D&D 5E Hexcrawls/wilderness adventures

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Magic Wordsmith
I was skimming [MENTION=6688858]Libramarian[/MENTION]'s post and must have missed the part about the nut. I thought one of the PCs ate the talking squirrel. I was like "Damn, that character is hardcore..." until I went back and reread it.


The magic nut giving +1 hp... that's fantastic :)
I was skimming @Libramarian's post and must have missed the part about the nut. I thought one of the PCs ate the talking squirrel. I was like "Damn, that character is hardcore..." until I went back and reread it.

That would be hardcore. Maybe that would have happened if I had made starvation a more pressing concern for the PCs, as I originally had planned.:lol:


First Post
We played this weekend and we used your version of the ambush chance...and we all facepalmed for not thinking of it sooner. Trying to put too much into each random table I suppose.

So, so much easier. Thanks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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