another uninhabited system near the Perlemian Trade Route. You have spent the previous weeks recuperating from your injuries from Felucia, as well as spending time to perfect the abilities you learned on the mission. The captain of the ship is one Adrian Verana, an Alderaanian officer. He has met with all of you personally, showing you all to your own private quarters aboard the ship and letting you know that you are not to mention their benefactor's name aboard the vessel. For all you know, only yourselves and the original crew who hijacked the vessel from Kwenn space station are the only ones who know about Organa's involvement.

Episode 1: The Traitor's Gambit

OOC Thread

Rogue's Gallery
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You all have been summoned to the main briefing room of the Resurgence, the majority of you seeing a new face in the room, along with Verana and Varth.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
“Hey there, Varth man,” greets Sloor in his usual style -- which includes a strong hand shake combined with simultaneous shoulder grabbing (and a fake jab or two thrown in if he likes you). Today the big four-armed alien is wearing a modified pair of artistically ripped grey fatigues, gaudy golden necklace around his bull neck, datapad at his waist, pair of stun knuckles hidden somewhere on his person (probably in that fully-loaded ammo belt around his waist). “Looks like vacatian time’s awver, uh?”

TB silently glides in behind him, optics softly glowing as it calmly considers the room and its occupants.

"Whawse sunshine awver there?" with a jerk of the head towards unknown spectator number thirty-seven (AKA Darius ;)).


Mir follows Sloor into the room and nods to the Captain and then to Varth as she takes a seat to Sloor's left.

The woman dressed for function over fashion. She wears a white blouse with light tan colored pants that have several pockets within. Her lightly tanned bonnie hat hangs from its strap around her neck and the woman's back. She wears a light utility belt and a long survival knife sheathed at her side. Holstered to her left thigh is a a heavy blaster pistol.

She looks to the newcomer, "Greetings, I'm Mir Malone."


Mack nods a greeting to the other people in the room as he enters, wearing some gray fatigues over the body glove of his armor. Something in the tone of the summons made him think it was getting closer to being deployed again, and time could be short.

Ever since upgrading his primary weapon, he has been taking it everywhere. He unslings his IM Star Anvil Heavy Blaster Rifle and caresses it lovingly in his lap after he sits down, while waiting for the nerf and wookiee show to begin.

He admires Mir with askance looks, but his needs have been satisfied more than a few times over the past week. The Zeltron female on the nursing staff found him energetic and with good stamina to be able to entertain her hedonistic desires. But that's just casual; Mack still has the impression that Mir secretly wants him for herself and he has kept his other activities private.

Mack doesn't pay any attention to the newcomer, more interested in looking at the women and daydreaming about Mir.

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 3 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 47 (16 Threshold) Current: 47 CT: 0
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 16 Will: 14

Weapon in Hand: Blaster Rifle (single shot)

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


First Post
The briefing room aboard the Resurgence is clean and white, with several benches wrapping smoothly around a holographic projector seated on a raised dais in the center of the room. The projector springs to life, and the blue-tinted hologram of a Hutt appears to hover a few inches away from the projector’s three curved prongs. With a brusque clearing of his throat, former Imperial officer Gilder Varth begins to speak, wasting little time on pleasantries.

“Before the Empire decided my conscience was a liability,” he says, “I was involved peripherally in a top-secret plan known as the Sarlacc Project. While the details of the project are unknown to me, I was involved in the transfer of large sums of credits and resources to the project. Whatever the project entails, it is taking up a lot of the Empire’s time and effort. Moreover, I believe that this Sarlacc Project is destroying the lives of thousands of sentient beings; casualty reports crossed my desk on a regular basis.

“Unfortunately, I don’t know much more than that. However, during my brief brushes with the project, I discovered that the Imperial Navy was hiding the program’s existence from the Senate by transferring resources through secondary sources. Resources were routed through the Corporate Sector, through fake contractors, and through the criminal underworld to keep a trail from leading back to the project.

“One such secondary source was a Hutt crime lord named Darga. Like all Hutts, Darga is a slimy gangster whose love of credits is exceeded only by his love of power. Part of my job involved transferring resources to Darga, and in turn arranging for Imperial agents to take control of other resources from the Hutt’s organization. These were not simply transfers of credits. The items being traded were not specified, but physical resources were definitely being exchanged. Though it’s not much, this is the only lead we have.

“Captain Verana has charged me with helping to uncover more about the Sarlacc Project, and he has authorized me to use you as my agents. We need you to travel to the planet of Cato Neimoidia and find Darga the Hutt. See if you can learn what he is trading in and how it relates to the Sarlacc Project.”

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The briefing room aboard the Resurgence is clean and white, with several benches wrapping smoothly around a holographic projector seated on a raised dais in the center of the room. The projector springs to life, and the blue-tinted hologram of a Hutt appears to hover a few inches away from the projector’s three curved prongs.
Sloor sits up and pays attention: this one might be his kind of capper after all...

“Unfortunately, I don’t know much more than that. However, during my brief brushes with the project, I discovered that the Imperial Navy was hiding the program’s existence from the Senate by transferring resources through secondary sources. Resources were routed through the Corporate Sector, through fake contractors, and through the criminal underworld to keep a trail from leading back to the project."
Sloor, one pair of arms crossed over his chest, leans sideways towards Mack and whispers: “Must be marbling bad if they have taw hide it frawm the frecsing *senate*.” He’s obviously none too impressed with the present power of *that* particular organism, sponsor or no sponsor.

"One such secondary source was a Hutt crime lord named Darga. Like all Hutts, Darga is a slimy gangster whose love of credits is exceeded only by his love of power.”
Sloor clucks and shakes his armor-plated head: “He says that like it’s a bad thing.”

“Love is the heart of everything,” agrees TB, earning itself a *look*.

"We'll discuss it later," it finishes, rather smugly thinks its owner.

“Captain Verana has charged me with helping to uncover more about the Sarlacc Project, and he has authorized me to use you as my agents. We need you to travel to the planet of Cato Neimoidia and find Darga the Hutt. See if you can learn what he is trading in and how it relates to the Sarlacc Project.”

The big green one in the front raises a hand for attention. “What’s awer cawver story awn this awne?”

<Response Admiral Varth?>

Sloor considers. Frekking planet again, though maybe this time they’ll be lucky enough and can stay in-frekking-doors... “Five thawsand each. Sawnds abawt right, right?”

“Definitively,” agrees TB from on back -- though it’s probably being sarcastic (or angling for a personnal cut of the profits again).
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The new face in the room belongs to a tall lean man, by appearance in his mid twenties. He has short brown hair, strikingly bue eyes, and is dressed in rather plain garb, a blaster pistol and a stun baton holstered at his hip.

He listens to Varth attentively, waiting for him to finish, before moving toward the rest of the group. Glancing toward Sloor, he gives a short informal bow before introducing himself.

"My name's Darius, though "sunshine" does have a certain ring to it..."

He glances in turn to each of the rest. "I'll be joining you all on the mission. It's a pleasure to meet you all."


Mack pulls his thoughts out of the gutter and pays attention to the briefing. When the besalisk comments to him, he replies quietly to Sloor, "Yeah, bad. Frakkin' really bad most likely. Wonder what idiots they have conned into committing suicide to go after that thing."

Shortly afterward it becomes clear what idiots they have in mind, but at least there is another one to help fill in for the hole in their team left by Keyton's departure.

"Yeah, 6000 credits sounds good." Mack quips wryly.

Not bothering to stand and acknowledge Darius's bow, Mack smiles a greeting instead, "Welcome, Sunny D. But forget the formal bowing drek, Sloor here likes to welcome new friends with a big hug."

The soldier looks to Mir and wonders if she has comments on the briefing. He does ask, "Anyone speak Huttese?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 3 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 47 (16 Threshold) Current: 47 CT: 0
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 16 Will: 14

Weapon in Hand: Blaster Rifle (single shot)

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS

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