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Help in Creating my Version of the Wendigo


In their natural, “true” form, Windigowak are extremely frightening giants that stand twenty to twenty-six feet tall. That means a Wendigo is a huge sized creature.

Is that "20 to 26 feet" height for Wendigos that used to be Medium humanoids then. Does the template apply to other sized creatures - say, Tiny sprites or Huge giants - and if so, do they form larger/smaller Wendigos?

I think you'd be better off saying the Wendigo template increases the base creature's size category by 2, then add some racial ability bonuses on top of the size modifiers to abilities it gets for being bigger.

e.g. if you take an SRD Vampire's racial bonuses to physical stats - Str +6, Dex +4 - and add the size bonuses to physical stats for going from Medium to Huge - Str +16, Dex -4, Con +8 - you get a total of Str +24, Dex +0, Con +8, plus whatever ability modifiers the base creature had.

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First Post
I was seeing anyone turned into a Wendigo becoming 20-26 feet tall unless they are taller then they stay the same size they where before becoming a Wendigo


I was seeing anyone turned into a Wendigo becoming 20-26 feet tall unless they are taller then they stay the same size they where before becoming a Wendigo

OK, so you want a Size/Type entry something like "The creature's size increases to Huge unless the base creature is larger than Huge, in which case it retains the size of the base creature."

In that case, I'd recommend separating the size adjustments and the racial adjustments to ability scores (and other stats which size adjustments apply to, like damage and natural armour). If you use flat ability adjustments, a Diminutive creature that becomes a Huge Wendigo (normal adjustment for size increase Str +26, Dex -10, Con +10, NA +5, AC/attack -6) would scale oddly compared to a Large creature becoming Huge (normal adjustment for size increase Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4, NA +3, AC/attack -2).

Also, I suggest you consider giving them some bonus Hit Dice in whatever monster type you decide on. If your base creature is a 1st level commoner (HD 1d4+Con modifier), they won't be much threat even as a Huge monster if they still have the stats of a 1 HD monster.


Should the Wendigo be able to advance in HD?

That's up to you!

Normally, a template like this would use the advancement of the base creature.

Before you continue much farther, I suggest you post a "Working Draft" of your Wendigo on this thread. Then you can edit the post as the Wendigo stats are decided upon and keep everything we come up with in the same place.

Over on Enworld's Creature Catalog forum we've just started a Bird Maiden Working Draft a template. You can copy-and-paste that as a framework for a Wendigo Working Draft to save you typing out all the fields.


First Post
Here is what I have so far on the template. I am not sure where I put the rend ability and the Hunger weakness (Hunger: For every 24 hours the Wendigo goes without feeding it gains -1 to attack, saves, skill and damage rolls. I left out the regeneration since I am not sure how to set it up right.

Creating a Wendigo

“Wendigo” is an acquired template that can be added to any human or monstrous humanoid who has committed cannibalism. A Wendigo uses the base creature's stats and abilities except as noted here.

Type: The creature's type changes to monstrous humanoid (cold). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +10
Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected.
Speed: A Wendigo's speed increases to 60 feet, unless its previous speed was better, in which case the base creature's speed is retained.
Attack: A Wendigo gains a two claw attacks and a bite attack if the base creature didn't have one.
Same as base creature?
Special Attacks: A Wendigo retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Save DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 Wendigo's HD + wendigo's Cha modifier unless otherwise noted.
Disease (Ex): A Wendigo's bite is diseased.
Rend (Ex): If a Wendigo hits with two or more claw attacks against the same opponent, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d8 points of damage. A Wendigo adds 1 1/2 times its Strength modifier to this base rend damage.
Special Qualities: A Wendigo retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.
Change Shape (Su): A Wendigo can use shape change to change into its human for form an unlimited amount. When ever the Wendigo is angry while it is in human the Wendigo's eye glow red.
Enhanced Senses (Ex): The Wendigo has 120' darkvision and it gains the scent special ability.
Hunger: For every 24 hours the wendigo goes without feeding it gains -1 to attack, saves, skill and damage rolls.
Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces the the Wendigo climbs must be icy. The Wendigo can move normally on any icy surface.
Immunities: Windigowak are immune to poisons, toxins, drugs, and diseases.
Snowsight (Ex): The Wendigo can see in the snow as per the Snowsight spell
Snow Walk (Ex): The Wendigo can walk on top of snow as per the Snow Walk spell.
Unholy Toughness (Ex): A Wendigo gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier x its Hit Dice.
Ability Scores: Str +22, Con +10. Dex +6, Wis +4.
Skills: Windigowak gain a +8 racial bonus on Listen, Stealth, Spot checks.
Feats: Windigowak gain Improved Scent, Multiattack, and Track as bonus feats.
Environment: Any cold
Organization: Same as base creature?
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +X?
Treasure: Same as base creature?
Alignment: Changes to Chaotic Evil
Advancement: Same as base creature?
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +X?
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Here is what I have so far on the template. I am not sure where I put the rend ability and the Hunger weakness (Hunger: For every 24 hours the Wendigo goes without feeding it gains -1 to attack, saves, skill and damage rolls. I left out the regeneratrion since I am not sure how to set it up right.

Rend should go under Special Attacks and Hunger under Special Qualities.

Speaking of which, the Special Attacks section should probably start "A wendigo retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below" and the special qualities likewise ("A wendigo retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below").


First Post
I have updated the template.

How would I set up the Wendigo's regeneration if only the burning of Wendigo's heart can kill a Wendigo? What if the the creature turned into a Wendigo gains 5d8 if its HD is less then 5? How would I go about setting up its disease attack? Should its claws since they are two feet long increase its reach with its claws? Would there be any way I could have the Wendigo able to skate across ice and ski across snow with grace and at triple the Wendigo’s normal running speed? How much damage would the Wendigo do with its claws and bite attack?
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How would I set up the Wendigo's regeneration if only the burning of Wendigo's heart can kill a Wendigo?

That seems easy enough, something like:

Regeneration (Ex): A wendigo heals X hit points per round. The only way to kill a wendigo is to cut out its heart and burn it to ashes. Destroying the heart takes Y points of fire damage. The wendigo does not regenerate on a round its heart takes fire damage.​

What if the the creature turned into a Wendigo gains 5d8 if its HD is less then 5?

5 Hit Dice seems a bit low for a Huge monster, 6 or 9 might be better.

It's simpler if the creature keeps its original HD and adds levels of monstrous humanoid on top of that, using an approach similar to an SRD Lycanthrope. e.g.:

Hit Dice and Hit Points: A wendigo adds the Hit Dice and hit points of an X level Monstrous Humanoid to the HD and hp of the base creature.

Base Attack/Grapple: Add the base attack bonus of an X level Monstrous Humanoid (+X) to the base attack bonus of the base creature. Recalculate the grapple modifier based on the wendigo's new base attack bonus, size and strength.

Base Save Bonuses: A wendigo adds the base save bonuses of an X level Monstrous Humanoid (Fort +Y, Reflex +Z, Will +Z) to the base save bonuses of the base creature.

Skills: A wendigo gains skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier) times X from the levels of Monstrous Humanoid it gains. Its Monstrous Humanoid levels have class skills of ????.​

How would I go about setting up its disease attack?

If it's a mundane disease like filth fever, it'd be something like:

Disease (Ex): Filth Fever—Bite, Fortitude save (10 + 1/2 Wendigo's HD + wendigo's Con modifier), incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.

If you want a supernatural wendigo-creating disease, I'd suggest something like.

Disease (Su): Wendigo Hunger—Bite, Fortitude save (10 + 1/2 Wendigo's HD + wendigo's Cha modifier), incubation period 1 day, damage 1d6 Wisdom* and 1d3 Con.

*When damaged, the victim must succeed on another saving throw or 1 point of Wisdom damage is permanent drain instead.

If the victim has their Wisdom reduced to 0 by Wendigo Hunger they transform into a wendigo.​

Should its claws since they are two feet long increase its reach with its claws?

No, I wouldn't think they'd increase its reach. Swords can be longer than two feet and they don't have Reach.

Would there be any way I could have the Wendigo able to skate across ice and ski across snow with grace and at triple the Wendigo’s normal running speed?

Sure. I suggest you modify the "Windskating" ability we came up with for the Scathe.

Windskating (Ex): By balancing on its long foot-claws, a wendigo can skate across smooth, level ice or snow at a speed of 60 ft. [?] If the icy surface slopes downwards it can move 10 ft. faster (70 ft.) on slight grades (less than 30 degrees), 20 ft. faster (80 ft.) on moderate grades (30 to 45 degrees) and 30 ft. faster (90 ft.) on severe grades (45 to 60 degrees). It cannot skate safely on grades of 60 degrees or steeper. The wendigo travels at its normal 30 ft. [?] land speed when moving up icy slopes.

Furthermore, a wendigo can travel faster in the direction of the wind. It can move at a speed 10 ft. faster in a light wind, 20 ft. faster in a moderate wind, 30 ft. faster in a strong wind and 50 ft. faster in a severe or stronger wind.

The speed increases for slope and wind are cumulative, so a wendigo can windskate down a slight grade at 90 ft. with a moderate wind (its base 60 ft. skating speed plus 10 ft. for the slope and 20 ft. for the wind).​

How much damage would the Wendigo do with its claws and bite attack?

However much you like! A typical Huge creature has 1d8 damage claws and a 2d6 damage bite, but wendigos have massive claws so I'm thinking you'll want to increase their damage.

Hmm, a Polar Bear is Large and has 1d8 claws. Increasing that to Huge is 2d6 claws - would that do?

Might as well tweak the bite damage up a tad too to, say, 2d8.

Since you can have larger than Huge wendigos, a little damage table would seem in order:


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