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Help!!! I need a crash course in Character Description!

Lord Ravinous

First Post
I need any and all pointers/tips on how to describe a person/character, because as it stands right now, I could be mugged in broad daylight and still not be able to give a description of the person (don't get any ideas now, I can still lay the smack down).

The reason I'm askin' for help is that my friend and gaming buddy has offered to draw up a portrait of the entire Adventuring Party for the group. And were supposed to give him physical descriptions of our characters. Frankly...I suck at this....horribly. So if anyone is feelin' all "Mother Terasea-like" today, please gimmie some tips here.

Thanks (hopefully) in advance.


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First Post
As an artist this would be the sort of information I would want (unless you wanted me to fill in the blank).

The basic gimmies. Race and gender

height: tall, medium, or short?
build: thin, heavy, muscular, et c.
hair style and colour
outstanding physical features (like a scar something else unusual).
clothing: type, material, and colours
gear of note
quick rundown of personality (I think appearance should reflect personality)

references are always good (i.e. he has gear that looks like this picture, or he kind of looks like somesuchcelebrity).

Hand of Evil

As yourself questions, then provide answers to them.

> How tall? Average, tall, short.
> What is his build? Stocky, thin, average, portly.
> How dark? Skin color, his color that of milk, pale as the moon on a clear night.
> What color hair?
> What does he wear? Leathers, woodmans gear, weather worn travel gear.
> How does he carry his sword?
> When he enters a room what happens? Charisma important here! An average joe is not going to be noticed no matter how bad he is.
> Does he carry any 'bing bing'? The handle of his sword is that of an dragon head, the bracers are silver running from wrist to ebow.

Use adjectives!

If all other fail, take from a novel and make changes as needed. :)
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Unattainable Ideal
Think of somebody famous they look like. Alternatively, think of somebody famous they don't look like.

"He looks like Nick Fury, if Fury were sixty-five years old."

If you know who Nick Fury is, that probably works really well as a description.

"Hispanic in features, but not as handsome as Antonio Banderas. More like a Hispanic Steve Buscemi."

Again, it's not very precise (and if you don't know who Steve Buscemi is, kind of useless), but helpful just for giving an idea not only of physical appearance but stuff like stance, gaze, expression, and so on.


First Post
give the artist a few actions to work with too.

is the character attentive and curious or slothful and slouchy?

how is the personal grooming going?

orchid blossom

All the advice given so far sounds good to me. So instead of repeating it all, I thought I'd give an example. This description probably has more personality stuff in it than needed, but too much is better than not enough.

Fiona Lochmar (Aristocrat/Sorcerer)

Fiona is a young woman (18 years old) who until this spring lived a
sheltered life as the daughter of a rich and noble family. She left home
without permission to help the Lochmar side of the family regain and hold
their rightful lands and titles. She is a spirited girl who has been both
terrified and enthralled by the opportunity to experience and help, as
well as the development of her powers of magic. (Sorcerer)

Fiona stands 5'6" tall, and has softly curling, coppery red hair that
falls to the middle of her back. It is generally worn loose, except for
the front, which is pulled back softly from her face so she can see. Her
eyes are a deep blue and expressive. She has a lovely face, kept from
being too sweet by the Lochmar nose, (aquiline) which somehow looks good
on her. Her figure is proportionate to her height, she's well but not
overly endowed and not afraid to emphasize it with a daring neckline now
and then. She always wears a simple gold cross necklace.

Fiona always dresses as a noblewoman. (Courtiers outfit, dresses, never
pants) Any outfit of hers will incorporate the colors of the Lochmar
clan, (blue & green), although they may not be the prominent colors.

She has a strong personality that often pulls people to her. (18 Chr,
that sorcerer thing again.) Men often feel either protective or desirous
of her. Since she left home she has become a more understanding and caring
person, although she still has a streak of selfishness in her when it
comes to things like having the best room, etc.

Hope that's helpful.

Lord Ravinous

First Post
Awsome, thanks guys. I've more or less finished the description up. Went with a blend of Tom Hardy (Shinzo from Star Trek: Nemisis) and Dolph Lundgren, then built on that.

barsoomcore said:
"Hispanic in features, but not as handsome as Antonio Banderas. More like a Hispanic Steve Buscemi."


If I was hispanic, I'd put that in my sig. Hell, I'd put it on a T-shirt.

Lord Ravinous, don't hesitate submitting your description so we may tell you if it evokes a clear mental image of what he should like


Lord Ravinous

First Post
Altamont Ravenard said:

If I was hispanic, I'd put that in my sig. Hell, I'd put it on a T-shirt.

Lord Ravinous, don't hesitate submitting your description so we may tell you if it evokes a clear mental image of what he should like


Gender/Race: Male Human (Mulan)
Height: 6'1
Build: Muscular (along the lines of Dolph Lundgren)
Facial Structure: (similar to Tom Hardy (Shinzo) in Star Trek: Nemisis)
Skintone: Sallow
Hairstyle: Bald
Age: Late-20's
Outstanding Features: A deep scar runs from about two inches above his left eye, down to about mid-cheek (possibly 3/4 to 1 inch from the side of nose). Various tattoos adorn his head and arms, with several tattoos that have been disfigured due to scaring.
Clothing: Perfers the lower end expensive clothes, so as not to appear over the top and flamboyant. Common attire for him consists of a full cape made of silk, with a velvet doublet and matching breeches. His footwear of choice is by far that of sandles.
Jewelry: A fine silver chain runs from a piercing in his right nostrel to his right earlobe, it is long enough that it can hang with some "slack", and can move freely. Also has two round silver earrings in the cartlidge of his left ear, near the top of the ear.
Gear of Note: His longsword is worn across back with the sword's hilt visible between the head and right shoulder.He carries a heavy darkwood shield that bears his family standard in his left hand, or across his back covering his sword sheath, but not the hilt. It is rare that you will see him wearing a helm, unless forced to by unusual circumstances
Personality: An look of arrogance and coldness is present in his face at all times.
Quirks, Habits, and Mannerisms: Folds his arms across his chest when forced to stand in one place for very long, and will prop himself against something if the option is available.

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