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Hexographer help - underlayer?


So far Hexographer has been treating me right, but now I'm trying to use the underlay function to trace a map, and it's not working as planned.

I upload the .png image of the map I'm looking to trace, but once I generate the map, it's all grey, regardless of the opacity, with no underlying image in sight.

Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

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You might need to fiddle with the size of the image (or map) you are using to trace. I think it's supposed to scale to the size of the map, but in practice it doesn't seem to.

Because it greys out the part of the map that isn't covered by your image. So like if you have a 50x50 map, if your image only takes up a little bit, the rest is grey.

I'm from from an expert, only used it a few times, but that was the experience I had trying to trace. Just had to keep resizing my image and adjust the map size until it was close enough.

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