Heart of Artifice Temporary 2--Aethelus Alone


"Now where to go? Our motives here were to find trails of either the kidnapper or the thugs who assaulted me. Neither appears very easy to find. Before we turn to an audience with the Baron, I wonder if there are any other clues we might find. Perhaps just speaking with some of the locals might help."

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Rystil Arden

First Post
"I'd guess that the very best we might possibly get from talking to locals is a trail of sightings from witnesses that lead back here, so it looks like they escaped. Maybe the Leywytch Jadishtai found some other clues," Lana ponders, using the full honourific instead of just Jade lest the guards be scandalised.


"Perhaps. Let's return there for now. I think that we might be well served by visiting the Baron at some point, despite the Leywytch's council not too." replies Aethelus watching his two bodyguards for signs of shock at his little transgression.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"You must ask the Leywytch Jadishtai before attempting to do so, not the least because you won't be able to just get an audience with the Baron without her sponsorship," Arioch points out.


"Yes of course. I'd not have gone against her advice without her leave. Shall we return then?" he says as they start heading back into town and towards the Leywytch's ship.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Very well. Let us return."

*The guards follow him back to the ship. He has to wait for a while before Jade is available. She greets him in her sitting room.*

"Welcome back Aethelus. Did you find anything interesting that could lead us along the path to find our villain?"


"Not a whole lot, no. Unfortunately it was a waste of time. It would appear that my would be assailants wandered the city through some of the most circuitous routes possible, definitely trying to through off anyone tailing them. After crisscrossing and double backing through the streets they headed out of town to a point at the edge of the island where presumably they left via some form of flying craft." replies Aethelus.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"That in itself tells us something--it wasn't an inside job. And not only that, but we know our terrorist escaped in the same way, so it is worth considering the possibility that they could be connected. We're continuing a sweep of nearby islands here--I hope you don't mind a short wait in this area before we return to my home?"


"Not at all. I'm curious if it might be worthwhile for me to visit the Baron while we are here. I know that prior to our arrival you had councilled against it, but given the circumstances I'm wondering what else I might be able to find out from him."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Don't worry, I've already talked to the Baron. I think it's best to let him rest for now. Also, we don't know exactly to what lengths he might go to get his daughter back. I feel for him, but we need to keep a very close eye on him too."

Voidrunner's Codex

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