Heroes of High Favor: Elves


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I finally had some time to go over my print copy of the supp and I have to say how impressed I am with the booklet. I usually don't care about crunch but writer Benjamin Durbin did fine work on the feats and, especially, the leylines. I especially like how he kept the latter rules simple and yet evocative; i.e. standard action to tap leyline, get Stunned if you fail.

Is there still a chance for HoHF future books?
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I'm not going to speak for Wulf on future products but some of the ley lines rules (with expanded options) may find their way into the Spells & Magic book.


First Post
I'm not going to speak for Wulf on future products but some of the ley lines rules (with expanded options) may find their way into the Spells & Magic book.

That'd be awesome! Any of the magic stuff from the other HoHF books to show up in the S&M* book?

*Wait a minute.... :angel:
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