Session is run and done and it wasn’t a train wreck, so I’m calling it a success. I even dealt with the added unexpected hurdle of one of the girls rocking up with a 2nd level winged Centaur Druid.
I wish I was kidding, but I am not. The rest of the girls had 1st level pre-gens I made.
She had a printed mini of her PC, so clearly invested in it. I just wish I had a bit of a heads up, so I could prepare accordingly, but I rolled with it easily enough. Only Str 12, so I said she wasn’t strong enough to fly around with any of the other PCs.
After looking at various adventures I owned and some online, I decided they were all too complex for a 90 minute session. So instead I used Chat GPT to get an outline of a simple wilderness adventure that I then built off of.
It required a bit of tweaking to get what I wanted, but much faster than writing it all from scratch myself. Plus it was quite good at providing multiple ways to solve the encounters.
That came in handy as options I could suggest to the girls to help overcome their analysis paralysis.
The adventure was very simple. They lived in a village near a forest. The village had a crystal that kept them warm and protected, which was stolen by a fey. If they didn’t get the crystal back before sunset their town would freeze over and an eternal winter would begin.
So most of the adventure was tracking down the fey and overcoming various obstacles and problems (via skill challenges) along the way. There was potential for combat, but they avoided it.
They tried to steal the crystal back off the fey when they caught up with it, with half the party performing an act to distract the fey, but the rogue flubbed their sleight of hand roll, so they ended up persuading the fey that the village needed the crystal to survive instead.
Overall it wasn’t the greatest session I’ve ever run, and some of the girls looked a bit lost and unsure what to do, even with heavy prompting, but we completed it within about 85 minutes with no major issues, so I’m calling it a win!