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Help With House Rules....


First Post
I'm running an online game using a player pool of 30 players. After a bit the PvP started to get out of hand as well as some treasure mongering and the like so I posted these rules.... See if you can add anything I have forgotten, thanks.

By playing in Ice Horn Seas you are voluntarily agreeing to all the rules listed below.

No Player vs Player (PvP)

Players have proven to me that this cannot be handled in a civil manner. As such it has been disallowed.

This will mean specifically no stealing from, casting spells at or hurting other PC's. no hurting anything on their person or sabotaging another PC in any way. Only grappling for a pin is acceptable under certain circumstances and it requires DM permission.

No Evil Characters

I have met a few good players who can pull this off but the majority of players who play evil characters are up to no good and cause trouble within the game. Additionally having a paladin travel with an evil character is impossible so its easiest with this format to simply avoid the issue.

GM Fiat on Treasure

In the past I have seen arrangements made between one player and another about how treasure will be doled out. This is fine to a point. Bear in mind that the GM reserves the right to give any character any treasure he wants. this rule will supersede any in game dealings and players who argue the point will be warned, suspended or ejected from the game.

The main mission is fun.

This is a topic I thought I would never have to post but it has come to light. Despite your alignment or class, opinions or feelings, every player from this point forward will treat other characters fairly within the game. In addition players will treat one another fairly as well. This means no insulting another character in game or out. It means no harassing, manipulating or otherwise trying to make another character do something they don't want to do.

Everyone comes to Ice Horn Seas to have fun and game. Frankly if I wanted to be insulted, dejected or harassed I would simply go out in the real world. We are all expected to be friends and therefore should work hard at having a good time. Infractions of this policy will be judged by the GM based on the input of other players. Players are encouraged to approach me with any concerns they have if they are not having fun because of the actions another player.

Munchkins Need Not Apply

From time to time I hurriedly admit a character to get a player going only to find that the character is min maxed or is an all out munchkin warrior. The GM reserves the right to suspend or remove any character/player from the game at anytime. I have also removed the Gestalt option from the game. Gestalt is something many players just cannot handle making properly or don't know how to play. the main reason for wanting a Gestalt in a game that is not 'all gestalt characters' is to munchkin.

Changing Your Character

In the past I have allowed players to make as many characters as they like. I am rectifying this and limiting the change to three characters. understand that changing characters hurts you in regards to accumulating XP. I also keep characters on file and do not want to track many unused or abandoned characters. If you find that you are unhappy with three characters in a short period of time the game is probably not for you. The exception to this rule is character death. If a character dies you may make one character to replace it.

You may also announce to me that you are abandoning/retiring a character in order to make another one. there will not be more than one character change in 2 months.

Party Leader

Each game the GM reserves the right to appoint a party leader. The GM can also strip a party leader of title and resources or redistribute resources to other players as needed for overall good of the game. This power of the GM will be kept to a bare minimum.

The role of the party leader is to lead the characters, help choose which story threads to follow on (in game decision making) and to encourage other players to get involved with the story and overall RP of the game.

The party leader will not be allowed to exercise control over other characters or use extra resources to threaten or manipulate other characters/players. This kind of use of party leadership will result in a player warning, suspension and elimination from Ice Horn Seas.

Being the party leader is a big responsibility to uphold the overall fun of the game, the cohesiveness of the party and the direction of the story.

Game Times

Game Times have typically been Fridays at 2PM EST-??. The GM may add, move or cancel games at anytime. If you don't know about a game its not my fault. I try to post game times on the calendar or these forum boards but the best bet of catching a game is to hang out on the server. This said there will be no harassing the GM for a game.

Starting Level and Money

Starting Level is in constant adjustment based on the rough average level of all the players. Typically starting level will be 1 level below the rough average level (determined by the GM) and starting gold will be from the table in the DMG for characters above 1st matching the starting level.

The Ice Horn Seas Character Sheet

I use a very simple text node sheet for the game. I need character information quickly and waiting for explorer or Firefox to load a profiler is not convenient for me. This said the sheet below is required before you can play. If you don't currently have this sheet submitted you will need to submit it to me. The sheet can also be quickly sent back and forth for leveling up and updates.

The Sheet

Player Name:
Character Name:

Strength 16 (+3)

Initiative Bonus (dex mod):
Touch AC (no armor):
Flat Footed AC (no dex mod):
Current HP:
Base Attack Bonus (BAB):
Grapple Attack Bonus (str+BAB):
Melee Attack Bonus: (str+BAB):
Ranged Attack Bonus (dex+BAB):


**WEAPONS (Attack Bonus)/Damage Dice**
Longsword (+3)/1d8

Studded Leather (+3)





Improved Initiative

**SKILLS(Rank) (Total Modifier)**
Listen (3)(8)

**EQUIPMENT (Weight in lbs)**
Dagger (2)


**XP LOG**

Date XP gotten Treasure gotten
(short synopsis)

4/17/7 XP 500 200gp
killed some orcs and took their gold

Character Updates

Before each game you must send an updated character sheet in the form of the node above to me. All statistics must be updated including level, XP, loot, location of goods, BAB, AC, hp, etc. I use this sheet to run your guy in combat if you go AFK. If a sheet is not sent prior to play you WILL NOT play. If a node is sent in some other style (not the simple text node above) you WILL NOT PLAY.

Leveling Up

Characters who level up can send me a newly updated node ASAP or PM me the node on the forums (another great use of the node is it can be emailed or PM'ed. All information is to be accurate.

XP Logs

You all are require to keep a rough XP log of games you have been in using the format given on the character sheet. Not doing so will prevent you from leveling up.

This is the format used:
Date XP Treasure

**XP LOG**

Date XP gotten Treasure gotten
(short synopsis)

4/17/7 XP 500 200gp
killed some orcs and took their gold

The synopsis need only be about one line or two at most. this is not a novel but a record of how and when your character got advanced. otherwise two years from now you will have a level 15 character and have no idea what they have dome or where they have be.

Determining Hit Points

Levels 1-3 are max hit points. After this you may take the average or roll in front of the GM. Yo must announce taking average before you roll. If you roll below average and then want average thats simply too bad.

Stabilization Rolls

These are succesful on 1-10 of 100.

Whispers to the DM

Sometimes we have over 10 players. i cant take conversational whispers during a game so keep game whispers to me to things pertaining to the game, thx.

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