Gate Pass Gazette Here's Gate Pass Gazette #9!

Hi folks! We have a great issue for you this month, with new marshal archetypes, an entire new combat tradition, new heritages, and more! The Gate Pass Gazette is the official monthly magazine for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. Each month, this digital supplement comes crammed with new rules and resources for your game. Heritages of the Coral Climates The...

Hi folks! We have a great issue for you this month, with new marshal archetypes, an entire new combat tradition, new heritages, and more!

The Gate Pass Gazette is the official monthly magazine for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. Each month, this digital supplement comes crammed with new rules and resources for your game.


Heritages of the Coral Climates
The seas and shores of tropical climes teem with life, so it’s only appropriate for two new heritages to emerge from them. This article presents the tentacular pode and the sharklike galeoni. By PJ Coffey.

Heirs of Command: Marshal Archetypes
Marshals come in many shapes and sizes, from fearless commanders to shadowy criminal masterminds. This article introduces three new marshal archetypes, each at home in their own battlefields. Additionally, we introduce a new stronghold type in the form of a ship, and the new sailor follower. By Russ "Morrus" Morrissey.

Heaven’s Roof
Set among the Skyreach Mountains, Heaven’s Roof is a city built among the clouds. From distant peaks across the valleys the settlement appears to sit atop a floating tableau of rock with the single, thin bridge of the Elseanian Span tethering it to the rest of the world. This article presents NPCs, potion variants, exploration challenges and more for use in campaigns that brave the mountain heights. By Marc Kenobi

Mythical Martial Maneuvers: The Arcane Knight
Not unlike rare spells, some combat traditions are zealously guarded by those who have developed them, and the Arcane Knight tradition is no exception. In addition to the combat tradition itself, this article introduces the Order of the Argent Eye, an organization of arcane knights who are willing to train those who have the interest and aptitude, as well as the order’s tome of the spellblade, a magic item which grants a character access to their signature techniques. By Rachel Williamson.

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Awesome, thank you :D also know that "This combat tradition does not count against your limit of known combat traditions" made me INCREDIBLY happy, was surprised to see it but I think that works really well for the weird unique traditions like this.

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I will probably grab this issue when it uploads on DriveThru because it sounds like the Arcane Knight maneuver tradition might assuage my table's ongoing withdrawals from 4e's Swordmage.

@Steampunkette, not to put you on the spot, but is there any hype teaser you could throw our way? Perhaps a tiny, wee sample of what some of these maneuvers can do? :giggle:


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
I will probably grab this issue when it uploads on DriveThru because it sounds like the Arcane Knight maneuver tradition might assuage my table's ongoing withdrawals from 4e's Swordmage.

@Steampunkette, not to put you on the spot, but is there any hype teaser you could throw our way? Perhaps a tiny, wee sample of what some of these maneuvers can do? :giggle:
So... I took a lot of inspiration from 4e's Swordmage and 5e's Weapon Cantrips. Here's one from each tier without getting into nitty gritty.

Tier 1:
Grasp of the Storm: 15ft melee attack dealing lightning damage. Drags enemies nearer.

Tier 2:
Blazing Pursuit: Reaction to chase an enemy who moved out of your reach, up to 20ft and hit them for fire damage. (Disengage? HAH!)

Tier 3:
Groundshatter: Stab the ground (or whatever you're standing on) to make a 50ft line of difficult terrain. If the terrain is less than 1ft thick, you make a 50ft long hole instead.

Tier 4:
Dimensional Strike: Swing at empty air. Teleport up to your movement mid-swing to smack an adjacent enemy. SURPRISE.

Tier 5:
Stormrider: Teleport up to your speed and thunderstrike enemies around the place you land.



A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Yay, thank you @Steampunkette! This looks perfect. Sold!

Any thoughts how you would allow a Hexblade access to these? House-rule "handwavium"?
Well... it's actually part of a series. Keep an eye out for the Eldritch Blackguard coming in a future issue!

That said, anyone who can use maneuvers can learn it... either by finding someone to teach them, or reading the guide.


I think he's more concerned with a non-martial class gaining access to it. Don't worry about it though. We're having a conversation on the side about it. :)

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