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Help with my paladin

Mock Mood Hi Ya

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I have a 7th level paladin, oath of vengeance. When outside of combat I have him doing things like helping fix farmers fences, helping repair facilities, healing those who can not get help by local medical people and stuff like that. I wànt to know what else I can do that would be good paladin stuff. Please share with ideas and/or tell me of your past stories with paladins and cool things they did.

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Ask people what their problems are. Suggest reasonable solutions to romantic difficulties, personality conflicts, career paths, and train troubled youth in martial arts to improve their self-confidence, discipline, and provide an outlet for their aggression. It also helps when the inevitable evil overlord comes to try and take over the town.


Having an Oath of Vengeance implies that you are trying to right some sort of great wrong and that you will not stop at anything until you achieve your goal (The Dark Knight/Batman persona). Have you figured out what that is and what you're doing to combat it?

Though it's no longer part of the Paladin Oath system, Paladins used to be tied to some sort of religious affiliation or church. Did you happen to go this route? Working for a Church etc. is a great way to give your DM some quest fodder.

What race did you choose? Is said race impoverished, at war, sold to slavery, nearly extinct? Any Big racial goals in your DM's world? Maybe your Vengeance path can tie in to how your people have been wronged and deserve equality (Professor X) or even Superiority (Magneto).

Being an example to others is more the Devotion Paladin's shtick, IMO, though what [MENTION=85158]Dandu[/MENTION] has written is pretty rad (and the theme of a lot of good/bad 80's action films).

Mock Mood Hi Ya

First Post
Ask people what their problems are. Suggest reasonable solutions to romantic difficulties, personality conflicts, career paths, and train troubled youth in martial arts to improve their self-confidence, discipline, and provide an outlet for their aggression. It also helps when the inevitable evil overlord comes to try and take over the town.

Thanks guys. Here's some of his backstory. He is human. No race wars or sold to slavery going on. His name is meridious of house Decimus, husband to a murdered wife and he will have his vengeance in this life or the next (yes that's how I introduce him when he meets someone new in character).

Meridious was a gladiator who captured the heart of a beautiful Mage woman belonging to a pretty high up influential family in good ties with the royals. Her name was Amelia. She pursuaded the higher ups to make him into a knight and he became a noble knight (his background).

A renowned paladin who had many statues erected in his name, by the name of wade brightholm, was also in high standing with the higher ups and Amelia's family. However unbeknown to all, wade was being corrupted by a mysterious entity that promised to make him into a necromanscer so he could raise an army of undead to help defend the kingdom (which was constantly under attack from giants etc and getting harder to defend).

In order for this to happen wade needed a powerful book of necromancy long lost to time, but the last to hold it was Amelia's ancestors. Wade met with Amelia and her parents in private meeting late at night. Things went south. It was about the book. Wade went ballistic. He wound up killing her parents. Amelia made it out alive barely.

Wade fled. Amelia and meridious gave chase. They tracked him down in a old high tower in middle of nowhere. Battle happened. Amelia was slaughtered and killed before meridious eyes. He fought wade but was also killed.

However, an entity (goddess) named mab (fey representing Atropos goddess of fate and death) brought him back to life. Mab said she would allow him a second chance at life if he agreed to pay a debt to her when needed. He agreed and swore an oath of vengeance in the name of Atropos.

During his hunt for him since, he's angered some mighty villains who happen to be made at the group he wound up in. So it kind of ties in as some of these villains are employed in secret by wade (who normal folk believe died heroically in battle).

I last played with this group six month ago and we were level five then. I had to quit beside of job but now I have a better one that allows me to play again. So meridious has been missing for two levels lol. Not sure how much in game time had elapsed.

His wife was a volunteer at medical places and did magic shows for children. She was a real sweetheart. I'm thinking he could do some of same in memory of her, kinda keep her spirit alive you know?

He does not belong to a church. Does not really have a paladin brotherhood either. He's a begrudging ally of the fey, mainly the winter court. Might dip him into two levels of warlock (arch fey I guess).

He identifies all evil as an extension of the ultimate evil that is wade brightholm. If it's evil it's wade and must be killed by any means neccasary.

However he was noble knight and still has those virtues inside. I don't want his out of combat stuff to be limited to him being holed up in his room swearing death upon wade lol, nor do I want him wandering around town asking every tom, dick, and Harry if they know of wade and his where abouts. Most think wade is dead anyway.

I'm thinking of having him desecrate wades memorial statues every time he sees them.

I also have an idea of having him pitch his tent outside the skirt of cities and use it as base of operations where folks can come and report wrong doing that the law if the city refuses (for whatever reason) to rectify. Meridious will then handle it himself under cloak of darkness.... Or something.

What say you all???


First Post
I'm thinking of having him desecrate wades memorial statues every time he sees them.
But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?
-Mark Twain

Mock Mood Hi Ya

First Post
But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?
-Mark Twain

Those who don't know the one they pray to and revere is actually evil underneath it all. Only meridious, his group, and a scant few others know of wades true nature. Attempts to bring it to light have failed horribly in role plays lol. They even got chased out of town for burning down wades brightholm manor (tourist attraction)


First Post
They seem to be going about it in the wrong way. Going around causing trouble is not a productive use of time. To begin to undermine and expose the man, you must discredit him and sow seeds of doubt in people's minds.

Discretion, after all, is the better part of valor.

Mock Mood Hi Ya

First Post
They seem to be going about it in the wrong way. Going around causing trouble is not a productive use of time. To begin to undermine and expose the man, you must discredit him and sow seeds of doubt in people's minds.

Discretion, after all, is the better part of valor.

Burning the manor has been the only trouble they've caused in regards to wade brightholm. We've tried to secure favor among religious folk and council members who have dismissed things as paranoia and misconceptions.

The burning of the manor was actually not intended. We scouted the place and saw some suspicious activity going on, so we snuck in, nosed around for a bit, then stumbled upon a trap door that led into a basement type place. In one of the rooms was a woman looking exactly like Amelia chained to bed. Turns out it was a demon or the like and almost killed us. In the ensuing fight and escape the manor caught fire.

Of course we were seen fleeing and not the demon, and the security forces later could not find a demon thing or anything out of ordinary among the rubble.

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