(OOC: Yes. Yes it was. I actually replaced a Swim speed for a Fly speed off the original creature, which might ostensibly make it tougher, but other than that, it was unchanged. AC 17, no ranged attacks, single digit saving throw bonuses, and double digit HP just seems silly to me for a CR 9--granted, it has a lot of attacks if it gets to full attack, and its grapple modifier is sky-high, but still--I knew you would probably beat it when I playtested it, but I hadn't checked the CR until afterwards and was surprised. I thought it might have been 6 or maybe 7)
"They range in size and temperament--that was a relatively big and nasty one. They scavenge raw materials and enriched minerals, which are incorporated into their own patchwork compositions to make them larger and stronger. However, the way they incorporate things around them often leads them to develop vulnerabilities. They aren't evil or malicious, per se, but they are dangerous and in most cases should be destroyed to keep the skies safe for others."