(OOC: I guess it did also cost an action point, and it got a single melee attack off and grappled Aethelus, but if its tentacle takes 10 damage from a single attack, it severs, releasing the grappled person and dealing the beast 5 damage--Jade did this with her blade. I am also reasonable certain that it would have been guaranteed to lose a fight against certain basic non-min/maxed caster builds that had the correct 2nd-level spell.)
"Indeed, let us be careful."
*They continue onward for several more days through the Wilds, eventually approaching the area surrounding Wraith Cove. The entire area is made up of strange floating canyons, composed of various strata of rock, hiding twisting narrow passes and caverns within them, many of them large enough for the ship to sit inside.*
"Wraith Cove is deep within the canyon complex. It is well hidden, but its location is known to many who would seek it. Once we get there, we will have to be on the lookout for treachery and doublecrosses as we hunt these bloodthirsty pirates. Are you ready for that, Mr. Lophram Porthos, Bounty Hunter?"