Here are some player characters for "HiJinks for 5e."
Bam Bam
Bubblegum Drummer 2
Thick Skin: 14 (with +1 Lucky Shirt and +1 Funky Jewelry).
Cool Points: 8; Cool Die: 2d6-1.
Initiative: +5 (with +1 Lucky Shirt and +1 Funky Jewelry).
Abilities: Str 11 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Int 9 (-1), Wis 15 (+2, +5 with either the Lucky Shirt or the Funky Jewelry), Cha 16 (+3).
Saving Throws: Dexterity +4, Charisma +5.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus: +2; Skill: Climb +2, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +4, Hide +4, Jump +2, Scram +5, Search +1, Spot +4 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Swim +2; Tool: Drums +2, Harmonica +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 45'; Catchy Songs: +1; Ambidexterity: Ignore penalties for using an off hand; Cowardly Scram: You get +2 on Scram; Extra Instrument: Harmonica; Lay Down a Rhythm: For one song, you can give all band-members a +1 perform attempt morale bonus; Mouth Harp: +1 vibes for the harmonica, and you can change one song type when leading.
Equipment: $130; Used Drums: +4 perform attempt, 50' range (+5' range bonus), 1d8+3 percussion vibes; Harmonica: +4 perform attempt, 20' range, 1d4+4 wind vibes; Earplugs: Cover bonus; Fan Club: You can request good vibes once; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2; Funky Jewelry: (Nose ring), Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check -1.
Personality: The Cowardly One; Trait: You change your mood or mind quickly; Ideal: You like seeing the smiles on people's faces when you perform; Bond: You idolize Micky Dolenz; Flaw: You're jittery.
Freddie the Ferret
Groovy Animal Mascot 2
Thick Skin: 13.
Cool Points: 6; Cool Die: 2d4.
Initiative: +1.
Abilities: Str 3 (-4), Dex 16 (+3), Con 8 (-1), Int 5 (-3), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 7 (-2).
Saving Throws: Dexterity 15, Wisdom 13.
Languages: None (yet).
Proficiencies: Bonus +2; Skill: Perception +3, Stealth +5.
Features and Feats: Range: 15'; All Thumbs: You must make a Dexterity check at DC 20 when attempting to use human tools; Adaptable Appendage: Your paws get a +2 bonus to make Open Lock and Disable Device checks; What's He Got in There? Once per day, you can find a small, mundane, but specifically-requested item in your fur.
Pet Tricks: Fetch: You will go and get something when Ivories points out a specific object, or you will fetch some random object if Ivories' pointing is ambiguous; Funky Disguise: When Ivories or another band-mate makes a successful Charisma assist check (DC 10), you get a +5 circumstance bonus to disguise checks instead of the normal +2; Get Spunky: Once a session, you can distract a character who is annoying you, Ivories, or another band-mate for 1d4 rounds by butt-biting, hair tangling, or knocking things on him, this character loses his Wisdom bonus and cannot move or use any special abilities; Guard: You will stay in place and prevent others from approaching when Ivories tells you to; Perform: You will do a variety of simple tricks like sitting up, rolling over, mooking, dancing, and so on when Ivories tells you to, and during a concert, this will provide Ivories with a +1d2 bonus to vibes; Track: You will track a scent presented to you by Ivories or another band-mate.
Personality: The Adorable One; Trait: You like to dig around, hop around, and dook; Bond: You're attached to Ivories, your master.
Bubblegum Keyboardist 2
Thick Skin: 13 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Cool Points: 15; Cool Die: 2d6+3.
Initiative: +3 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Abilities: Str 9 (-1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2, +5 with the Lucky Shirt), Cha 11 (+0).
Saving Throws: Dexterity +4, Strength +1.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus: +2; Skill: Animal Empathy +2, Disable Device +6, Drive +4, H4XXor +5, Knowledge +5, Listen +4 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Sleight of Hand +4, Spot +4 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Use Rope +4; Tool: Keyboards +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 25'; Catchy Songs: +1; Background Noise: Once per set, your play can become unobtrusive enough that no one will send you bad vibes until you make a perform attempt; Braininess: +2 to Use Rope checks, +1 to Disable Device checks; Feelin' Groovy: Once per set, you can add a musical bonus to any band-member's Defense equal to your Intelligence modifier, +3; Groovy Pet: You have a pet, Freddie the Ferret, with unusual qualities.
Equipment: $80; Used Keyboard: + 4 perform attempt, 30' range (+5' range bonus), d6 electronic vibes; Earplugs: Cover bonus; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2.
Personality: The Brainy One; Trait: You speak in math whenever possible because it's the universal language; Ideal: You believe the world is in need of new ideas and bold action; Bond: You treasure your pet ferret; Flaw: You have trouble keeping your true feelings hidden, and your sharp tongue lands you in trouble.
Bubblegum Bassist 2
Thick Skin: 14 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Cool Points: 16; Cool Die: 2d8+2.
Initiative: +4 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Abilities: Str 13 (+1), Dex 11 (+0), Con 15 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3, +5 with the Lucky Shirt), Cha 9 (-1).
Saving Throws: Wisdom +5, Intelligence +4.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus: +2; Skill: Intimidate +5, Knowlege +4, Move Silently +2, Pep Talk +7, Read Lips +4, Scram +4, Spot +5, Swim +3; Tool: Bass +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 25'; Catchy Songs: +1; Tough Tunes: You get +1 on perform attempts on Power Ballads; Go Get 'em Tiger: You may use Pep Talk twice per character per session; Good Vibes: Twice a set, when playing bass, you can return 1d8 + (your level) of good vibes to a target; Hook-Up Action: You command attention, so you get a +2 synergy bonus on Intimidate and Pep Talk.
Equipment: $70; Used Bass: +2 perform attempt, 25' range, d8 string vibes; Earplugs: Cover bonus; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2.
Personality: The Tough One; Trait: You love a good insult, even one directed at you; Ideal: Might -- In life, the stronger wins; Bond: You keep your thoughts and actions in a journal, so your journal is your legacy; Flaw: You assume the worst in people.
Bubblegum Vocalist 1/Guitarist 1
Thick Skin: 12 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Cool Points: 23; Cool Die (Hit Die): 2d12+2.
Initiative: +2 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Abilities: Str 9 (-1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 11 (+0), Int 15 (+2), Wis 13 (+1, +5 with the Lucky Shirt), Cha 16 (+3).
Saving Throws: Charisma +5, Constitution +2.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus +2; Skill: Appraise +4, Craft +4, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +4, Gather Information +6, Jump +1, Listen +3 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Pep Talk +3 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Spot +3 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt); Tool: Guitar +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 30'; Catchy Songs: +1; Sensitive Soul: You get +1 on perform attempts on Soulful Songs; Songwriter: You get +1 on perform attempts on Radio-Friendly songs; Backup-Bump: When not the lead vocalist, you may attempt to aid the lead vocalist as a free action once a song; Guitar Solo: In one song a set, you may go crazy, allowing you to deal double vibes to a target adjacent to your focus; Sensitive Perception: You get +1 for Gather Information checks.
Equipment: $30; Used Guitar: +4 perform attempt, range 30', 1d10+3 string vibes; Fan Club: You can request good vibes once per set; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2.
Personality: The Sensitive One; Trait: You're a snob who looks down on those who can't appreciate fine music; Ideal: When you perform, you make the world better than it was; Bond: You created a great work for someone and then found them unworthy to receive it. You're still looking for someone worthy; Flaw: You're horribly jealous of anyone who can outshine your work.
Bam Bam
Bubblegum Drummer 2
Thick Skin: 14 (with +1 Lucky Shirt and +1 Funky Jewelry).
Cool Points: 8; Cool Die: 2d6-1.
Initiative: +5 (with +1 Lucky Shirt and +1 Funky Jewelry).
Abilities: Str 11 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Int 9 (-1), Wis 15 (+2, +5 with either the Lucky Shirt or the Funky Jewelry), Cha 16 (+3).
Saving Throws: Dexterity +4, Charisma +5.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus: +2; Skill: Climb +2, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +4, Hide +4, Jump +2, Scram +5, Search +1, Spot +4 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Swim +2; Tool: Drums +2, Harmonica +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 45'; Catchy Songs: +1; Ambidexterity: Ignore penalties for using an off hand; Cowardly Scram: You get +2 on Scram; Extra Instrument: Harmonica; Lay Down a Rhythm: For one song, you can give all band-members a +1 perform attempt morale bonus; Mouth Harp: +1 vibes for the harmonica, and you can change one song type when leading.
Equipment: $130; Used Drums: +4 perform attempt, 50' range (+5' range bonus), 1d8+3 percussion vibes; Harmonica: +4 perform attempt, 20' range, 1d4+4 wind vibes; Earplugs: Cover bonus; Fan Club: You can request good vibes once; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2; Funky Jewelry: (Nose ring), Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check -1.
Personality: The Cowardly One; Trait: You change your mood or mind quickly; Ideal: You like seeing the smiles on people's faces when you perform; Bond: You idolize Micky Dolenz; Flaw: You're jittery.
Freddie the Ferret
Groovy Animal Mascot 2
Thick Skin: 13.
Cool Points: 6; Cool Die: 2d4.
Initiative: +1.
Abilities: Str 3 (-4), Dex 16 (+3), Con 8 (-1), Int 5 (-3), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 7 (-2).
Saving Throws: Dexterity 15, Wisdom 13.
Languages: None (yet).
Proficiencies: Bonus +2; Skill: Perception +3, Stealth +5.
Features and Feats: Range: 15'; All Thumbs: You must make a Dexterity check at DC 20 when attempting to use human tools; Adaptable Appendage: Your paws get a +2 bonus to make Open Lock and Disable Device checks; What's He Got in There? Once per day, you can find a small, mundane, but specifically-requested item in your fur.
Pet Tricks: Fetch: You will go and get something when Ivories points out a specific object, or you will fetch some random object if Ivories' pointing is ambiguous; Funky Disguise: When Ivories or another band-mate makes a successful Charisma assist check (DC 10), you get a +5 circumstance bonus to disguise checks instead of the normal +2; Get Spunky: Once a session, you can distract a character who is annoying you, Ivories, or another band-mate for 1d4 rounds by butt-biting, hair tangling, or knocking things on him, this character loses his Wisdom bonus and cannot move or use any special abilities; Guard: You will stay in place and prevent others from approaching when Ivories tells you to; Perform: You will do a variety of simple tricks like sitting up, rolling over, mooking, dancing, and so on when Ivories tells you to, and during a concert, this will provide Ivories with a +1d2 bonus to vibes; Track: You will track a scent presented to you by Ivories or another band-mate.
Personality: The Adorable One; Trait: You like to dig around, hop around, and dook; Bond: You're attached to Ivories, your master.
Bubblegum Keyboardist 2
Thick Skin: 13 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Cool Points: 15; Cool Die: 2d6+3.
Initiative: +3 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Abilities: Str 9 (-1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2, +5 with the Lucky Shirt), Cha 11 (+0).
Saving Throws: Dexterity +4, Strength +1.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus: +2; Skill: Animal Empathy +2, Disable Device +6, Drive +4, H4XXor +5, Knowledge +5, Listen +4 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Sleight of Hand +4, Spot +4 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Use Rope +4; Tool: Keyboards +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 25'; Catchy Songs: +1; Background Noise: Once per set, your play can become unobtrusive enough that no one will send you bad vibes until you make a perform attempt; Braininess: +2 to Use Rope checks, +1 to Disable Device checks; Feelin' Groovy: Once per set, you can add a musical bonus to any band-member's Defense equal to your Intelligence modifier, +3; Groovy Pet: You have a pet, Freddie the Ferret, with unusual qualities.
Equipment: $80; Used Keyboard: + 4 perform attempt, 30' range (+5' range bonus), d6 electronic vibes; Earplugs: Cover bonus; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2.
Personality: The Brainy One; Trait: You speak in math whenever possible because it's the universal language; Ideal: You believe the world is in need of new ideas and bold action; Bond: You treasure your pet ferret; Flaw: You have trouble keeping your true feelings hidden, and your sharp tongue lands you in trouble.
Bubblegum Bassist 2
Thick Skin: 14 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Cool Points: 16; Cool Die: 2d8+2.
Initiative: +4 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Abilities: Str 13 (+1), Dex 11 (+0), Con 15 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3, +5 with the Lucky Shirt), Cha 9 (-1).
Saving Throws: Wisdom +5, Intelligence +4.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus: +2; Skill: Intimidate +5, Knowlege +4, Move Silently +2, Pep Talk +7, Read Lips +4, Scram +4, Spot +5, Swim +3; Tool: Bass +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 25'; Catchy Songs: +1; Tough Tunes: You get +1 on perform attempts on Power Ballads; Go Get 'em Tiger: You may use Pep Talk twice per character per session; Good Vibes: Twice a set, when playing bass, you can return 1d8 + (your level) of good vibes to a target; Hook-Up Action: You command attention, so you get a +2 synergy bonus on Intimidate and Pep Talk.
Equipment: $70; Used Bass: +2 perform attempt, 25' range, d8 string vibes; Earplugs: Cover bonus; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2.
Personality: The Tough One; Trait: You love a good insult, even one directed at you; Ideal: Might -- In life, the stronger wins; Bond: You keep your thoughts and actions in a journal, so your journal is your legacy; Flaw: You assume the worst in people.
Bubblegum Vocalist 1/Guitarist 1
Thick Skin: 12 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Cool Points: 23; Cool Die (Hit Die): 2d12+2.
Initiative: +2 (with +1 Lucky Shirt).
Abilities: Str 9 (-1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 11 (+0), Int 15 (+2), Wis 13 (+1, +5 with the Lucky Shirt), Cha 16 (+3).
Saving Throws: Charisma +5, Constitution +2.
Languages: English.
Proficiencies: Bonus +2; Skill: Appraise +4, Craft +4, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +4, Gather Information +6, Jump +1, Listen +3 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Pep Talk +3 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt), Spot +3 (+5 with the Lucky Shirt); Tool: Guitar +2.
Features and Feats: Range: 30'; Catchy Songs: +1; Sensitive Soul: You get +1 on perform attempts on Soulful Songs; Songwriter: You get +1 on perform attempts on Radio-Friendly songs; Backup-Bump: When not the lead vocalist, you may attempt to aid the lead vocalist as a free action once a song; Guitar Solo: In one song a set, you may go crazy, allowing you to deal double vibes to a target adjacent to your focus; Sensitive Perception: You get +1 for Gather Information checks.
Equipment: $30; Used Guitar: +4 perform attempt, range 30', 1d10+3 string vibes; Fan Club: You can request good vibes once per set; Lucky Shirt: Thick Skin +1, up to max of +5 Wisdom bonus, threads check penalty -2.
Personality: The Sensitive One; Trait: You're a snob who looks down on those who can't appreciate fine music; Ideal: When you perform, you make the world better than it was; Bond: You created a great work for someone and then found them unworthy to receive it. You're still looking for someone worthy; Flaw: You're horribly jealous of anyone who can outshine your work.