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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive

Dr Simon

Darius almost feels a sense of anticlimax, but reminds himself that this side matter with bargaining on behalf of Darga is a distraction from the real mission. He passes a small shrug and a quizzical look in the direction of Sloor on the assumption that the besalisk always has a plan of some kind.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor returns it: well it went well, what are you going to do?

"Gawd wawrk, Demaws man," compliments the big alien with a whisper and a shake of the little blue guy's shoulder. "We make a frekking gawd team!" But then, so much for Darga's 'catch him doing something traitorous' operation...

What's next? Figuring out *which* refinery Darga's using on Bespin? Getting those two spirks out of the basement somehow? (Of course - a spike of wry humour at the back of his avian brain as he takes his wide brown eyes off the negotiator's retreating back for just a second, surveying the throne room and the reactions of those within it - there's still plenty of time for the roof to cave in, ain't it?)

OOC: Perception on high for Sloor and TB until the negotiator leaves. 1d20+3=10, 1d20+9=11. Hm, well, never mind then. :.-(

Assuming the roof does *not* cave in during that time:
"Well that cinches it." He turns to face the reclining crime lord, holding what's left of the Tiharr up high in triumphant salute: "Cangratulatians, Nawble Awne! You've wan this awne hands dawn! A hand! A hand fawr the Nawble Lawrd!" and he starts clapping with his own lower set.

OOC: Trying to get an ovation going from the gathered crowd. Shouldn't be too hard, considering they're all working for the guy. ;)
<Response Darga?>

Just then Sloor notices the flashing light on his comm...


Mir loos from Mack to the lady negotiator. She turns back to Mack and with a nod replies in a quiet voice, "Trouble indeed. If she is an Imperial, then she could know a lot. And if she is the one that talks to our friend there, he may know more about us as well."

((Not sure what kind of check one would make to recall the woman and what she might have been doing at Organa's))

Mir watches the rest of the negotiations and watches as Sloor does some magical work in convincing an Agent of the Empire to give in on her demands of Darga. She looks to Mack again and whispers, "I bet someone will have explaining to do to her superiors."

Once Sloor is done basking in his rightfully earned acheivment she motions to the beasalisk over... "Seems our negotatior was at our employer's while we were there..."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
At the first opportunity for a quiet chat (I'm guessing somewhere after the applause and Darga's response?), Sloor goes to join Mir and Mack:
"Seems our negotatior was at our employer's while we were there..."
"Hm?" A mildly confused frown: 'Employer's'? Can't be Darga with that past tense... On the frecsing corvette..? No- She can't mean- Sloor mimes a goatee, eyes wide.

<Assuming a positive:
His first thought, strangely enough, is: I did all that frekking negotiating for *nothing*? But, no, that makes no frekking sense either: why spoof a frekking imperial negotiator? And if the Organa man had somebody *that* deep in imperial territory, what's the point of sending *them* to... "Her *sister*?"

Grasping at stars.

<Response Mir and Mack?>

OOC: And, yes, Sloor's next question is going to be where, when and what the woman was doing when they saw her at Bail's... Possum?
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"As an aide of some sort, if I recall correctly." Mir comments.

"I do not know why she did not call us out for what we are doing. Maybe she is just not sure and is trying to put all the pieces together before she does anything about us. That said, when we are out of this, we need to send a warning."

"Lets get this over with and talk much more privately." Mir suggests.

Unless stopped she returns with the others to Darga's presence. She is sure that Sloor's skill at negotiations has pleased the Hutt. But, she lets Darga's actions and words tell how his reaction.


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack doesn't have to worry about his facial expressions, content to let his voice carry into his companions' ear-bud commlinks as well.

"Definitely feeling uncomfortable here. Twin sisters? But, I don't get why an Imp mole would then be given such a position out here a few weeks later either."

"Hmmm, our buddy is not exactly in open rebellion, so she might have been a routine watchdog for the Imperial Security. Maybe we should get her alone and... question her."

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor's sense of hungry anticipation slowly fades as - the negotiator - and her guards - just - simply - walk - out... and disappear at the end of the corridor. Imagine that!

"Well that cinches it." He turns to face the reclining crime lord, thrusting what's left of the Tiharr up high [etc]

"Definitely feeling uncomfortable here. Twin sisters? But, I don't get why an Imp mole would then be given such a position out here a few weeks later either."
An answering nod of agreement from Sloor. "Aw'keefe'll knaw mawre," he mentions somewhat distractedly, obviously still trying to unravel this most recent mess in his mind. She *has* been working for the spirk for a lot longer than they have... A knot is slowly forming in the pit of his stomach though: Too long, too long to get that info: they need to do something *now*! "TB, could you fawllaw awer guests awt? Make sure they get awn their shuttle alright, that's your awfficial reasan. *And* grab me a pic awf her awn your hawlaw cam while you're at it."

The droid dips down and silently glides out, accelerating when it gets out of immediate sight from those in the room.

Frek! TB thinks it's serious enough to skip the wise-ass comments... And then there's the freshly-bought system tracker it's carrying in its cargo box. It might be worth it to-

"Hmmm, our buddy is not exactly in open rebellion, so she might have been a routine watchdog for the Imperial Security. Maybe we should get her alone and... question her."

A grim nod: "It might have taw-"

"Lets get this over with and talk much more privately." Mir suggests.
"Gawd thawght," agrees Sloor with a quick, quiet look around. Still, he holds her back from rejoining Darga's presence just yet, hand on her upper arm and leaning down closer for privacy: "Was she there at the - cantract negawtiatians, sra? Daw you remember?" How much does she know about us, is the question (he only remembers the caamasi, guards... and frekking servants! Was she one of them?). Still, "We *are* a merc company, after all." If that's all she thinks they are...

Merc company with ties to a suspected Rebellion sympathizer is bad enough. Merc company hired to break out a known traitor and blow up an imperial outpost in the process? Well...

<Response Mir/Mack?>

OOC: *Was* she present at the meeting, Possum?

TB will follow the imperial representatives, not really hiding but not standing out either (look inconspicuous with a Take 10 on Stealth: 18). Its video recorder is on at all times during this time, transmitting to Sloor's datapadad per their standard "recon mission" protocol.

Mack doesn't have to worry about his facial expressions, content to let his voice carry into his companions' ear-bud commlinks as well.
Nice try but we don't have earbud-coms, Perrin. At least Sloor doesn't (never noted any such thing on my character sheet).[/sblock]
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Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier


Mack shrugs, "I don't remember what she was doing exactly. We were there a few days, but..."

"Right, we are mercs. We could approach her for some private discussions on future contracts or ask about potential bounties. The our girl here, does her thing and gets her to spill everything."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Mack Granger
4 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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