Heart of Artifice Temporary 2--Aethelus Alone

Aethelus nods, "I'll add to our defenses to the best of my ability, in disguise I believe that we'll be able to move about with ease. I'll admit that I was ambushed earlier because I stood out. I'll make sure that never happens again. Wraith Cove then?"

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"Indeed," Jade agrees.

*Aethelus and Jade work on their disguises. Aethelus gets a fedora and a brown vest with many pockets, looking a bit like Indiana Jones in the end. His cover identity will be (OOC: Insert Cover ID name of Aethelus's choice), a smuggler and treasure hunter. Jade does up her hair neatly with two sticks to hold it in place, wearing a simple and revealingly-cut outfit in leather that allows for full freedom of movement, with daggers at her hips such that they can easily drawn, so she looks a bit like a female ninja or martial artist. Her cover identity is Nika Larankos, bounty hunter and comrade of Aethelus's cover identity.*

"With these identities, we'll fit right in at Wraith Cove. Do you think I look different enough that I won't be recognised?"

*Aethelus must admit that with her lavish, opulent ceremonial gown removed and dressed as a bounty hunter, Jade looks almost like a totally different person. Only the face is really still distinctive.*

"You look completely different, though someone who knows you very well might be able to spot it, the average person who knows of you will have no clue. To match your cover identity I shall be Lopram Porthos. Does that sound fitting enough? I'm afraid that my knowledge of your culture is still lacking and as such names that might not be fitting escape me." he replies.

"Maybe soften the early 'p' a bit and go with Lophram Porthos?" Jade muses, "We will take an unmarked skimmer. Prepare your effects. We leave in the morning...Also, I think it would be better if Lophram was the captain of the vessel and the 'leader' type between our two cover identities. They would not expect the Leywytch Jadishtai to be taking orders, and so that will make the disguise even more convincing. That will mean you get to give the ship a new name, as well."

"I'm no sure what is appropriate or not, but how does the Black Hound sound?" replies Aethelus as he practices his new name "Lophram Porthos."

"It sounds like a plan. Very well then, to Wraith Cove!"

*Aethelus and Jade fly outward on the Black Hound, which proves an extremely speedy, manoeuvrable, and efficient ship. Soon, they have exited the safety of the Four Kingdoms and entered the Wilds, headed for Wraith Cove. As they fly onward, Jade chats with Aethelus and asks him more about his homeland. Suddenly, the ship shakes, and there is a loud smashing sound. Rushing out to the deck, Aethelus and Jade see a strange flying creature attacking the ship. Long and slender, it is made of a patchwork of metal, wood, and flesh. It has many tentacles like a squid, but its mouth is a strange triangle made of flaps of skin with a circular ring of razor-sharp teeth within. Six huge eyes stare at them.*

"Not good! It is a patchwork kryshalt. We shall need to defeat it, or at least to scare it off, before it decides to consume our ship for spare parts."

(OOC: Init--
Patchwork Kryshalt

Aethelus quickly enchants his crossbow with a flaming infusion as he prepares to fire at the strange squid-like creature. "Get down! We don't want to be eaten in the process either."

occ: action point to use weapon augmentation, personal to add flaming property to his crossbow.

*Jade nods and moves slightly downward, peeking out every once in a while to see what Aethelus will do. Meanwhile, the kryshalt disentangles itself from crushing the ship and squishes and squeezes its tentacles through the air as if the air were water to push against, twisting and manoeuvring to make an attack on Aethelus or Jade shortly. As Jade peeks her head out to watch, Aethelus fires at the kryshalt with his flaming crossbow and hits. The fire burns it badly, and it reels in anger and pain.*

(OOC: I did two rounds because I figured it was obvious that you would fire at it the next round.

Aethelus hits with a Flaming Bolt for 8 Damage.
Kryshalt burns and writhes in pain
At Aethelus's behest, Jade hides behind the edge of the ship where the creature can't easily target her.

Aethelus's turn again)

"Right now, I think my best bet is to cheer you on to victory. If it comes much closer, I might try something...I have some thelanium-enriched weapons, but you see, I'm actually not a Spark myself."

*Aethelus hits the creature again, and once again, it reels in pain but does not attack.*

(OOC: Critter takes 9 Damage.

Aethelus's turn again)

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