Hello !
I tried on Reddit, but didnt receive any feedback, so I decide to come to a more specialised forum for help
I'm looking for advice, pointers on how to make this story "whole".
I'm blocking on how to translate the main goal of the campaign into an actual concrete idea/mechanism ...
Here are general info about my campaign, which I dubbed The Green Continent.
New D&D group, with 2 kids of 10 years old, and 2 older veterans dads.
Campaign Story
The large story is : Religious war between the God of Nature/Chaos/Wilderness and God of Sun/Order/Civilisation.
Each Gods have a full continent working for them. The Sun God went to 'sleep', causing a long winter. The Nature God used that time to freeze the sea, and invade the Sun's civilisated continent. Spring came, beasts where fought and chased away, and was it is time to fight back.
The Sun God asked the 7 big Noble Families to send their eldest sons ( suns
) to lead a major offensive/colonization attempt on the Green continent, to put some order back in this chaotic land. So 7 younger lords, have to each pick 4 trusted generals (one of them picked the PC ) to help them acheive a specific goal : To be the 1st to own a legendary title : 'Conquerors of Nature' and with it, legetimize his claim on the crown and be named King of the Sun (the Throne is vacant since centuries).
3 core system
I incorporated in the game 3 different ways to play, since everyones interest were differents.
1- is Legendary Monster Hunts. I bought Heliana's kickstarter and will use their hunts system. Each of these Hunts feature a legendary boss-monsters that is the embodiement of the chaotic and natural forces on the continent.
2- is base/city developpement (birthright). One of the kid love the idea of 'building his own city' and have asked for it. I will use kingdom and warfare, which I own but never was able to play. It is losely a 1v1 kingdom war, and when you clear your enemy, you can keep going vs a new one.
3- is more classic D&D. Since there is 7 Noble Sons, and I gave them each an over-exagerated virtue they embodied (their friend is Sacrifice), to balance things out Nature will have created their Chaotic counterpart, based on the 7 Sins. They will interract and show up in the campaign, as an evil organisation bend on foiling the invasions (BBEG).
Gameplay exemple that binds the 3 systems together
They will arrive on the actual continent in the wrong city next week, and they will run into a large scale invasion from an Orc Horde. They will run for it, and be chased around until they manage to get back to their settlement with the survivors, but they will have to make sure they arent followed ( like destroying the only bridge over the huge dangerous river) to stop the Horde army. Once in town, they get to start their base building, with a limit on time since the Orc Hordes will be on them soon (Birthright - #2). I will let them choose if they want to proceed with a Monster Hunt (#1) and use the reward to boost their strengh for the upcomming invasion, or if they do some Quest for allies(#3).
1st .. thanks for reading it through
And this is what the campaign will be like, cycling through 'chapters'. each chapters will feature one Legendary hunt, 1 Chaotic Champions hunting a Noble Sons and 1 group to defend/invite with their city. Normally, after each chapter, I jump like a month into the futur, where the new big things happen, and give them imput on how the story evolved, what each important person did, etc.
Now ... this is where I need help !
But here is where I'm stuck.
I feel like the my concept is good and fun, and theres enough interesting lore, and it's going well since we started 3 sessions ago but ... How do they "win" ?
Some campaigns are going to walk toward : BBEG try to (objective) and PC stops him. Demons invade, PC stops them. PC destroys the evil ring.
In my game ... How do their Noble friend get named a 'Conqueror of the Wild' ?
.. I was juggling with the idea of an artefact of the sun that you can find on the place of an old war-ending ritual (think atomic bomb). It could be more thematic if related to the legendary hunts. Or is it simply conquer the 7 provinces one at a time Birthright style and that's it. Or linked to the 7 Chaotic champions, each having an item that can be build into .. w/e. I just got no clue about what to do in the 'bigger picture', and having no clear idea on how the story ends makes it hard for me to 'move' the importants NPC / organisations forward. I dont want the whole world to be a 'static' where actors do nothing until the PC steps close to them.
any though on the campaign ?
I tried on Reddit, but didnt receive any feedback, so I decide to come to a more specialised forum for help

I'm looking for advice, pointers on how to make this story "whole".
I'm blocking on how to translate the main goal of the campaign into an actual concrete idea/mechanism ...
Here are general info about my campaign, which I dubbed The Green Continent.
New D&D group, with 2 kids of 10 years old, and 2 older veterans dads.
Campaign Story
The large story is : Religious war between the God of Nature/Chaos/Wilderness and God of Sun/Order/Civilisation.
Each Gods have a full continent working for them. The Sun God went to 'sleep', causing a long winter. The Nature God used that time to freeze the sea, and invade the Sun's civilisated continent. Spring came, beasts where fought and chased away, and was it is time to fight back.
The Sun God asked the 7 big Noble Families to send their eldest sons ( suns

3 core system
I incorporated in the game 3 different ways to play, since everyones interest were differents.
1- is Legendary Monster Hunts. I bought Heliana's kickstarter and will use their hunts system. Each of these Hunts feature a legendary boss-monsters that is the embodiement of the chaotic and natural forces on the continent.
2- is base/city developpement (birthright). One of the kid love the idea of 'building his own city' and have asked for it. I will use kingdom and warfare, which I own but never was able to play. It is losely a 1v1 kingdom war, and when you clear your enemy, you can keep going vs a new one.
3- is more classic D&D. Since there is 7 Noble Sons, and I gave them each an over-exagerated virtue they embodied (their friend is Sacrifice), to balance things out Nature will have created their Chaotic counterpart, based on the 7 Sins. They will interract and show up in the campaign, as an evil organisation bend on foiling the invasions (BBEG).
Gameplay exemple that binds the 3 systems together
They will arrive on the actual continent in the wrong city next week, and they will run into a large scale invasion from an Orc Horde. They will run for it, and be chased around until they manage to get back to their settlement with the survivors, but they will have to make sure they arent followed ( like destroying the only bridge over the huge dangerous river) to stop the Horde army. Once in town, they get to start their base building, with a limit on time since the Orc Hordes will be on them soon (Birthright - #2). I will let them choose if they want to proceed with a Monster Hunt (#1) and use the reward to boost their strengh for the upcomming invasion, or if they do some Quest for allies(#3).
1st .. thanks for reading it through

And this is what the campaign will be like, cycling through 'chapters'. each chapters will feature one Legendary hunt, 1 Chaotic Champions hunting a Noble Sons and 1 group to defend/invite with their city. Normally, after each chapter, I jump like a month into the futur, where the new big things happen, and give them imput on how the story evolved, what each important person did, etc.
Now ... this is where I need help !
But here is where I'm stuck.
I feel like the my concept is good and fun, and theres enough interesting lore, and it's going well since we started 3 sessions ago but ... How do they "win" ?
Some campaigns are going to walk toward : BBEG try to (objective) and PC stops him. Demons invade, PC stops them. PC destroys the evil ring.
In my game ... How do their Noble friend get named a 'Conqueror of the Wild' ?
.. I was juggling with the idea of an artefact of the sun that you can find on the place of an old war-ending ritual (think atomic bomb). It could be more thematic if related to the legendary hunts. Or is it simply conquer the 7 provinces one at a time Birthright style and that's it. Or linked to the 7 Chaotic champions, each having an item that can be build into .. w/e. I just got no clue about what to do in the 'bigger picture', and having no clear idea on how the story ends makes it hard for me to 'move' the importants NPC / organisations forward. I dont want the whole world to be a 'static' where actors do nothing until the PC steps close to them.
any though on the campaign ?