Head of the class (stonegod judging)[Concluded]


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When you enter the back room, you see the old man seated at a long table, his cane across his lap, his hat in his hands. He is impatiently fidgeting with his hat. He looks up at your entry and says, "Hulloo, hulloo! Have a seat. We'll wait until everyone is here, as I hate repeating myself."

He motions you to sit down.

OOC: As a note, I probably won't have web access over the weekend, so expect to hear from me again on monday.
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Anvuss walks heavilly into the back room, looking around carefully as he enters. He makes his way over to a chair and sits to await the promised explanation.

Seat Ib'iza walks into the room, hoping not to be recognized by the professor.

Edit: Seat just graduated at Morgrave.
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Italimelk, LG Kalashtar soulknife

A young man of average height and weight, a little more fair-skinned and finer-featured than typical Brelish, and wearing a cloak that seemed to fade into the background, stepped into the room and took a seat.
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Shoot followed Anvuss into the room, pleased that his new friend might want to work for the smart man. He led Fang into the room and took a seat by Anvuss. Fang laid on the floor between them, sniffing the Artificer. Eventually he determined that Anvuss was no more edible than Shoot, and returned to worrying about which of the two-legged wolves in the room was going to try to kill him.

OOC: I guess I'm #5, though we can play it out IC. Raven will back out if it makes sense IC, or...if it makes sense OOC...

IC: Raven walks in purposefully. She cuts a formitable figure, confident, dark, her black eyes seeming to take in everything. "I am Raven Thorn of House Orien. Greetings." She bows slightly at the older gentleman, then takes a seat next to Anvuss.

ooc: I think Icycool wanted five, and I must say it looks like we have a good crew here. Few specialists, but a lot of generalists with pretty good coverage, seems to me. :)

Edit: Yes, he mentioned wanting five.
Initial adventure recruitment post is up. I think I'll be limiting it to no more than 5 people. A couple of the encounters will be very challenging, so I think adding a 5th person would make things a little more smooth.

Patlin said:
ooc: I think Icycool wanted five, and I must say it looks like we have a good crew here. Few specialists, but a lot of generalists with pretty good coverage, seems to me. :)

ooc: Yeah, artificer, archivist, druid, soulknife, rogue is a bit of an odd party (and N, N, NG, LG, NG on alignments), but we should do okay, I think.

"I'm Tali." He says, mostly to those who weren't in the tavern when he introduced himself earlier. "Of the Overlook district, here in Sharn."

... and that is enough of a hint as to what I truly am for now. They seem all right, but I've seen none of them before today.
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The man looks around the table and then nods in satisfaction. He sets his hat down on the table and says, "My name is Malentis Reeger, and I am a professor at Morgrave University. Some of you have no doubt heard of me." He stops for a moment as a server brings him his food and drink.

"A month ago, I came into the possession of a rare manuscript. My assistant and I have put considerable effort into unlocking its secrets since that time, and I believe we are nearing completion." Reeger pauses to take a sip from his toddy before continuing. "Yesterday morning, disaster struck. When I arrived at my lab, the manuscript, most of the research notes, and my assistant had all gone missing. Put quite simply, I would like the manuscript, my notes, and my assistant returned to me, intact and breathing in the latter case."

Reeger picks up a muffin and gestures at the group with it, "Now before I go into further detail I would like to know, have I come to the right place?" At that, he takes a large bite of the muffin and leaves the question hanging.

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