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Heart of Artifice Temporary 2--Aethelus Alone


Aethelus watches the other one to see if he does the same thing and if so will attempt to mimic the motions but making it obvious that such reverence is foreign to him too.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
*Naugrym nods slightly.*

"It is very strange...you must be from some distant land. Just show Leywytch Jasihtai proper respect and it shall be fine. Do so as you would do in your own land for a very important person."

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Naugrym nods and stays silent. The barge sails past many islands and continues for some hours. Naugrym remains taciturn and does not speak unless Aethelus asks a specific question. As night had begun to fall while Aethelus was cornered by the Clank, and back home, it was late as well, he likely nods off to sleep while on the barge, at least a little. By the time the barge reaches its destination, it is the middle of the night. Still, the small light on the end of the flying barge reveals a tremendously massive airship adorned conspicuously with the other symbol on the tabards, the one that isn't the Syberys Dragonmark.*

"Here we are," Naugrym announces, possibly jarring Aethelus out of his sleep, "I shall take you to see Leywytch Jadishtai at once. Follow."

*As the barge docks inside a hangar on the much larger airship, Naugrym steps off into the hangar and glances backwards to make sure Aethelus is following.*


Aethelus follows Naugrym as he is lead to see the Leywytch. He tries to take in as much of his surroundings as he can. He is quite puzzled where in the twelve he is, Syrania? Thelanis?. He certainly doesn't believe he's still on Khorvaire anymore.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Toto, I don't think we're on Khorvaire any more. He could always ask ;))

*Naugrym leads Aethelus through the giant airship, past halls adorn with paintings, sculptures, and beautiful carpeting, just as if the airship were a flying castle in the sky. Eventually, they reach an ornate double door. Naugrym knocks softly and a sweet woman's voice bids:*

"Naugrym? Do come in."

*Naugrym and the other guards enter with Aethelus, and they take off their helmets and prostrate themselves in front of the Leywytch in a deep bow. With their helmets off, despite the fact that they look just like normal people and have no true visible signs of it, Aethelus somehow gets the feeling that Naugrym and the others are constructs.*

*But his attention is immediately wrenched away from that conundrum by Leywytch Jadishtai herself. She is in perfect physical condition and possessed of extreme beauty, as if a combination of small amounts of elf, fey, and angelic blood, but only enough to make her exotically beautiful, rather than alien. But the incredible effect of her presence lies not in her beauty alone--she has an air about her of...something, Aethelus can't put a finger on it, but she seems as if she is the embodiment of every dream and desire he has every had, and so he is incredibly attracted to her. His first instinct is to worship her as a goddess in the flesh.*


Aethelus looks at Naugrym and the other guards as they prostrate themselves in front of the Leywitch. Then he tries awkwardly to imitate them (purposely doing it awkwardly). He'll wait for permission to stand and only answer direct questions. He has had some experience with the higher echelons of his own organization to know that those who style themselves like gods prefer to be treated that way. He wants to make it visually obvious that he's 'not from around here'.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: It's not that she necessarily styles herself a god, it's just that due to the total effect of her presence and the way she was presented, his first reaction is to worship her like one--subtle difference ;))

"Please, you can rise. All of you. Naugrym, you know that such decorum is not necessary, she speaks quietly and levelly, but with a hint of kindness, "Now, is this the belligerent intruder the scouts mentioned? It hardly seems so to me. Naugrym, you and the others have done an excellent job. Please take the rest of the night off."

*They bow and leave.*

"Now then, what is your name, sir?" she asks him, "You clearly are not from Spiras...you are flesh and blood like me. If you did not hear before, I am the Leywytch Jadishtai, but you just call me Jade."

Voidrunner's Codex

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