D&D (2024) Heroic Inspiration and Humans


It looks like Heroic Inspiration will now be required since it is a human trait. I detest action points in my games. It is another thing I have to manage at the table and they are never balanced. There are some players that can earn them like water because they ham it up or are just a bit more extroverted while others are quieter and more uncomfortable. I have seen really great DMs do well with AP but the vast majority do not use them well and it unbalances the game. I have seen it cause in-group issues as well when the AP gen get unbalanced.

I really hate the mechanic so this means that I will need to house rule the 2024 humans immediately.

I really hope that heroic inspiration is not tied to classes too.

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It's only a problem if the DM hands out inspiration excessively, since you can only hold one. So they might loose it.
Or if the DM has the Strixhaven book as an option.

You can use the power of Polyamory to give you six rechargable Inspiration that recharge on a short/long rest if your character is the Rizz Master of the Universe.


Get off my lawn!
It looks like Heroic Inspiration will now be required since it is a human trait. I detest action points in my games. It is another thing I have to manage at the table and they are never balanced. There are some players that can earn them like water because they ham it up or are just a bit more extroverted while others are quieter and more uncomfortable. I have seen really great DMs do well with AP but the vast majority do not use them well and it unbalances the game. I have seen it cause in-group issues as well when the AP gen get unbalanced.

I really hate the mechanic so this means that I will need to house rule the 2024 humans immediately.

I really hope that heroic inspiration is not tied to classes too.
Or just don't use it. There's no rhyme or reason behind it and it is totally gamist. Like every other rule and feature in the game, it's all optional.


There is nothing wrong with house ruling. So there's no reason to be at all upset about a rule you don't like in the game that you have to remove.

I already know several house rules I'm going to be incorporating into my 5E24 game. And that's completely okay.


There is nothing wrong with house ruling. So there's no reason to be at all upset about a rule you don't like in the game that you have to remove.

I already know several house rules I'm going to be incorporating into my 5E24 game. And that's completely okay.

personally, I hate every reroll mechanic in the game, it simply slows down the pace.
simple +/- 5 after d20 roll could be much simpler than re rolls.

I am fine with advantage/disadvantage mechanic that is determined BEFORE the actual roll.

House rule suggestion:
Heroic inspiration;
number of times per long rest equal to proficiency bonus you can add or subtract amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
possibly you can get one usage back on short rest.


Prince of Dorkness
Honestly, I can’t imagine it would be overly time consuming to reroll a die. The initial roll might take a bit, since you need to locate the correct die and determine what modifier to add to the roll. But to then reroll it? The die is already in your hand and you already know the modifier. So it’s as simple as physically picking it up, giving it a quick shake, and dropping it. That takes what, less than 5 seconds?

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