(OOC: Cor blimey! I thought I gave out XP for the guards already. Well, you guys were two level 3 Artificers, one of which was a Spark, so you guys were total EL 5+ (+ for the Spark). The Guards were a level 4 Warrior and three level 2 Warriors, so EL ~5 (and NPCs are usually easy for their EL, so maybe 5-). It was more-or-less an even match.
XP = (from memory) 900 apiece)
(OOC: There's also 600 Ravers XP / 4 = 150 each. But you need to rest. Tell you what, maybe the portal is a disconcerting experience that will allow Anvuss to level. I'm a nice sort. I'm going to hold off on time XP so you can get more. The longer I wait, the more you get. Why? Because your level will be higher when I multiply it by the months. Aren't I generous? )