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Holy Crap! I just played in the worst D&D game...


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I remember a thread some time ago about weird and creepy D&D games that people played in. I remember thinking that some of the games mentioned seemed too weird to possibly be true...well, until last night.

I was recently invited by a friend to take part in a game with a group she was with. From what she described, it was a plane hopping adventure with characters from different planes. Oh...and the Dungeon Master was "real lenient" in the type of characters allowed. I thought that I'd give it a try to at least see how much I could munchkin out a character with the 15 levels we were give to work with. Boy, was I surprised when I showed up...

My first tip off that something was amiss was the weird laughter and banter from players about their bad@$$, comic book, anime style characters. Still I decided to go on and give it a try. The game started before I could finish a character, but the DM said that I could introduce my character when I was finished. To my shock the party included Ghostrider and Wolverine from Marvel comics, Catwoman (Batman's foe), Merlin, and a new-age hippie elf (the only normal character was a half -orc barbarian). Although, I don't like to stereotype, the play style was highly reminiscent of the Dead Alewives' Dungeons & Dragons skit. The game frequently disrupted into player versus player and party infighting. This was apparently encouraged to some extent, but when the infighting got too bad the DM had one of his god-like NPCs show up to force the party to cooperate a little. Whatever modicum of a plot there was had something to do with tracking down a stole artifact (apparently the Cthulhu mythos was involved somehow). Along the way the party encountered the invincible avatar of some god of magic who proceeded to slaughter the two party members without batting an eye. (Apparently from the talk of it the DM enjoyed "putting players in their place" by killing them a few time.) Anyway, after a few hours the group took a food and smoke break when I announced that I had to get going. The DM was sorry to see me leave since he hadn't even introduced my character. I was invited back for the next session, but somehow I don't think I'll be coming back...

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shadow said:
I was invited back for the next session, but somehow I don't think I'll be coming back...

Well, you could have told me you weren't coming back face to face instead of just announcing it to the public.

joe b.


First Post
shadow said:
I remember a thread some time ago about weird and creepy D&D games that people played in. I remember thinking that some of the games mentioned seemed too weird to possibly be true...well, until last night.

I was recently invited by a friend to take part in a game with a group she was with. From what she described, it was a plane hopping adventure with characters from different planes. Oh...and the Dungeon Master was "real lenient" in the type of characters allowed. I thought that I'd give it a try to at least see how much I could munchkin out a character with the 15 levels we were give to work with. Boy, was I surprised when I showed up...

Huh... Did you go back in time 12 years to a game I witnessed in college? My 25th level lich was kind of the weak sister in the group. The *one* time I played. To each his own, but that ain't mine.

The Grumpy Celt

shadow said:
My first tip off that something was amiss was the weird laughter and banter from players about their bad@$$, comic book, anime style characters...

Well, they seemed to be having fun. And that is the point, isn't it? Maybe you cheated your self out of a silly-fun evening. Hell, in that crowd I would have been hard pressed to choose between Plastic Man and Roland of Gilead as my PC.

It's not always about the epic. Sometimes its about the giggles.


The Grumpy Celt said:
Hell, in that crowd I would have been hard pressed to choose between Plastic Man and Roland of Gilead as my PC.
I think I totally woulda been either Cobra Commander or Starscream.


Wow it has been since '91 since I played a game that bad.
During a gaming convention, I joined a game as it started. The party ran into the "Dragon Master" or "DM" get it? who had an armory of all the weapons ever made. I think I tried to steal a weapon, just to see what would happen.
I got smacked around by the Dragon Master's girlfriend who was just as bad-*** as he was.

The game was more D&D cartoon than Marvel "What If" with us facing (running) from 8 death knights and Tiamat in about 2 hrs of time. I took my dice and books to the "bathroom" at that point. Leaving is about all you can do.

I have had people tell me about Marvel comics based heroes before, but avoided playing with them. No matter the edition, bad games seem to stay the same.

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