D&D 5E Help me run a 90 min D&D 1-shot for 8 Girl Guides!


That came in handy as options I could suggest to the girls to help overcome their analysis paralysis.

I'm not mindful of doing this, I should do it more often.

...She paid a lot of attention in game to what was going on and was the most proactive, so I didn’t mind.

Maybe a potential table person in case daughter wants to rpg again?

Thank you for taking the time to mention how it went!

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I'm not mindful of doing this, I should do it more often.

Maybe a potential table person in case daughter wants to rpg again?

Thank you for taking the time to mention how it went!
The options definitely helped. As did a Guide leader who was helping the girls by offering suggestions of what they could do and checking their character sheets for potential options.

I’ve also got 2 younger kids, so if my eldest daughter was interested in playing again I’d just run something at home for my 3 kids.

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