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Hey DMs, what are your quirks at the table?


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I imagine that no two DMs run games exactly the same way. DMs might employ elaborate hand drawn maps. They might be constantly handing out missives and clues from their game world. They might constantly roll a d20 as if making secret checks, even when they're not. They might always roll in the open. They might employ sound effects or a sound track during the game. They might set fire to the character sheets of dead PCs. They might constantly bargain with the players*. They might use the word 'forsooth' a lot. They might wear a cape.

My quirk is not one that I am particularly proud of, but here it is: I do voices. For virtually every NPC. This isn't something I plan; on the contrary, I intend to deliver the Dwarven Merchant's lines in a straightforward manner, but when I open my mouth a heavy Scottish brogue pours out.

I have also been known to have furious, in-character arguments with my players.

OK, your turn!

* As per designer Rob Heinsoo! This is a style I had not previously even heard of.

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I pace. Oh gods, do I pace.

Many of my players refuse to play without their backs to the wall, because I'll pace behind them... back and forth for hours.

On the bright side, I burn a lot of calories GMing.



First Post
Ooh I had a professor like that once.

The more intense the conversation in the class was, the faster he would pace. He was not very coordinated so he would soon start stumbling into chairs and bouncing off walls.

It was a great class.

Scrivener of Doom

I DM standing up - fortunately, I am only 5'6" so I don't tower over anyone - purely because I find it helps me remain energetic and focussed.

Oh, and I bargain with my players regularly. :)


I fiddle with my dice. Always 4d6. I'm either toying with them as I speak or I'm rolling character stats while the players are doing their thing. The only time I'm not fiddling with them is during combat when I'm rolling other dice.


I DM standing up - fortunately, I am only 5'6" so I don't tower over anyone - purely because I find it helps me remain energetic and focussed.

Yeah, this for me and I'm around the same height, and I'm agreeing with [MENTION=87576]Scrivener of Doom[/MENTION] :p

I don't do all NPC voices, but one "sound" I have picked up from 4e's Cairn of the Winter King, is the owlbear's "Woot". Every time I introduce an owlbear and it happens to cry out, I enthusiastically "Woooooot", its long, loud and proud!

I also had some fun with TToEE recently when Zuggtmoy was released (PC's messed up badly), and the sealed doors were being violently opened one by one in the background, a minute apart...suddenly evoking a loud "Bah!" at the table and watching their surprised/confused faces...when the second last seal was broken, worry had replaced surprise and confusion.

So yeah, my quirk: Noises.

Voidrunner's Codex

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