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help me design a prison (my players, stay out!)


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I thought that the NPC gnomish scientist in my Spelljammer campaign might be taking up too much time, so I contrived to remove him from the story, at least for a length of time. However, it would seem the PCs are quite taken with him and want to get him back.

Right now, the three PCs (4th level Bard, Fighter, Psion[nomad]) at a mercenary fort on Verdura. This means that 'real' civilization is about a week's travel by ship. They've employed a mercenary ranger to find Tombunckle (the gnome); he has a written description and knows where he was last seen and the direction where he said he was going. My current plan is to have a lizardfolk emissary come to the fort and demand some outrageous concession in exchange for the lives of their prisoners: Tombunckle and the mercenaries' siege engineer (lvl 3 expert) and a pair of regular mercenaries (who persuaded Tombunckle to leave with them when their path crossed the party's). Around nightfall, the ranger returns to tell the PCs that Tombunckle has been taken prisoner (thanks, Sherlock) and that he knows where he is being held. The mercenary commander, fearing an ambush, won't send his troops to recover them, but the PCs are independent and can go if they would like to (anything that kills a few lizardfolk and gets these obnoxious, egotistical spaceheads out of his camp at the same time is a great thing in the commander's mind). The ranger will come with them for money, while some or all of a rival adventuring party could be persuaded to help in exchange for information that the PCs managed to get to before them. The NPC party includes a cleric (travel and destruction domains), a rogue/warrior, and a psionic warrior. Verdura is more or less entirely a hot, rainy planet, and the terrain for the lizardfolks' home turf will all be jungle and swamp.

Knowing these things, help me design a prison that will put the PCs' abilities to good use. I'd like there to be a situation which rewards the PCs for sharing their information (should they choose to do so) so they don't feel like they just get hosed - for instance, the cleric's silence could help them sneak the clumsy prisoners out undetected if there is some way they are hidden from view, while his fly spell (travel domain) could make an unusually-located prison accessible. Probably this should not be an encounter that can be won through brute strength, though it may be possible for them to smash their way in, grab the prisoners, and make a clean getaway before reinforcements arrive if they hurry.

I was thinking about something along the lines of a cage or a net suspended above a gorge, or sitting on a large flat rock in the middle of an otherwise-raging river. What other situations might be good? What kinds of guards should there be? Where should I put them, and how should they patrol?

Thanks much in advance for your time, all you rat bastards!

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How about an island set in the middle of a great lake . However, not only is the prison on an island, it's also beneath the island. The lizardfolk swim down into the island through a series of underwater caves to access the prison. This will certainly prevent any quick escapes. The downside is that if your cleric is only 4th level he/she won't have access to Water Breathing (although they will at 5th).

The island itself could be very rugged and savage - even volcanic. Even if the PCs manage to escape the prison how will they get to the mainland? You could even introduce a whole "Land That Time Forgot" element with prehistric plants and creatures on this savage rock.

Just some quick thoughts.

p.s. this should be posted in General RPG and not Rules. I'm surprised dcollins hasn't scolded you yet :D


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I figured that it would go in the same place as character design, since I am asking for specific details of a game element backed by rules. Nice idea, by the way. I don't think I can use a huuuuge island (heck, how would the lizardfolk have gotten them into the prison so quickly?), but an underground/underwater area sounds like a good plan.


First Post
For the 'smash and grab' element I'd suggest just placing inconvenient terrain in their way. Have all guard stations be connected to the prison via small hallways where the prisoners trying to escape would be forced into small cooridors and suffer penalties as per 3.5 but the guards don't suffer this same fate.

Guards probably wouldn't patrol too much with maybe only a few near cells. The others would be at posts where they would probably be lazy and thus could be suprised, but their posts would probably also be seperated off by doors.

Other than that I say put it in the bag of holding.


First Post
Make a big tropical island that is covered in an anti-magic field. The Lizardfolk dump their prisoners on this island and let "the problem solve itself." Thus, the prisoners, after years and years of being stuck on this island have all gone "lord of the flies" and are in little clans and bands each led by the strongest prisoner. The island is full of wild animals, giant vermin, maybe some prehistoric critters? The prisoners can try to build rafts and sail away but the waters around the island are infested with all sorts of dangerous creatures that are drawn to it by the rather regular escape attempt - ie free meals.

Your PCs will have to infiltrate this island and locate their captured friend. To do so they'll have to brave the hot, disease-ridden jungles, avoid or befreind certain "prisoner" gangs (who are armed with wooden spears, stone axes, clubs, crude bows) and bring the gnome to an extraction point. This could make a for a lengthy adventure and could combine some good role-playing and hack-n-slash as well.


Rashak Mani

First Post
You could rob an idea from the Ice and Fire books... prisons in very high places next to a cliff... and no wall on the cliff side ! If the prisoner sleeps and rolls off the cliff... so sorry ! :)

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