[HMP] MonkeyGod Presents returns to RPGnow/DTRPG



I only wrote two adventures: Tsar Rising and The Dancing Hut. Frost & Fur can be seen as a extension of those two scenarios, filling in the blanks with every piece of Russian folklore I could get my greedy mitts on.

I'm working on some 4th edition stuff that never saw the light of day under 3rd edition, but as of right now it's not Russian related. The last Russian-related d20 material I contributed was to Privateer Press' World Guide (back then, it was actually possible to be pigeonholed as "the Russian D20 guy" if you can believe that).

My how times have changed. Thanks for the compliments on all the adventures, I'm glad you're enjoying them!

I love those adventures! Was there supposed to be a 3rd adventure to that series? I can't find the books right this second, but I seem to recall mention of another one. That'd be great to get that out in 4E. I love the Russian stuff. My campaign's northern empire became Torassia.


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Oops, I never answered your original question: There is no third adventure. Tsar Rising was printed right when the 3.0 boom collapsed, and I was contractually obligated to write a sequel. Frost & Fur was written after the first two adventures and follows up on the same concepts -- it easily has enough material for you to fill in the blanks after the second adventure.

Hope that's helpful!


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Oh sure. The question is what's "enough demand"? Torassia is something of a niche product and it seems there isn't exactly a need for Russian fantasy settings.

Greg K

I knew the name Talien from his website and the name Mike Tresca from a few of the Blood and [x] books. However, until I saw this thread the other day, I never realized they were one in the same. And, thanks to this thread, I also have some more products to buy. Curse you ENWorld ;P

P.S.: Mike, I love Blood & Blades and pimp it over at the WOTC d20M boards (well, before they got rid of the d20M forums). Now, I just have to wait until the fall semster begins to buy both Blood and Brains and Blood and Spooks.


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Wow, that warms my heart, thank you for the compliments! Rather than hijack this thread about me, please see my latest blog posts to learn what I'm up to in the gaming field (and outside of it): http://michael.tresca.net.

Thanks again!

Keith Robinson

I'm certainly glad to see the Monkeygod stuff back online. I went fishing for some stuff a couple of months back and noticed it was gone, so I'll be buying the stuff I don't yet own while I still can :)


First Post
Monkeygod has the distinction of being the only publisher I was willing to finish out my collection with PDF's rather than print or nothing. ENWorlds (and partners) awesome PDF sales helped too.

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