Black Avatar
Black Avatar of Thardizun: Level 36 Solo Soldier
Giant in night black adamantium fluted spiked armor wearing eyeless helm.
Size Huge
HP: 1998: Bloodied: 999
AC 52; Fortitude 49, Reflex 49, Will 49
Speed 8
Resistances: 30 Fire, 30 Acid
Immune: Immune Cold, Necromantic, Disease, Poison
Vulnerability: 10 Radiance, -2 saves vs. Sleep
Saving Throws: +5
Action Points: 2
Aura of Cold (Cold): Aura 3, 20 Cold Damage
Great Sword (Standard: At Will)
Reach 2: +43 vs. AC; 4d6 + 10 damage plus 10 ongoing cold damage and target is slowed and weakened (save ends). On critical, bonus +4d6 damage, and target is encased in ice, replacing above ongoing effect with 20 ongoing cold damage and target immobilized and stunned (save ends all three).
Ebon Ray (Standard: At Will):
Range 10|20: +41 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 damage plus 10 ongoing cold damage and target is slowed and weakened (save ends all three). On critical, bonus +3d8 damage, and target is encased in ice, replacing above ongoing effect with 20 ongoing cold damage and target immobilized and stunned (save ends all three).
Blast of Utter Cold (Standard, Recharge 6):
Close Burst 10: +38 vs. Fort, 6d6 damage plus 20 ongoing cold damage and push target 2 squares. On miss, 3d6 damage plus 10 ongoing cold damage.
Wall of Darkness: (Minor: At Will)
Range 6|12: +38 vs. Reflex: 10 cold damage. Creates a barrier to line of sight in 3 continuous squares. Passing through the barrier causes 10 cold damage. Wall persists for 3 rounds or until it takes 20 radiant damage.
Three Forms of Evil (Minor, Recharge 6):
Thardizun heals 333 hit points, and immediately splits into his Red, Green, and Blue avatar forms (see accompanying stats). Thardizun may remain in these forms for 3 rounds or until one is reduced to 0 hit points, at which point he reassembles in his black avatar form as an immediate action in the space of one the remaining avatars.
Howling Purple Chaos: (Immediate interrupt, when bloodied) Thardizun moves 10 squares and makes an attack on each square he passes through or which is adjacent to his path. +41 vs. AC; 4d6 damage plus 10 ongoing psychic damage and target dazed (save ends) If Thardizun is in his Black Avatar form, he immediately recharges his Three Forms of Evil power. If Thardizun is in the three forms of evil, he immediately reforms as the Black Avatar.
Black Cyst: (Immediate interrupt, when reduced to zero hit points): Thardizun implodes into a black sucking hole, which quickly forms a whirling vortex around it. This is an immediate attack.
Close Burst 6: +41 vs. Reflex: 6d6 damage plus 20 ongoing cold damage and pull target 2 squares (save ends).
The vortex remains for 6 rounds while Thardizun weaves a protective cocoon of darkness around his damaged soul. At the end of 6 rounds, any creature foolish enough to remain in the thickening weave is drawn into the cyst and is lost forever.
Permenently destroying Thardizun: While Thardizun is in the cyst form, 100 radiant damage applied in a single round will delay his progress toward completing the cocoon by one round. If this is continued for three consecutive rounds, the cocoon unravels and Thardizun continues to implode inward until he vanishes into nothing.
Black Avatar of Thardizun: Level 36 Solo Soldier
Giant in night black adamantium fluted spiked armor wearing eyeless helm.
Size Huge
HP: 1998: Bloodied: 999
AC 52; Fortitude 49, Reflex 49, Will 49
Speed 8
Resistances: 30 Fire, 30 Acid
Immune: Immune Cold, Necromantic, Disease, Poison
Vulnerability: 10 Radiance, -2 saves vs. Sleep
Saving Throws: +5
Action Points: 2
Aura of Cold (Cold): Aura 3, 20 Cold Damage
Great Sword (Standard: At Will)
Reach 2: +43 vs. AC; 4d6 + 10 damage plus 10 ongoing cold damage and target is slowed and weakened (save ends). On critical, bonus +4d6 damage, and target is encased in ice, replacing above ongoing effect with 20 ongoing cold damage and target immobilized and stunned (save ends all three).
Ebon Ray (Standard: At Will):
Range 10|20: +41 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 damage plus 10 ongoing cold damage and target is slowed and weakened (save ends all three). On critical, bonus +3d8 damage, and target is encased in ice, replacing above ongoing effect with 20 ongoing cold damage and target immobilized and stunned (save ends all three).
Blast of Utter Cold (Standard, Recharge 6):
Close Burst 10: +38 vs. Fort, 6d6 damage plus 20 ongoing cold damage and push target 2 squares. On miss, 3d6 damage plus 10 ongoing cold damage.
Wall of Darkness: (Minor: At Will)
Range 6|12: +38 vs. Reflex: 10 cold damage. Creates a barrier to line of sight in 3 continuous squares. Passing through the barrier causes 10 cold damage. Wall persists for 3 rounds or until it takes 20 radiant damage.
Three Forms of Evil (Minor, Recharge 6):
Thardizun heals 333 hit points, and immediately splits into his Red, Green, and Blue avatar forms (see accompanying stats). Thardizun may remain in these forms for 3 rounds or until one is reduced to 0 hit points, at which point he reassembles in his black avatar form as an immediate action in the space of one the remaining avatars.
Howling Purple Chaos: (Immediate interrupt, when bloodied) Thardizun moves 10 squares and makes an attack on each square he passes through or which is adjacent to his path. +41 vs. AC; 4d6 damage plus 10 ongoing psychic damage and target dazed (save ends) If Thardizun is in his Black Avatar form, he immediately recharges his Three Forms of Evil power. If Thardizun is in the three forms of evil, he immediately reforms as the Black Avatar.
Black Cyst: (Immediate interrupt, when reduced to zero hit points): Thardizun implodes into a black sucking hole, which quickly forms a whirling vortex around it. This is an immediate attack.
Close Burst 6: +41 vs. Reflex: 6d6 damage plus 20 ongoing cold damage and pull target 2 squares (save ends).
The vortex remains for 6 rounds while Thardizun weaves a protective cocoon of darkness around his damaged soul. At the end of 6 rounds, any creature foolish enough to remain in the thickening weave is drawn into the cyst and is lost forever.
Permenently destroying Thardizun: While Thardizun is in the cyst form, 100 radiant damage applied in a single round will delay his progress toward completing the cocoon by one round. If this is continued for three consecutive rounds, the cocoon unravels and Thardizun continues to implode inward until he vanishes into nothing.
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