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Help in Creating my Version of the Wendigo


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I need some help setting up my version of the

Physical Description: In their natural, “true” form, Windigowak are extremely frightening giants that stand twenty to twenty-six feet tall. Their bony terribly thin cadaverous body has sickly greenish-white shriveled (mummy-like) skin that is drawn tightly across their bones and thin muscles. Very mangy nearly transparent white fur two feet in length covers their body. Their hideous head is cat-like in shape with a thick skull. The right side of their head is stripped of flesh and muscle to reveal bare bones. The left side of their head is dried up, and covered with a thin layer of brown leathery skin with patches of bones showing through here and there. They have pointed ears that rise a bit above their head and can move independently to follow sounds. In the center of their forehead is a shinning star. Eerie pinpoints of crimson light glow from within their deeply shadowed eye sockets. Twenty-one whiskers come out of each side of their cat-like snout. Sharp six inches long pointed teeth and three feet long canine fangs line their powerful jaws. The long limbs are very thin and end in large powerful bony feline-like paws instead of hands and feet. Two feet long claws tip their paws.

Windigowak are eternally hungry solitary obligate carnivores. They will eat anything they can catch including humans. Humans are their main prey (they are man-eaters, but will eat animals when humans are not available). Their eternal hunger drives them to eat at least one human or large animal per day. They cannot die from starvation.
A Wendigo comes about when a human has committed cannibalism. Wendigo means "the evil spirit that devours mankind" in Algonquian language.

Limited Metamorphosis: A Wendigo can assume the form it had before becoming a Wendigo. While in human form its eye glow brightly when it’s angry.
Limited Invisibility (special): Completely invisible and undetectable by modern machines while in a snowstorm unless within 12 feet (3.65m) or closer. The same is true if the Wendigo dives into snow and covers itself completely

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I need some help setting up my version of the

Physical Description: In their natural, “true” form, Windigowak are extremely frightening giants that stand twenty to twenty-six feet tall. Their bony terribly thin cadaverous body has sickly greenish-white shriveled (mummy-like) skin that is drawn tightly across their bones and thin muscles. Very mangy nearly transparent white fur two feet in length covers their body. Their hideous head is cat-like in shape with a thick skull. The right side of their head is stripped of flesh and muscle to reveal bare bones. The left side of their head is dried up, and covered with a thin layer of brown leathery skin with patches of bones showing through here and there. They have pointed ears that rise a bit above their head and can move independently to follow sounds. In the center of their forehead is a shinning star. Eerie pinpoints of crimson light glow from within their deeply shadowed eye sockets. Twenty-one whiskers come out of each side of their cat-like snout. Sharp six inches long pointed teeth and three feet long canine fangs line their powerful jaws. The long limbs are very thin and end in large powerful bony feline-like paws instead of hands and feet. Two feet long claws tip their paws.

Windigowak are eternally hungry solitary obligate carnivores. They will eat anything they can catch including humans. Humans are their main prey (they are man-eaters, but will eat animals when humans are not available). Their eternal hunger drives them to eat at least one human or large animal per day. They cannot die from starvation.
A Wendigo comes about when a human has committed cannibalism. Wendigo means "the evil spirit that devours mankind" in Algonquian language.

Limited Metamorphosis: A Wendigo can assume the form it had before becoming a Wendigo. While in human form its eye glow brightly when it’s angry.
Limited Invisibility (special): Completely invisible and undetectable by modern machines while in a snowstorm unless within 12 feet (3.65m) or closer. The same is true if the Wendigo dives into snow and covers itself completely

I did three different D&D 3.5 takes on Windigos in the Homebrews section of Enworld creature catalogue forums - the Windigo Giant, Windigo Beast and Windigo Cursed and there also the Wendigo and Great Wendigo in the actual creature catalog. Those might prove useful to you. The description seems closest to a bigger version of the Windigo Beast.

What iteration of 3rd edition are you wanting to use for this? Your mention of "modern machinery" and a measurement in metres makes me wonder whether it's d20 Modern rather than D&D.

Anyhow, to start with I'd recommend you set out the basics - size, type and CR. At 20-26 feet tall it's a Huge creature, but the type could be any of several options. The CR basically depends on what level of PCs you want fighting it, and how nasty an opponent you want them to find it.


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There are some things you are going to have to decide. One of those things is the creature type (this will affect its base saves, attack progression and other things). This creature could be undead, monstrous humanoid, even magical beast (or even giant but that could be a stretch since it wasnt born a wendigo; also Cleon suggest making a wendigo the fey type). Since it was once a human I would say it is either undead or monstrous humanoid. If you envisage your wendigo as having an animal vitality (if you envisage your wendigo as being alive) then maybe go with monstrous humanoid since undead have no CON score. We will say it is monstrous humanoid.
Now monstrous humanoids HD gives:
2 + INT MOD skills each level (quadruple on first level)

Monstrous Humanoids automatically gain:
Darkvision 60ft
Proficency with all simple
Also feel free to give it proficiency to any weapon you want and feel free to give it proficiency with armor.

From here you add the abilities you want. You mentioned:
The ability to alter form. You could give it Alternate form similar to a dragons ability of the same name (but there are many options)
Limited Invisibility. I dont know if there is a similar ability already in print but just make one, its a fairly straight forward ability.
Cannot dies from starvation; I dont think there is a similar ability by name but many creature types effectively do this (however montrous humanoid is not one of them; undead, elemental, outsider, construct are like this but non of these except undead seem fitting for a wendigo). Just make up an ability.
It will for sure have a Bite attack and 2 claw attacks (can it use weapons as well?). Give it 2 claws and a bite attack. A Huge dragon does bite damage of 2d8 and claw damage of 2d6, you could use those numbers for the damage. It seems that the claws are the primary attack and bite is secondary attack; add your STR bonus to the claw attack and 1/2STR bonus to bite attack.
I would consider giving it some type of ability associated with its claws. Rend may be a good one (if it hits one creature with two claw attacks then it does automatic rend damage maybe of 2d4+1/2STR).
Hunger. I think some undead have a similar hunger. It may look something like this, Hunger: For every 24 hours the wendigo goes without feeding it gains -1 to attack, saves, skill and damage rolls. Or you could make it the penalty a negative level penalty. For every 24 hours a wendigo goes without feeding it gains a negative level; however negative levels will kill it eventually and that sort of goes against the "cant die of starvation" ability. In both instances the penalty would be erased once it feeds. Since an eternal hunger drives them to eat (not sustenance) you may think about removing any penalty associated with this ability.
Maybe give it some type of poison associated with its bite. After all it does eat alot of raw flesh and it probably doesnt brush, so harmful bacteria is bound to form in its mouth.
Maybe give it an above average speed. Maybe like 50ft or 60ft.
Decide ability point modifiers. It probably has increases in all physical abilities and in WIS (its probably really perceptive).
The amount you increase STR, DEX, CON and WIS is dependent on how strong you want the creature but as a base line lets say it is about as strong as a fire giant. Fire giants get +20 racial/size STR MOD. Lets give the Wendigo +20 to STR.
I am thinking that it is unaturally dextrous for its size. The storm giant gets +2 to dex, whereas the fire giant gets -2 (larger creatures usually get a penalty to DEX). Lets say that the wendigo is more dextrous than the giants. lets give it +4 racial/size DEX MOD.
For CON lets again look at a giant. The fire giant gets +12 to CON. Lets say the wendigo isnt as hardy as a fire giant. Lets give it +10 or +8 to CON.
For WIS lets look at a ghoul. The transformation into a ghoul is similar to a wendigos transformation and may do the same thing to the mind. A ghoul gets +4 to WIS. Lets give the wendigo +4 to WIS as well.
Give no MOD to INT or CHA.
monsters use the crappy monster array: 11,11,11,10,10,10 then add the MODS to that to get ability scores of the creature.

After you have all the abilities you want then decide how many HD you want it to be. Treat HD like a level that gives the above mentioned increases (FULL BAB, GOOD REF and WILL, 2 + INT skills).

Instead of giving a wendigo racial HD you could go about making a wendigo function similar to a template (like the vampire template). Meaning that the Wendigo retains its stat and abilities it once had as a human, you just add on abilities of the wendigo. In this case the creature would still advance in the class is was as a human even after the transformation. This would allow the creation of wendigos at varied power levels.


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Ohh yeah it will probably have immunity and/or resistance to cold. Also, consider giving it some type of regeneration ability. Maybe fast healing or regeneration itself. I is going to have a natural armor bonus as well.
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First Post
I originally wrote the Wendigo for another game system. I want the Wendigo to be for 3.5 D&D.

I think a template might work since the Wendigo keep the INT score it had before becoming a Wendigo. I like the Hunger idea you listed Belzbet. I know that the Wendigo is fast for its size. What if it has the cold subtype since fire does more damage to it and the fact the Wendigo is immune to the cold (including magical cold)? What if I give the Wendigo the Improved Natural Attack feat for its claws and the Improved Toughness feat as a bonus feat? Since it has the scent ability should the Wendigo gain any scent based feats as bonus feat? I know that as a Wendigo it gains the Track feats as a bonus feat.

The Wendigo is not an undead. If the Wendigo means "the evil spirit that devours mankind" then should it be type become fey?

What is it has has the following?
Change Shape (Su): A Wendigo can use change shape to assume its former human form. When a Wendigo is in its human form its eyes glow red when it is angry.
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I originally wrote the Wendigo for another game system. I want the Wendigo to be for 3.5 D&D.

What other game system would that be?

If it has some similarities to D&D we could use the original stats as a basis for a conversion.

I think a template might work since the Wendigo keep the INT score it had before becoming a Wendigo. I like the Hunger idea you listed Belzbet. I know that the Wendigo is fast for its size. What if it has the cold subtype since fire does more damage to it and the fact the Wendigo is immune to the cold (including magical cold)? What if I give the Wendigo the Improved Natural Attack feat for its claws and the Improved Toughness feat as a bonus feat? Since it has the scent ability should the Wendigo gain any scent based feats as bonus feat? I know that as a Wendigo it gains the Track feats as a bonus feat.

A Template approach is fine by me. The Cold subtype is pretty standard for a cold-immune fire-vulnerable monster, so there's no problem with giving it that.

Improved Natural Attack isn't necessary for a base creature, since you can set the claw damage to whatever you want. Improved Toughness is a possibility, although it isn't an SRD feat. Alternatively, you could give them the Unholy Toughness SQ:

Unholy Toughness (Ex): A [monster name] gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier x its Hit Dice.

As for scent based feats, give it what you like. Track would seem a good fit.

The Wendigo is not an undead. If the Wendigo means "the evil spirit that devours mankind" then should it be type become fey?

Fey would fit fine.

The main problem with Fey is that they've got weak hit dice (1d6) and BAB (+1/2 per level), so make lousy melee fighters.

However, if you use a template then the Windigo can keep its original HD and BAB. So, if you want a Windigo that's good in a fight just make one that has fighter levels or which used to be a creature type with good BAB, like a Giant.

What is it has has the following?
Change Shape (Su): A Wendigo can use change shape to assume its former human form. When a Wendigo is in its human form its eyes glow red when it is angry.

Yes, that'd work.


First Post
Wendigo (cold, monstrous humanoid)

Would it be to much if the Wendigo is effectively immortal, with only the burning of its heart can kill a Wendigo?

I know that the Wendigo has the following abilities.
Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces the the Wendigo climbs must be icy. The Wendigo can move normally on any icy surface.
Limited Invulnerability: The Wendigo is impervious to poisons/toxins/drugs and diseases.
Snowsight (Ex): The Wendigo can see in the snow as per the Snowsight spell
Snow Walk (Ex): The Wendigo can walk on top of snow as per the Snow Walk spell.
Unholy Toughness (Ex): A Wendigo gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier x its Hit Dice.

Abilities: Increase from base creature as follows: Str +24, Dex +8, Con +10, Wis +4.
Speed: A Wendigo's speed increases to 60 feet, unless its previous speed was better, in which case the base creature's speed is retained.


Would it be to much if the Wendigo is effectively immortal, with only the burning of its heart can kill a Wendigo?

That would seem to fall within the scope of some Wendigo stories, so why not?

I know that the Wendigo has the following abilities.
Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces the the Wendigo climbs must be icy. The Wendigo can move normally on any icy surface.
Limited Invulnerability: The Wendigo is impervious to poisons/toxins/drugs and diseases.
Snowsight (Ex): The Wendigo can see in the snow as per the Snowsight spell
Snow Walk (Ex): The Wendigo can walk on top of snow as per the Snow Walk spell.
Unholy Toughness (Ex): A Wendigo gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier x its Hit Dice.

Abilities: Increase from base creature as follows: Str +24, Dex +8, Con +10, Wis +4.

The Special Abilities seem fine, but the ability bonuses appear rather high - the SRD Vampire template gives Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4 for example.

Giving it more Strength and Constitution than a giant doesn't feel right to me. It is still a Medium-sized creature, isn't it?

I'd suggest a Mohrg might be a better model for the physical stats, they have Str +10, Dex +8.

Maybe average the physical bonuses of a Mohrg and a Vampire and give it a modest Con bonus (since it gets most of its HP from Unholy Toughness and will be immune to a lot of Fort-save effects) and a Ghast's Wis and Cha bonus?

e.g. Str +8, Dex +6, Con +X (2 or 4?), Wis +4, Cha +6

Speed: A Wendigo's speed increases to 60 feet, unless its previous speed was better, in which case the base creature's speed is retained.

There are some stories where Wendigo can fly, are you limiting them to ground movement? It's fine either way.


First Post
In their natural, “true” form, Windigowak are extremely frightening giants that stand twenty to twenty-six feet tall. That means a Wendigo is a huge sized creature.

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