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Help with my Star Wars Game (my players stay out!)


Before I get into the situation, some of my players frequent this board, and if you are reading, go away NOW!

I'm running a Star Wars campaign set on the planet Taris in the KOTOR era. The Sith armada has set up a blockade, and the Taris government gave up rulership of the planet to them. The party rescued an Jedi and are trying to get off planet by illegally attaining a space travel permit. They went to a Hutt who said she can get them access to a permit if they delivered a package to one of two rival gangs. The package was a bomb of course, supposeedly a gift of goodwill from the other gang. They party told a contact in the gang that was receiving the bomb the scoop so he could look like a hero, and nobody would start a new gang war. I may be getting some of my details mixed up, but the basic gist is, they tried to both accomplish and foil Nola's (the Hutt) plan.

Well, Nola had someone following them the whole way, and of course she found out. The assassin/spy tried to take them out, but failed and escaped the scene.

So here's what I need. I wasn't anticipating the party to care about stopping Nola's plot, because they seem to be a noncaring bunch, and let's face it, nobody messes with the Hutts. What would a Hutt who was doublecrossed do, and how would she do it? I want to handle this situation right. Ideas?

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First Post
The Hutt might contact the Sith if she knew the Sith were looking for this group since they have a Jedi. It depends on how much the Hutt really knows about them. Otherwise, hiring bounty hunters is always a safe way to go.


Prismatic Programmer
This assassin who was following the party was acting on orders, right? Presumably he was told to follow the PCs, report on their activities, and kill them if they tried a double cross.

He failed in one part of that, but there's no reason to assume the orders will change. When he goes back and reports to his boss, she'll send him back out to complete the job, this time with a squad of flunkies to help.

However, I don't think she would attempt to attack the rival gang. She isn't strong enough to take them on, which is why she tried the bomb trick in the first place. So if the PCs join up with another gang, even as temporary contractors, the first Hutt may be forced to back off.


Thanks for the responses. As far as her knowledge of the party, Nola knows the smuggler and his droid cohort rather well. The others (jedi, mandalorian merc, and twi'lek force adept), she knows little about.

As far as the balance of power goes, Nola's gang is more powerful than the other two, and the total of those three gangs control 95% of the Taris underworld. By the other two gangs warring, Nola benefits by selling to both sides. Peace is least profitable, so when things have quieted down, she has worked behind the scenes to heat things up. By foiling her plan, Nola is not a happy camper.

My current plan was to throw the assassin twins at the party. And the party doesn't know of the twin. I have some low level bounty hunters in line too. Are there any other ways that I can hassle my party though? Or should bounty hunters suffice?


The Hutt alerts the Sith that she's been approached by some people looking to get off planet. She gives them the code of the permit and tells the Sith who to look out for.

The Sith try to stop the PCs.

The Hutt calls them up when the poodo hits the fan and tells them, "Never double-cross a Hutt."

Cue big fight scene.


First Post
Oooh.. these are right up my alley. Firstly, no self-respecting Hutt sends one person to do a job. Even if it is following people or delivering gifts. Somebody is bound to double cross you, and Hutts know this from birth. Meaning that there is another group performing the exact same mission and is actually as trustworthy as the money they are paid. The rub is that this other group actually has a need for the gang war to start as well, which means that they will stop at nothing to accomplish what the Hutt wants. Their exact reasons are left up to you and your campaign, and you can even tie in the other twin as the backup for the other group...


shadowbloodmoon said:
Meaning that there is another group performing the exact same mission and is actually as trustworthy as the money they are paid.

I don't know, man. That invalidates the choices that the players took:

"Yeah, I know you didn't want to start the gang war, but guess what! What you did or didn't do didn't matter."


First Post
That's where GM timing comes in. The two groups are on different time schedules. Somehow, perhaps through their personal assassin, they hear of the other group and their plans. Or perhaps, the other group doesn't actually have the bomb and must retrieve it from the PCs.

Again, these are just ideas for the GM to randomly nitpick from as necessary.


First Post
I vote the Hutt double crosses the PCs. It is cheaper and easier to just harass the PCs enough to keep them busy with mooks and crappy BHs until they are about to escape... and then contact the Sith. If the sith don't finish the job, then you have a nice recurring villain to occasionally harass them with.

Use the first assassin on the planet, let him/her be beaten. Save the other one for a couple months from now.


shadowbloodmoon said:
That's where GM timing comes in. The two groups are on different time schedules. Somehow, perhaps through their personal assassin, they hear of the other group and their plans. Or perhaps, the other group doesn't actually have the bomb and must retrieve it from the PCs.

Ah, yeah, that's cool.

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