Hello folks! It's time for this month's issue of the Gate Pass Gazette! Enjoy!
Excellent timing, reader, we’re just about to bring ashore a series of articles for player and Narrator alike in this latest installment of the Gate Pass Gazette, the official publication for all things Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition! For those getting ready to stride into adventure and mystery, we have three different savant archetypes, all seeking to uncover secrets in their own way. Haven’t gotten as far as choosing a class, yet? Make sure to peruse a new set of character options where the elementaari, descendants of elemental genies, join the tieflings and aasimar in the planetouched heritage. For those on the other side of the screen, you can challenge your party with the horrifyingly implacable might of the sea or introduce them to one of the small (usually) harmless creatures that add richness and complexity to their journey.
When you’ve had your fill of this issue, be sure to make your way to the market for the next issue, filled to the brim with interesting archetypes, combat maneuvers, new equipment, and more! Keep an eye out for cutpurses, though, and don’t lose your way through the streets before you can…
Level Up!
Excellent timing, reader, we’re just about to bring ashore a series of articles for player and Narrator alike in this latest installment of the Gate Pass Gazette, the official publication for all things Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition! For those getting ready to stride into adventure and mystery, we have three different savant archetypes, all seeking to uncover secrets in their own way. Haven’t gotten as far as choosing a class, yet? Make sure to peruse a new set of character options where the elementaari, descendants of elemental genies, join the tieflings and aasimar in the planetouched heritage. For those on the other side of the screen, you can challenge your party with the horrifyingly implacable might of the sea or introduce them to one of the small (usually) harmless creatures that add richness and complexity to their journey.
When you’ve had your fill of this issue, be sure to make your way to the market for the next issue, filled to the brim with interesting archetypes, combat maneuvers, new equipment, and more! Keep an eye out for cutpurses, though, and don’t lose your way through the streets before you can…
Level Up!

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