Help finding the right "new" system (for us)



I'm not sure if you can still get it - it's a late 80s game that was Kickstarted into reprint a few years ago - but Prince Valiant very much fits what you want: light and simple, vaguely fantastic mediaeval, no dungeons (except for the sort you'd find in a Robin Hood movie), and the core book has a good collection of scenarios (called "episodes" each of which is 1 to 3+ hours play) and the Kickstarter produced an Episode Book with more of these - they're a bit more mixed in quality because by various designers (the original is Greg Stafford and in my view his best work) but I've got a lot of play out of it.

Our game - 1st session writeup here, most recent sessions here - is around 10 or so sessions in, going well, and I have a good collection still of unused Episodes.

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