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Help! I want to run a d20 Current day sci-fi campaign?

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C. Baize

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Prest0 said:
(muttering) Okay, gotta mention d20 Modern and Dark*Matter. (scroll) No, wait. That's covered. Okay, then I should mention Ronin Arts and RPGObjects. (scroll scroll) Nope, those have been covered too. Then I guess that means... (scroll scroll scroll) yep! That just leaves us! 12 to Midnight publishes modern horror adventures in the theme it sounds you're after.

Ooh! How could I forget 12 to Midnight?
They published the excellent "Weekend Warriors" ...

Once again, it's worth the price even if all you wanted was the maps, of which there are a boatload. They're all of one military base, but excellent nonetheless.


First Post
One day ... probably when great Cthulhu himself rises once more from the sea ... there's supposed to be a CoC d20 dual-stat version of the Delta Green book. Which I would pick up.

But I would DEFINATELY suggest the Dark*Matter book and the Menace Manual. While, as others have said, D*M isn't d20, about 80-85% of the book is pure taste. The only RULES are for monsters (in the Menace Manual) and for magic. If you add the Psychic's Handbook from Green Ronin, that's covered too.

NOW ... here's a tip. You can pick up a PDF of the Dark*Matter book on SVGames for like 5 bucks. That's the entirety of the most valued game book on my shelf for the same price as most other 3rd party PDFs. You can ALSO pick up the Alternity core books (PHB, GMG) for 5 bucks apiece. If you don't mind running stuff from PDFs that's 15 bucks for an entire game system and setting. It's not d20, but I really liked it (and actually regularly run Dark*Matter in both Alternity and d20Modern formats). Websites like www.alternity.net and www.tequilastarrise.net offer alot of great continuing support for the system and there's even a neato-completeo PC generation program called WALTER out there that will make character creation a breeze.

Not that any of that is exactly what you're looking for, but I figured I'd suggest it.

Any way you go, though, you can't go wrong with Dark*Matter however you get your hands on it.


A big "thank you" to everyone that has offered suggestions. As a teacher, I've got summer vacation coming up, so I'll have some time to dig into d20 Modern and Dark Matter. I'm looking forward to it!

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