D&D General Vote up a 5e-Alike: Ancestries! (First Draft)


OK, so I'm still working on those maneuvers and revamping the fighter, I swear! To tide you over until then, here's the first draft of the chosen ancestries. I'm looking forward to your ideas and criticisms. Let me know if any of these guys are OP (or UP). FYI: a few of the ideas in here are taken from various posts I've made on these forums over the years.


Each ancestry has one or more traits marked with a three-asterisk symbol (). To represent a character of mixed ancestry, you may choose to swap out one of those traits with a similarly-marked trait from another ancestry. There is also the option of taking an Unusual Ancestry, described further on.

Dwarfs age nearly as fast as humans do, reaching maturity in their early 20s, and have long lifespans; a dwarf can easily reach over 350 years of age.

Size: Dwarfs are short, typically standing between four and four-and-a-half feet tall, but are very solidly built, weighing around 150 to 175 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your speed is 25 feet and is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.

Ability Score Modifiers: Dwarfs are tough (some would say gristly) and their minds work on a geological scale, giving them a unique ability to take the long view and see how the world fits together. Increase one of Constitution or Wisdom by +2. The maximum for that ability score increases to 24.

Darkvision: Dwarfs are built for living deep below ground and their eyes are adjusted to the darkness below; they tend to find sunlight, or even bright torchlights, to be annoyingly harsh. You have darkvision to 60 feet. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dimly lit. This vision is in grayscale, not color.

Labyrinthine Recall: Dwarf cities are often three-dimensional, maze-like warrens, and natural caverns are winding and confusing in their layouts, but dwarfs are able to navigate them with ease. You have advantage on any Wisdom check made to find a path or retrace your steps.

Liver of Steel: ⁂ Used to the stale air and noxious minerals that are common underground, dwarfs have become highly resistant to toxins. You are resistant to poison damage and have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Rockhide: Its rumored that dwarfs are carved from stone, not born the traditional way. While dwarfs are generally unwilling to discuss their reproductive habits with anyone, their body is made of flesh and bone, like anyone else—extremely tough flesh and bone. When you’re not wearing armor, your AC is 13. You can wield a shield and still gain this benefit.

Elves physically mature slightly more slowly than humans do, becoming fully grown by the age of 25. However, most elven cultures state the age of majority to be when the elf reaches their first century. Elves can live to be over 750 years old.

Size: Elves tend to stand between five and five-and-a-half feet tall, although some elf lineages can quite a bit shorter or taller than that. They’re usually quite slender for their height, weighing between 100 and 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your speed is 30 feet.

Ability Score Modifier: Elves are well-known to be graceful in both body and mannerisms. Increase one of Dexterity or Charisma by +2. The maximum for that ability score increases to 24.

Keen Senses: Elves have particularly keen eyes and ears. You are proficient in the Perception skill. Additionally, you have Low-Light Vision. You can see in dim light to a range of 30 feet as if it were bright light. This vision is in grayscale, not color. You can’t see in complete darkness.

Kin to the Wildlands: Elves have a close, even mystical connection to the natural world around them. Choose one of the following terrain types: caverns, desert, forest, grasslands, hills, jungle, mountains, swamp, or tundra. You ignore natural difficult terrain of that type, and when in that terrain, your Speed increases by 5 feet. Additionally, while in this terrain, you have advantage on Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking exhaustion due to extreme natural heat, cold, altitude, or other nonmagical hazards.

If you complete a long rest in a different terrain type, you can choose to spend 1 hour connecting to it, gaining the aforementioned benefits in this new terrain instead. If you like, your skin, hair, and eye colors can shift to match or compliment your new connection.

Magically Adept: In tune with the magic of the world around you, you are innately magical, and your innate magic manifests in a wide variety of ways. You know one cantrip of your choice from any spell list. Your spellcasting attribute is Charisma.

Trance: Elves don’t sleep, but instead enter a meditative, semi-conscious state called a Trance, wherein they may have visions but not true dreams, and are still mostly aware of their surroundings. While Trancing, you gain the full benefit of a long rest in only four hours and you suffer no penalty to your passive Perception. Aside from duration, this otherwise requires you follow the rules of a typical long rest.

Optional Trait: Fluid Biology: Elves are often androgynous, and some even are capable of switching between having male and female characteristics—or even both, or none. If you choose to have this trait, then when you complete a long rest, you may switch your biological sex.

Halflings reach maturity at in their late teens or early twenties and tend to live just past a century.

Size: Halflings are small, rarely standing taller than three-and-a-half feet tall, and typically weigh between 40 and 50 pounds and have a tendency towards plumpness. Your size is Small.

Speed: Your speed is 25 feet.

Ability Score Modifiers: Although their short legs mean they can’t run very quickly, halflings are very agile and quick-witted to boot. Increase one of Dexterity or Intelligence by +2. The maximum for that ability score increases to 24.

Brave: It’s widely believed that the halflings’ gods blessed them with bravery unusual for a creature of their size—although some detractors think they were cursed with foolhardiness instead, as halflings are known to go where angels fear to tread. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, and if you are frightened, you can’t be forced to flee the source of that fear.

Lucky: Perhaps the renowned bravery of the halflings is due to their strange luck, which pops up when things seem the grimmest. When you roll a natural 20 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Footpads: Halflings’ large feet are thickly-soled, giving them a surprising amount of protection. You have resistance to damage taken from both natural and magical sharp terrain hazards. Their feet and their light weight combined also means they make very little noise while walking. You are proficient in the Stealth skill.

Nimble: Halflings are very good at dodging and moving around larger creatures. You can move through the space of any Medium or larger creature, and your Reflexes saving throw increases by +1.

Humans typically reach adulthood in their mid to late teens. With good care and access to magical healing, humans can live to be a century in age.

Size: Human height varies wildly, from just over 4 feet tall to just under 7, and their weight varies just as much. Most humans, however, are in the five- to six-foot range and weigh between 100 to 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your speed is 30 feet.

Ability Score Modifier: Humans show a wider range of talents than many other people do. Increase two attributes of your choice by +2. The maximum for those ability scores increase to 24.

Fast Learners: Humans have the ability to pick up skills at an incredible speed. You gain proficiency in two skills or tools of your choice, and it takes you half as much time to learn a new skill, tool, or weapon proficiency during downtime.

Gumption: Humans have a can-do attitude that few others can match, and they often succeed even when all the odds are against them. Once per rest, you can choose to have advantage on a ability check, attack roll, or saving throw of your choice.

Sheer Willpower: It’s not just that they’re fast learners or their sticktoitiveness that lets humans succeed so well. It’s that humans are stubborn. Your Will save increases by 1.

Orcs age fast, reaching adulthood in their early to mid-teens. They tend to die young, although it’s more than possible for one to live past their 60s or 70s.

Size: Orcs are taller and bulkier than humans and are rarely shorter than six feet tall and weigh about 175 to 250 pounds, and it’s not unknown for one to reach seven feet in height. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your speed is 30 feet.

Ability Score Modifier: Orcs are amazingly strong and sturdy. Increase one of Strength or Constitution by +2. The maximum for that ability score increases to 24.

Carnivore Dentation: Orcs have strong tusks and a stronger jaw. Although most orcs find it uncouth—or at least inefficient—to attack by biting, they are capable of inflicting terrible wounds with their teeth. Your teeth are natural weapons that inflict 1d6 piercing damage.

Mighty Thews: Even slender, weak orcs tend to be heavily muscled. You count as Large when determining your carrying capacity and the amount you can lift, drag, and carry. Additionally, when you score a critical hit, you can roll an additional damage die.

Survivalist: The gods of the orcs ensured that their people can survive anywhere. Survival skills aren’t just something they’re taught; it’s something that’s built into their very makeup. You are proficient in the Survival skill. Additionally, you can spend 30 minutes as part of a long or short rest creating a Tiny or Small tool or weapon out of materials you have available to you. This item will break on a critical failure and is worth no money, but is useful for the short term.

Unyielding: Should an orc choose to stand their ground, few things an push them aside. Your Fortitude saving throw increases by +1 and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid being shoved or knocked prone.

Unusual Ancestry
You may decide that one of your character’s parents—or grandparents, or great-great-great grandparents—was of supernatural stock. Or perhaps you yourself will altered through strange magic or because you spent too long in an eldritch location. In this case, you have an unusual ancestry.
To take an unusual ancestry, you must exchange it for one of your own ancestry’s traits that is marked with the three-asterisk symbol () and you must forgo your ancestry’s ability score modifier. Instead, your Charisma increases by +1, and your maximum for that ability increases to 24.

All beings of unusual ancestry get the Darkvision trait, and additional traits that depend on their specific ancestry.
  • Darkvision: You can see up to 60 feet in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dimly lit. You see in grayscale, not in color.

Celestial Ancestry
You may be the descendant of a god or angel, or your deity may have granted you abilities in exchange for service. As someone with celestial blood, you likely have a slight pearlescent, opalescent, or metallic sheen to your skin, hair, and eyes. You gain the following traits:

Celestial Resistance: You are resistant to one of the following damage types: fire, lightning, or radiant damage.

Healing Touch: Once per rest, you may touch a willing creature and heal it, restoring a number of hit points equal your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Constructs, fiends, and undead cannot be healed in this manner.

Unlike the other unusual ancestries, you almost certainly are not related to an undead creature (although having a vampiric parent is certainly not outside the realm of possibility). Instead, you were touched by death in another way—you may have died and been brought back to life as a child, or were born in a graveyard, or your mother was nearly slain by an undead creature while pregnant with you. You likely have pallid, papery skin and dull eyes, or perhaps animals dislike you. You gain the following traits:

Death Sight: Once per long rest, you can touch a corpse that died within the last week and see the last thing it saw before it died.

Inured to Death: You are resistant to necrotic damage and are immune to effects that would lower your hit point maximum.


Many dragons are shapeshifters and they tend to find humanoids... interesting, to say the least. As someone related to dragons, you likely have some scales on your skin, claw-like fingernails, ridges down your back, or other draconic traits—even a short tail and or pair tiny, vestigial wings, or a lack of navel if you hatched from an egg. You gain the following traits:

Claws: You have short but sharp claws; these are natural weapons that inflict 1d6 slashing damage.

Draconic Resistance: You are resistant to one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison (if you choose to be resistant to poison damage, you also gain advantage on Fortitude saving throws to avoid being poisoned).


They fey are prone to engaging in dalliances with mortals and sending any resultant child back into the mortal world. As someone with faerie ancestry, you likely display unusual ears, oddly-colored eyes that have darker colored, but not black, pupils, or a faint glow about you, as well as tendencies towards mercurial behavior or developing an unpleasant, but not harmful, rash if you are in prolonged contact with iron. You gain the following traits:

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Fey Step: Once per rest, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

Fiendish Ancestry
Fiends enjoy producing half-mortal young and sending them out into the world as minions, but also children born to parents in fiendish cults tend to develop fiendish traits. As someone with demonic or devilish ancestry, you likely have strangely-colored eyes with slit or horizontal pupils, small horns, and fangs, and you may even have a tail or cloven hooves instead of feet. You gain the following traits:

Fiendish Resistance: You are resistant to one of the following damage types: acid, fire, or necrotic damage.

Foul Magics: Your fiendish nature manifests in harmful ways, and you know one damage-dealing cantrip of your choice from any spell list. Your spellcasting attribute is Charisma.

Genie Forebear
One of the rarest of unusual ancestries, those with elemental kin tend to have gotten that way due to magic gone awry (or gone right, as it were). As someone descended from elementals, you likely have a strong resemblance to that particular element. If you are descended from air elementals, your eyes might flash with lightning and your cloud-white hair might always move as if blowing in a breeze. If you are descended from earth elementals, your skin might be gray and lined with golden veins, and you might have gemstone-colored eyes, and you might leave a trail of dust behind you. If you are descended from fire elementals, your skin is likely hot to the touch, your eyes will likely be a glowing yellow or blue, and you might smell of smoke. If you are descended from water elementals, your skin might be blue-gray and feel moist, and your hair might be a mixture of foam-white and kelp-green. You gain the following traits:

Elemental Manipulation: When you choose to have the Genie Forebear trait, choose your element: air, earth, fire, or water. You have the ability to manipulate, but not create or destroy, your associated element. You can use your action to do one of the following:
  • Mold the element into a simple shape, or cause colors, shapes, and/or patterns to appear in the element.
  • Move your element up to five feet in any direction.
  • Use your element to create a harmless sensory effect.
  • If the element is air, you can use your action to cause it to push someone up to 5 feet away; that creature must make a Fortitude saving throw. [[DC TBD]]
  • If the element is earth, and you target the ground, you can cause the ground to be difficult terrain.
  • If the element is fire, you can double or halve the area of bright and dim light cast by it.
  • If the element is water, you can cause the water to freeze, provided there are no creatures in it.

These effects (other than using air to push someone away) last for 1 hour, and you can have up to three of these effects going at a time.

Least Wish: Although nowhere near as powerful as genies are, you have access to some of their miraculous magic. You innately know the minor illusion and prestidigitation cantrips. Your spellcasting attribute is Charisma.

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Not bad for the most part; except for the Unusual Ancestry bit, if it's snipped assume I largely agree. :)
Dwarfs are short, typically standing between four and four-and-a-half feet tall, but are very solidly built, weighing around 150 to 175 pounds. Your size is Medium.
To reflect their "Rockhide" ability and to differentiate them further from other species, I'd have the weight range be more like 180-220 lb, if not even higher.

I'd also give them disadvantage on swimming checks.
Labyrinthine Recall: Dwarf cities are often three-dimensional, maze-like warrens, and natural caverns are winding and confusing in their layouts, but dwarfs are able to navigate them with ease. You have advantage on any Wisdom check made to find a path or retrace your steps.
Add the words "when underground" to the bolded, to save a lot of headaches when players try to exploit this for outdoors use.
Elves tend to stand between five and five-and-a-half feet tall, although some elf lineages can quite a bit shorter or taller than that. They’re usually quite slender for their height, weighing between 100 and 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Both the height (a bit) and weight (a lot) need to be reduced here. 4'9" to 5'3" and 75-100 lb would be my suggestion.

I've seen many Humans who are in your ranges and most of them look like typical Humans, not Elves. :)
Kin to the Wildlands: Elves have a close, even mystical connection to the natural world around them. Choose one of the following terrain types: caverns, desert, forest, grasslands, hills, jungle, mountains, swamp, or tundra. You ignore natural difficult terrain of that type, and when in that terrain, your Speed increases by 5 feet. Additionally, while in this terrain, you have advantage on Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking exhaustion due to extreme natural heat, cold, altitude, or other nonmagical hazards.
Caverns should not be on this list. Elves don't do underground like Dwarves and Gnomes etc. do.
If you complete a long rest in a different terrain type, you can choose to spend 1 hour connecting to it, gaining the aforementioned benefits in this new terrain instead. If you like, your skin, hair, and eye colors can shift to match or compliment your new connection.
Overpowered. KttW should be tied to (and locked in to) the terrain type where the Elf has spent most of its life prior to adventuring, i.e. where it grew up.
Magically Adept: In tune with the magic of the world around you, you are innately magical, and your innate magic manifests in a wide variety of ways. You know one cantrip of your choice from any spell list. Your spellcasting attribute is Charisma.
Not sure if this should even be here; if it's kept the cantrip should be random, not chosen.
Optional Trait: Fluid Biology: Elves are often androgynous, and some even are capable of switching between having male and female characteristics—or even both, or none. If you choose to have this trait, then when you complete a long rest, you may switch your biological sex.
This should be for Orcs, not Elves. Also, the change should not be controllable - it happens a randomly-determined number of days after the last change (I'd say d100 + 50) UNLESS the creature is or becomes pregnant, in which case it must remain female at least until birth.
Perhaps the renowned bravery of the halflings is due to their strange luck, which pops up when things seem the grimmest. When you roll a natural 20 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Though it's kinda become part of the Hobbit schtick, I really dislike meta-mechanics like this.
Humans have a can-do attitude that few others can match, and they often succeed even when all the odds are against them. Once per rest, you can choose to have advantage on a ability check, attack roll, or saving throw of your choice.
No. Both too meta and a bit overpowered. Lose this one.
Ability Score Modifier:
Orcs are amazingly strong and sturdy. Increase one of Strength or Constitution by +2. The maximum for that ability score increases to 24.

Mighty Thews: Even slender, weak orcs tend to be heavily muscled. You count as Large when determining your carrying capacity and the amount you can lift, drag, and carry. Additionally, when you score a critical hit, you can roll an additional damage die.
If Mighty Thews is to be a thing then the Strength score has to increase to match; and by far more than +2. Either that, or you're baking in a situation where the fiction isn't reflected properly in the rules: "heavily muscled" implies lots of strength, which doesn't fit for a Str-6 Orc that instead increased its Con.

The added crit die is fine; that can easily be explained by a lifetime of getting into fights. :)
Unusual Ancestry
This entire piece should be fully optional; and for those that choose it, completely random in what you're tainted with and what it gives you (and what it gives shouldn't all be benefits or additional abilities - there should be potential drawbacks too!). Otherwise, if nothing else every Human played by a wise player will take it just for the darkvision.

Magically Adept: In tune with the magic of the world around you, you are innately magical, and your innate magic manifests in a wide variety of ways. You know one cantrip of your choice from any spell list. Your spellcasting attribute is Charisma.
my only concerns with this is total choice from any and all cantrips, personally i might specifiy they can pick a non-offensive cantrip, also in the interest of versatility i'd let them pick any mental stat at character creation (if that even matters on utility cantrips).
Your speed is 25 feet.
even if they're small i think it would give them a good thematic niche to give them 35ft movespeed, focusing on their movement based capabilites, i've remarked in threads before that i think small creatures get the short end of the stick being imposed with a number of restrictions for not alot of benefits
Carnivore Dentation: Orcs have strong tusks and a stronger jaw. Although most orcs find it uncouth—or at least inefficient—to attack by biting, they are capable of inflicting terrible wounds with their teeth. Your teeth are natural weapons that inflict 1d6 piercing damage.
while thematically cool, i don't know how significant having natural weapons actually is, maybe something like a 20ft line bullrush to knock enemies prone or ability to push enemies when you make a melee attack would be more useful
Unusual Ancestry

You may decide that one of your character’s parents—or grandparents, or great-great-great grandparents—was of supernatural stock. Or perhaps you yourself will altered through strange magic or because you spent too long in an eldritch location. In this case, you have an unusual ancestry.
To take an unusual ancestry, you must exchange it for one of your own ancestry’s traits that is marked with the three-asterisk symbol () and you must forgo your ancestry’s ability score modifier. Instead, your Charisma increases by +1, and your maximum for that ability increases to 24.
personally on all standard ASI i'd let them raise the cap to 24 on both choices of stats even though they only get the +2 on one of them, but with unusual ancestry one of those stat caps is changed to be CHA with the +2 moved there
All beings of unusual ancestry get the Darkvision trait, and additional traits that depend on their specific ancestry.
  • Darkvision: You can see up to 60 feet in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dimly lit. You see in grayscale, not in color.
this is very desirable, i'd alter it to 30ft low light vision like the elf but put in a clause that says if you already have low light it upgrades to 30ft darkvision
Healing Touch: Once per rest, you may touch a willing creature and heal it, restoring a number of hit points equal your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Constructs, fiends, and undead cannot be healed in this manner.
i might change this to [target's hit die/average]+CHA PB/LR
You have short but sharp claws; these are natural weapons that inflict 1d6 slashing damage.
like i said with orc, i don't know how useful natural weapons really are, but in this case what i'd do is add the elemental damage property matching their resistance and say the damage is bumped up to a 1d8/2d4 if both hands are free
Foul Magics: Your fiendish nature manifests in harmful ways, and you know one damage-dealing cantrip of your choice from any spell list. Your spellcasting attribute is Charisma.
similar to dragon descendant, i might add the stipulation here that the cantrip's damage type must match their resistance type
Move your element up to five feet in any direction.
if the element is air i might offer the ability to instead create a strong breeze or something similar
  • If the element is air, you can use your action to cause it to push someone up to 5 feet away; that creature must make a Fortitude saving throw. [[DC TBD]]
not sure if this is required to target someone adjacent you? i might give 30ft range and let them be pushed in any direction
  • If the element is earth, and you target the ground, you can cause the ground to be difficult terrain.
creates difficult terrain in 5ft radius (3x3square) and caveat that you're immune to the created terrain
  • If the element is fire, you can double or halve the area of bright and dim light cast by it.
ability to make natural fires flare and do 2d4 fire damage to anyone in a 5ft range of the targeted fire
  • If the element is water, you can cause the water to freeze, provided there are no creatures in it.
let it freeze a thick layer of ice of large bodies of water (enough for a creature to stand on) in an area of squares(16 squares would allow for a 10ft radius), but it can be freeze creatures in the water/who are standing in water with a fortitude saving throw against being restrained
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Wheres the goblin?

can we nix the Darkvision for all Unusual Ancestry? Too many things have Darkvision for no good reason. Replace it with Keen Senses if there must be something there. Maybe put Fluid biology in Unusual Background too (though I do often wonder if these kinds of things need to be codified in a game mechanic)

otherwise I tend to agree with what Lanefan has put above, especially about restricting the Wildlands ability to One Terrain only and Dwarfs being much more dense and sinking like a rock :)

Wheres the goblin?
I liked the post, but not for this. No playable monsters, thanks! :)
can we nix the Darkvision for all Unusual Ancestry? Too many things have Darkvision for no good reason. Replace it with Keen Senses if there must be something there.
Or make it more specific: one UA has exceptional hearing, one has tremorsense, one has a short-range echolocation ability, and so on. (though which ability would go with which taint is a very open question)
Maybe put Fluid biology in Unusual Background too (though I do often wonder if these kinds of things need to be codified in a game mechanic)
That a species can flip its gender, whether intentionally or randomly, should probably be mentioned; in that it's an element some players would gravitate toward while others would avoid.

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