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Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Prologue

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Robert Weaving

"Nice to meet you, Rolen of Moonbow." Robert scratches his beard. "Whatever injured I know are past victims of a group of Kobolds we're hunting down."

"As for your gift of healing, we'll be glad to use them against the Kobolds. If you're willing, of course. Whoever hired us promised a bonus if we cleared them out entirely, if that helps."


Renestrae takes in the scene with a certain passivity, though the mention of the town of Greenest does grab her attention. Leosin Erlanthar will be waiting for her, so it may be fortunate to have stumbled upon these travelers.

Her attention is stolen again as Robert mentions the kobolds, and she wonders if he's intentionally misleading the elf, or if maybe it's time for a rest.

Brother Dave

First Post
Rolen turns and looks at the human, a questioning look on his face. "Kobolds?" He raises his eyebrows, his interest obviously piqued. "I've studied dragons and their kin extensively, so I know a bit about them. Perhaps I can be of help." He turns back to the wagon and gathers his gear, then moves back towards the others, his earlier embarrassment forgotten and his mind racing as mentally reviews what he knows about the diminutive humanoids.

[sblock=kobolds?]Yes, I know we're dealing with Gnolls. :) I assume epicbob just misremembered, but either way Rolen wouldn't know; and the mention of Kobolds would definitely get his attention, so I'm going with it. He's in for a bit of a disappointment when he learns it's merely gnolls.[/sblock]


Robert Weaving

[sblock=ooc]And you would be right. I got mixed up with the other game I'm also playing. My bad.[/sblock]

As Rolen mentions Dragons, Robert suddenly gets a feeling, like something his wrong.

Suddenly realizing his mistake, he puts his head in his hand in embarrassment. "So sorry." He starts. "I meant to say Gnolls. We're hunting Gnolls. I must really be out of it."

Brother Dave

First Post
A little frown of disappointment crosses Rolen's face at the news. "Oh, that's too bad...I was looking forward to studying dragonkin firsthand....I seldom get the opp...". Rolen blushes as he realizes that what he's saying might be inappropriate to the situation, then continues in a almost incoherent rush, "...er...that is to say....gnolls....I'm sure they're quite fascinating....I mean, of course, I will still be glad to help...". He trails off, looking embarrassed again.

[sblock]Rolen is not very good or practiced at this whole "conversation" thing. He's much happier with his scrolls. Or on the practice field. Or really, doing almost anything else. :) [/sblock]

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
The man stands up with a groan, and rubs his back with his hand - his greying hair and haggard face telling of a lifetime of hard work and exertion. He looks over your group and gives a slight nod of approval.

"Yes, I'm Henric." he says with a deep voice. "And I don't know about any kobolds, but if it's Gnolls you're after, I can help you there. Grundiz said he would be getting a group together to get rid of them." He spits on the floor. "Filthy creatures."

"Nevermind that, what about our cart?"
interrupts the female gnome, crossing her arms angrily. "James and I have got turnips to deliver!"

Henric rolls his eyes and kneels to speak to them both, "Look here... Jenna, was it? I'd be happy to mend your cart, but I'll need the right kind of supplies. Why don't one of you two run down to Basso's store on the other side of the village and go get me, say, a pound of 'flat-head long tack' nails. Basso will know what you mean. While you're gone, I can speak to these folk about our Gnoll problem."

"Yes, good idea! Off you go, dear!" says the male gnome, "I'll wait here and keep an eye on the cart".

Jenna narrows her eyes, opens her mouth as if to argue, but then sighs and stomps off, heading into the village. James smiles, and lies back in the seat of the cart, closing his eyes. It's not long before you begin to hear obnoxious snoring noises.

"Thank the gods they've shut up" says Henric under his breath as he stands up again. "Now then - these Gnolls. I was gathering firewood the other day and almost ran into a group of them along the stream. I suspect they have made a camp of some sort near the old standing stones - there's a natural spring there, for water, and plenty of deer about, for food. Last night they were making an awful racket - howling, shrieking... not sure what was going on, but you can bet it wasn't anything good. It's only a matter of time before they get bold enough to start raiding the village."

Beckoning you all to follow him, he begins to lead the way into the woods.

"I'm no warrior - I can take you close to where I saw them, but the rest will be up to you. They aren't the most subtle of creatures - shouldn't be too difficult to find."



Robert Weaving

As he starts following Henric, he says : "If they're being that obnoxious, then it shouldn't be especially difficult to pick up a trail, right?"


Renestrae follows as well, paying more attention to the ground than to what's in front of her in hopes of not ending up in one of those horrible child-manglers.



Sidling up close (possibly too close) to Henric, Erevan begins peppering him with whispered questions.
'How many did you see? Are you positive they're gnolls and not, say, goblins or orcs? What's the terrain like? Is there a way we can approach closely without being readily seen?' Etc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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