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Homebrewed spells, monsters and PrCs [Updated 9 okt: Some new spells and one monster]

Another little critter

Since you like homebrewed monsters Land Outcast, this one goes to you :p.

Quicksilver Golem
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 10d10 + 30 (84 hp)
Initiative: +19 (+11 dex, + 8 circumstance)
Speed: 50’ (10 squares), 50ft. fly (perfect)
Armor Class: 28 (+11 dex, +8 circumstance, -1 size), touch 28, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+15
Attack: Lance +18 melee (2d10+4)
Full Attack: 2 Lances +18 melee (2d10+4) and lance +13 (2d10+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Discorporating touch
Special Qualities: Liquid form, Discorperation, Decelaration aura, slide, Construct traits, 60ft Darkvision, 120 ft Blindsense, Magic immunity
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +14, Will +3
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 33, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B)
Enviroment: Atar’s Adamant Fortress
Treasure: None
Challenge Rating: 18
Advancement: 11-20 (Large)

Within a mere second half a dozen of them had suddenly appeared out of the darkness ahead. Our light spells not a necessity but a comfort in the disturbing green light these golems emitted. Before any of us could react to their sudden appearance they had already set upon us with a gusto that we thought belied our eyes. Two of them sprouted shining silvery wing of the same liquid they were made of, and lifted off with a loud buzzing sound that reflected of the tomb entrance walls and disappeared in the darkness above. The remaining four simultaneously closed in on our melee combatants. Meldrian who was in front searching for traps got instantly impaled by one of these constructs. The rest of us fell back before the onslaught of these guardians as every blow we delivered seemed futile as our blades sliced their liquid bodies in vain. I tried to haste one of our paladins… who only disappeared with a surprised look on his face as the spell took effect. We decided to run but only to find our speed cut in half by some strange and powerful magic radiating from the golems. We tried, we tried to get away but they were just to fast. While I whipped up a teleportation spell to get the remaining few of us out of there I was alarmed by the shout of my fellow wizard. Only to see him crushed by the shape of one of these… things, which landed on top of him as it had come crashing down from the darkness above.

The memory still haunts me, the huge lance-like cones they wielded instead of forearms. The same spike formed cone where a head should have been. But most of all the speed with which they unfailingly fulfilled their duty.

Deceleration Aura (Su): The disturbance in the time stream around the golem results from the quicksilver of which the golem is made in and produces a temporal unstable are. In this 20ft. emanation everything has its movement halved, all jump distances are reduced to one-third of the normally jumped distance and 5ft. steps are impossible while under the aura’s effect. If someone moves or jumps into the emanation reduce the remaining distance accordingly. Anyone influencing (such as under the effect of a haste spell) or attempting to influence the flow of time within a quicksilver golem’s aura by any means must make a Will save DC 19 (10 + half HD + 4 racial bonus) or disappear for 1d4 rounds and take 1d4 points of intelligence damage per round disappeared. The disturbance in the time flow grants the golem a +8 circumstance bonus to AC and initiative and are lost if someone succeeds in locking the golem in the current time frame.

Discorperation (Su): Whenever a quicksilver golem is destroyed it reforms in 1d4+1 rounds with full hitpoints as its liquid body is drawn back together into a coherent mass again by the magic that infuses the quicksilver. Disintegrating it is the only way to permanently destroy a quicksilver golem along with destroying it inside of an anti-magic or dead magic zone where the golem’s body turns solid and loses all it’s supernatural abilities.

Discorperating Touch (Su): Anyone struck by one of the golem’s attacks is forced to make a Will save DC 19 (10 + half HD + 4 racial bonus) or be caught in a temporal flux for 1d6 rounds. While caught in a temporal flux induced by a quicksilver golem the target has a 50% chance each round to simply disappear only to reappear a round later on the same spot. If this spot is occupied the target shifts to the nearest random empty 5ft square.

Liquid Form (Su): The material the golem is made of grants it total immunity to normal weapons and fast healing 9 to damage caused by magic weapons.

Slide (Su): A quicksilver golem can’t run, only hustle or charge, but as a full round action it can slide through the time flow using the flux it creates to move up to 500ft. in a straight line.
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Land Outcast

[Sblock=Quicksilver Golem]

Magic immunity is lacking a description

Full Attack: 2 Lances +18 melee (2d10+4) and lance +13 (2d10+2)
Plus its Discorporating Touch, its speed, and its reach (coupled with the inability to take 5-ft steps), this one is a real killer... even if it's little damage, causing the sources of damage to disappear (probably those around it will be the ones delivering the actual damage) for one round not only gives it a breath (fast healing), it also allows it to focus in more... frail character​

Will save (DC21)
What is this DC based off? Should I advance a quicksilver golem to 20 HD, how would I recalculate the DC?​

So, unless the characters know this, they will face an infinite hp, 500ft speedy, right? Probably (almost assuredly) they will have access to these 6th level benchmark spells but using/preparing them is another matter... I wonder... do normal golems get frozen in antimagic fields?​

More comments coming[/sblock]
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Magic immunity is lacking a description

Well its standard golem magic immunity and it doesnt have any specific spells that have an effect on it such as with most other golems. Its immune to any spell that allows SR in other words but as I said, that goes for all other golems.

Plus its Discorporating Touch, its speed, and its reach (coupled with the inability to take 5-ft steps), this one is a real killer... even if it's little damage, causing the sources of damage to disappear (probably those around it will be the ones delivering the actual damage) for one round not only gives it a breath (fast healing), it also allows it to focus in more... frail character​

Yup born to be nasty :).

What is this DC based off? Should I advance a quicksilver golem to 20 HD, how would I recalculate the DC?​

My bad should be 19, no idea why I picked 21 o_O.

So, unless the characters know this, they will face an infinite hp, 500ft speedy, right? Probably (almost assuredly) they will have access to these 6th level benchmark spells but using/preparing them is another matter... I wonder... do normal golems get frozen in antimagic fields?​

Good question... depends how far you drive the *they are run by magic* thing about them. It surely could be fitting that if a golem would be encased in antimagic or dead magic that they would stop functioning as them being alive could be seen as a (Su) effect.

I actually don't have a good answer on this one hehe but I think now that Im actually thinking about it that....I actually have no idea about it :p.

More comments coming

Great!:D Can't wait, and its much appreciated :). The thread is getting plenty of views but some more reactions would be good. Especially on the PrCs... so if people actually give this a good read, please give me a reaction about the stuff! Criticism leads to improvement so pretty please with sugar on top! :)

I got another two PrCs ready to post, one for necromantic sorcerers and an abjuration specialist. For the rest quite some monsters, with the Darkhidden, the Red Eye Black Kobold, the Jungle Troll and the Bloodsand comming to mind. And last but not least another spell or 5 ready to launch :).
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Re: Quicksilver Golem

How did you determine its CR to be 12? Can a 12th level party defeat one if using 25% of its resources? If they think of disintegrating - though that's not a common technique against golems- even then the ranged touch attack will probably miss (+6 BAB, say +2 Dex vs a touch AC of 28; the wizard needs a natural 20). And what if that isn't what the wizard has memorized? The creatures have way too much maneuverability to be trapped by an antimagic field, and if a quicksilver golem is killed inside of such a field I don't see why it wouldn't discorporate after the field ends.

If by CR 12 you mean that a 12th level party has a 25% of escaping without losing one or more characters- yeah, that looks about right.

Re: Yxbudur’zmutkimdu

Seems excessively powerful for a 6 HD monster. The SR of a demon usually runs about HD+8 or so. The DR seems more appropriate for a demon monarch. I'd raise Yx's Hit Dice to at least 20 and lower the stats appropriately. I.e. drop the strength by 14 and give her power attack; lower the DR to maybe 10/magic and silver and good, but Yx it has a Con of 20 then she has more hit points (190 vs 120). Stuff like that. Lower the armor class and shift more of it into natural armor; remember that a 20th level wizard needs to have a decent chance to hit the touch AC and/or a decent chance to get by the SR or it is not a CR 20.

Nah, the more I look at it, the more I can see Yx is not a CR 20. The wall meld allows her to get away whenever it wants to; unless something kills her in a round she will probably escape. The fear aura normally wouldn't be a problem, but I don't think heroes' feast is available in Midnight, is it? I suppose you could have a 16th level bard cast it. Are there other ways of getting immunity to fear? The fighter types are far too likely to fail their save, and they are the only ones who have a chance of hitting it. Maybe everybody is mind blanked. Anyway; the miss chance synergizes very nicely with its regeneration; opponents get in half as many hits, so the regeneration has twice as long to work. Even supposing that fighters do more than 30 hp per hit; against an AC of 40 they won't be power attacking for very much. And the type of regeneration is eccentric; positive/negative damage? This means that no matter how much damage you do to her, she won't die... And I see it is a very expert grappler... Death throes: Compare the consequences of killing this critter and killing a balor; Yx's death throes are far worse.

Yx is a fun monster, but I think you've badly underestimated her CR. No way a 20th level party is going to be able to defeat her while using only 25% of their resources. She might be CR 30, though. Maybe higher. I feel that someone will have to knock her unconscious and then cast imprisonment. This won't be a straightforward undertaking until well past 20th level.

Tnx Cheiro, thats the kinda criticism I was sorely needind :). I'm watching a movie atm but afterward I'll get back here and respond to your post, thanks for the reply! And about the CR's you're right... But for some reason I always calculate CR by something that would be a final boss for my party hehe. I always forget its supposed to be an average 25% of resources to take it down so you're totally right.

In addition your right about the antimagic field thingy and the touch AC. Any suggestions on CR for the QS golem? Since it left me pretty much in the dark, my party took one out at level 13 without too much fuss, but they were prepared and knew of their qualities from the librairy of the mage that created them.

I'm terrible with CR's but thats cause my players generally research their encounters pretty well so they know what they are up against but it still makes up for screwed CRs which I posted here. I'll get to work on Yx in a bit, any more suggestions in the meanwhile? ;)


I'm curious how a 13th level party killed one without much fuss. It's immune to magic, so you can't disintegrate it; even if you could, they probably couldn't hit one unless it was immobilized somehow (perhaps killed but not yet discorporated?). The discorporate ability works even when the creature is dead (in fact that's the only time it can work) so unless it is put inside a permanent antimagic field it will eventually recover. Maybe I've misunderstood the way that discorporate and anti-magic interact.

Something about both Yx and Rashnak; the effect of their dying is disproportionate. If you make Yx be 20+ HD (and about a CR 30) then it's maybe OK- but Rashnak's death also seems like an epic effect, and that should require an epic creature to generate (21+ HD and/or CR). Similar remarks apply to Divraskuhl (whose CR also appears kinda low).

I'd say that CR 18 would probably be about right for the QS golem. A group that knows the Achilles Heel of such a monster and is prepared to take advantage of it (kill it and then use antimagic field or disintegrate before it recovers) will be able to treat an encounter as several CR lower than it actually is. But I think that it would take an 18th level party to kill the thing fast enough and often enough for them to figure out how to make it stay dead. They could use a vision to figure out how to kill it, or a legend lore plus a force cage to keep it while the legend lore is cast. Though this would only work if there weren't too many of them. A limited wish could replicate the proper killing spell. But figuring all this out would take some time, and they'd hit some dead ends; they'd probably have to kill the thing about three times before they got it right. 4 of them would be quite tough even for an 18th level party. How many disintegrates are you going to have stocked?

The "boss monster effect" and the "Achilles Heel discoverable through research" seem to result in the CRs being about 2/3 what they should be. Add about +50%, and you'll be a lot closer to the right number. My two c.p. anyway.

Sounds like very good argumentation to me Cheiro :). Thanks for the input! It's much appreciated. As long as you like the monsters and abilities its all good. CR is the easiest thing to change hehe. And yeah killing one involved antimagic and a disintegrate while knowing their powers and weaknesses :). The CRs you suggested with argumentation seems pretty solid, thanks a bunch, exactly what I was looking for.

The "on death" effects are supposed to be epic in that game though. There are hardly any outsiders in my game walking around and all are folklorish in scope even though they might have a low CR such as Rashnak. Dealing with outsiders is legendairy stuff in that campaign and as such aren't just dealt with on a regular basis. Players learned that when coping with the supernatural things can't be fully controlled and theres always a price to pay.

There are just a hundred or two outsiders running around on the whole continent and most of them are very ancient indeed and have a few legends surrounding them. I treat most of them (like 75%) as unique beings and I have about 30ish on paper. A little over half of them has something happen when they die that affects the gameworld. But since its low magic (its just based on midnight, not fully running the setting), hardly anyone ever killed an outsider except some legendairy hero with a legendairy weapon. So when that happens I want it to have an impact on the world :). It's not like theres loads of outsiders and demons getting slaughtered by adventuring parties and making this kinda stuff happen every day. Its a once in a century happening, maybe once a decade by the same powerfull group of heroes.

And I ment some demons to be killed but not permanently destroyed, some forces are just beyond mortals to fight against and come out on top in the end. It's totally grimm and gritty.

The whole campaign surrounded the quest for the assembly of something ancient and to defeat certain guardians that protected the pieces and to find them and to know stuff about the guardians they had to deal with demons and spirits to get that information. (Yeah yeah corny I know :p)

In short, the disproportionate part was ment that way :p.

But you are totally right on Yx's CR and skills, I'll up the QS golem to 18 per your suggestion, I can find myself in your argumentation. I'm a total noob when it gets to CR allocating. I'll rework Yx tomorrow after I sleep some when this movie finishes :).

How does the flavor of the critters feel to you for the rest?

[EDIT: btw; Any type of monsters, PrC's, spells or items you particularly like? I got a bunch of stuff laying around and even more at my appartment. Maybe theres something I could post that suits your fancy :). That goes for anyone whos reading this and got a request for that matter. /edit]
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First Post
The Forsaken One said:
Cercei’s Powerfull Discharge
Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 10 ft diameter line up to medium range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
A Powerfull Discharge spell is an explosion of burning hot plasma that detonates from your hand with a thundering roar and deals 2d6 points of electricity damage per caster level to every creature within the area. Unattended objects also take this damage. Any creature or unattended object reduced to 0 hitpoints by this spell is totally disintegrated leaving no trace.
The Powerfull Discharge sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in the area. It can melt metals of any kind. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the Powerfull Discharge may continue beyond the barrier if the area permits; otherwise it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does. This spell even affects objects constructed entirely of force, such as forceful hand or a wall of force, but not magical effects such as a globe of invulnerability or an antimagic field.
If a creature or object successfully saves against this spell it takes 10d6 damage instead.
From my point of view, it's a more powerful version of disintegrate, which is balanced.

- A line area vs. a ranged touch attack
- same initial damage
- double secondary damage, but it's a 9th-level spell, so no big deal.
- can't threaten a critical hit (disintegrate at 80d6 is painful, really painful)

I say it's good. Yet it would be better if objects caught in the area take damage as objects (half damage from electricity, like "half damage from fire and acid", "1/4 from cold" and "full damage from sonic and force"). Taking full damage is heavy, so you should tone this down, at least for objects.

You say that this spell creates a hot plasma explosion with a thundering roar. Would is be better to say "you launch a huge lighting bolt from your hand" and add "half damage is electricity and the other is sonic damage" ?

Aside from that, consider it "stolen".

JiCi said:
From my point of view, it's a more powerful version of disintegrate, which is balanced.

- A line area vs. a ranged touch attack
- same initial damage
- double secondary damage, but it's a 9th-level spell, so no big deal.
- can't threaten a critical hit (disintegrate at 80d6 is painful, really painful)

I say it's good. Yet it would be better if objects caught in the area take damage as objects (half damage from electricity, like "half damage from fire and acid", "1/4 from cold" and "full damage from sonic and force"). Taking full damage is heavy, so you should tone this down, at least for objects.

You say that this spell creates a hot plasma explosion with a thundering roar. Would is be better to say "you launch a huge lighting bolt from your hand" and add "half damage is electricity and the other is sonic damage" ?

Aside from that, consider it "stolen".

Well I envisioned it kinda like this so :p (Watching to much DBZ when I was young :p. Kinda Kamehameha wave meats hadoken hehe.)


As for the rest. It doesn't cap at 40d6 so theres ways to go there... And what could actually go that wrong with full damage versus objects? Except level a whole castle entrance with this spell, but thats kinda one of its uses I guess :). It just leaves a whole swath of destruction which I kinda enjoy having my mages do! :]

For the rest, thanks for the reply and I'm glad you like it! :eek: And if you feel like admixturing the damage as you find it more fitting with the description, go ahead and change it when you use it. It's all just here to inspire and give people something to use if they like what they see :).

Yx v2.0

I had a quick take at her Cheiro, any improvements? I upped her to how I felt she would be indeed CR 30 worthy. I didnt see any real potential to tone her down to CR 20 without ruining the concept. I kept her at pretty low intelligence but upped her wisdom significantly to symbolize her as a feral creature with a powerful supernatural instinct.

Her armor class shouldn't be any real problems and allow some powerattack at that level. I just can't find a proper base to find an amount of SR that pleases me so the 45 is pretty much out of the blue.

(Btw im trying to make this a CR 30 per standard DnD, not with midnight or something else in mind :)).

Yxbudur’zmutkimdu the Terror in the Walls
Large Outsider [Demon] (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
Hit Dice: 24d8 + 288 (396 hp)
Initiative: +14 ( +10 dex)
Speed: 120' (walk), 120' (climb) (24 squares)
Armor Class: 47 (+9 natural, +10 dex, +4 dodge, +15 deflection, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+47
Attack: Claw +39 melee
Full Attack: 6 claws +39, 1 bite +34
Damage: 2 primary claws 1d8 +15, 4 secondary claws 1d8 +7, bite 1d6 +7
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: improved grab, pounce, rake, rend, malice
Special Qualities: alacrity, DR 15/good and epic and cold iron, improved evasion, force of personality, see in darkness, immunity to fear, fire, electricity, poison, disease, paralysis, slow, sleep, and magical temporal effects (such as temporal stasis or the aging caused by a ghost), resistance to fire 10 and acid 10 and cold 10, spell resistance 45, telepathy 100ft., freeze in place, outsider traits, regeneration 5, tremorsense 60ft
Saves: Fort: +26, Ref: +24, Will +27
Abilities: Str 41, Dex 30, Con 35, Int 11, Wis 36, Cha 40
Skills: Climb +23, Jump +42, Survival +40, Move Silently +45, Hide +45, Spot +40, Listen +40, Knowledge (Ibon Sul) +27, Knowledge (The planes) +27
Feats: dodge, mobility, spring attack, power attack, multiattack, multigrab, greater multigrab, improved initiative, combat reflexes, track(B)
Challenge Rating: 30

Yxbudur’zmutkimdu speaks abyssal, celestial and infernal

Yxbudur’zmutkimdu is approximately 8' in height and weighs 400 lbs.

At the centre of Ibon Sul now lies a huge silent ruin, apparently devoid of all life where no insects and birds go and even no demon dares to stir a single stone. In this ruin, the remains of the once greatest of the Elthedar temples to the Old Gods holds its secrets for the outside world. But those secrets are haunted, haunted by a sleepless malice, haunted by Yxbudur’zmutkimdu the Terror in the Walls.

The first of the flood of demons and vile creatures to spill into the world of Aryth through the failing gate of Ibon Sul, Yxbudur’zmutkimdu was the first to spill the blood of the Elthedar on their holiest of grounds and the last to stop painting the ceilings with the blood of the former priesthood. Yxbudur’zmutkimdu is a vile she-demon now trapped by the wards of Ibon Sul and whose body is composed entirely from malice itself. Moments after having shred the last of the Elthedar priesthood to bloody ribbons she along with all the other Demons that had spilled onto Aryth through the gate of Ibon Sul she realised something. She found herself trapped by the wards placed on the gate that now were fully active again. Unable to leave Ibon Sul, even unable to even leave the High Temple she turned her malice to the other Demons in the Temple to still her bloodlust. Now thousands of years after having destroyed the last Demon unable to flee the former High Temple or to be as foolish as to enter, she has lost the last remnants of her mind to the never ending whispers of the Whispering wood that have haunted her every step through the High Temple for an eternity. And now lost in her madness and bloodlust she has roamed the walls, ceilings and floors of the High Temple for thousands of years in maddening solitude, ever weary for a living thing to enter her domain.

Alacrity (Su): Yxbudur’zmutkimdu can move with distressing speed and grace. She may make an additional standard action each round, and as long as she is not flat-footed she gains a +4 dodge bonus to her Armor Class.

Improved Grab (Ex): When Yxbudur’zmutkimdu hits with a claw attack she may start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If she succeeds in her grapple she can rend an opponent on her next turn with a successful grapple check. Additionally, if Yxbudur’zmutkimdu wins the grapple check, she establishes a hold and can rake.

Malice (Su): Yxbudur’zmutkimdu continually radiates a 60-foot-radius aura of fear. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 37 Will save (10+ half HD + Cha modifier) or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 20th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again for 24 hours.

Pounce (Ex): If Yxbudur’zmutkimdu charges, she can make a full attack even though she has moved.

Rake (Ex): Two attacks made with at +19 melee, damage 1d8+7.

Regeneration (Ex): Positive and negative energy deal normal damage to Yxbudur’zmutkimdu. If Yxbudur’zmutkimdu loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 rounds.

Rend (Ex): Every time Yxbudur’zmutkimdu hits with two claw attacks, she can latch onto her opponent's body and tear the flesh. This attack automatically deals an extra 2d8+14 points of damage. She also can rend with a successful grapple check once it has established a grappling hold.

Freeze in Place (Su): If Yxbudur’zmutkimdu remains motionless for a full round, she blends into her surroundings and gains a +10 circumstance bonus on all Hide checks. This is not calculated into the statistics above.

Force of personality (Su): The strong personality of this demon manifests itself in the physical realm as a field around Yxbudur’zmutkimdu that is capable of deflecting attacks. Yxbudur’zmutkimdu gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to her charisma modifier.

See in darkness (Ex): Yxbudur’zmutkimdu can see in any darkness, magical or otherwise as easily as a human can see by daylight.

Skills (Ex): Yxbudur’zmutkimdu gains a +8 racial bonus on Climb, Hide and Move Silently checks.

Due to feats Yxbudur’zmutkimdu can grapple with the body part she made her attack with at no penalty. So effectively she can grapple six opponents at no penalty. Yxbudur’zmutkimdu has an effective grapple bonus of +47, this includes a +4 racial bonus.

Tactics: Yxbudur’zmutkimdu revels in combat and senseless bloodshed. It has been hundreds of years since the last time a living thing entered the ruin she now resides in. Still she craves for the chance to taste fresh blood again, for she tires of ripping her own flesh to still her bloodlust.

When engaging in combat she now prefers to first stalk her prey from the walls, scaring them and using her fear aura, driving them deeper into the ruins in their madness and fear and further towards their doom. After revelling and feeding on the fear of her prey she leaps from the walls, grapples her target and pulls it with her into the walls of the Temple. She takes her prey somewhere confined where she leaves it for later, returning to capture the rest of the intruders... Afterwards she returns to her prey to toy with them, torturing them to no end. For prey is scarce for Yxbudur’zmutkimdu and when the opportunity manifests itself, she will make sure to feast upon every drop of blood she can splatter the walls with.

Death of Yxbudur’zmutkimdu: The Elthedar and Elven spirits that haunt Yxbudur’zmutkimdu seek to deprave her of every bit of rest and peace of mind for all eternity as punishment for what she did. But this hate and vengeful attitude by the spirits of the Aruun might be the undoing of them all. Because when Yxbudur’zmutkimdu's essence is released from her corporal form it's malice will flood the ruins of Ibon Sul and send a wave of hate through the Whispering Wood. Creatures caught within the wave of hate as it spreads through the ruins of Ibon Sul or communing with the Whispering Wood at the time of Yxbudur’zmutkimdu's demise must succeed at Will save DC 27or immediately succumb to uncontrollable impulses to do violence to any and all people or creatures that they come in contact with. They will actively seek out all living creatures whilst under the effects of the wave of hate in an effort to harm them - attempting to kill them, usually in cruel and brutal fashion. Random violence will be directed against animals, plants and objects, in that order, when no sentient creatures are present. Whilst the wave itself does not persist, this psychotic condition lasts for a full 20 hours, after which it abruptly ends. If this comes to pass without first having severed the link between Yxbudur’zmutkimdu and the Whispering Wood the consequences of this disaster would be beyond any imagination save that of Izrador himself. For the fate of all the Elves and the Erethor is sealed if Aradil herself succumbs to her inner malice and hatred.


Oridron's Rag:
This cloak was once the proud possession of Oridron, Elthedar High Priest of Ibon Sul. Oridron had learned in deep meditation only moments before the Sundering of the approaching doom and the fate that the gate would spell for Ibon Sul. He made his way as quickly as possible to the Gate summoning as many priests to him as he could on the way. But when he arrived it was already too late. The Sundering had come to pass, Izrador had fallen and for a moment the protective wards on the gate at the centre of the Temple complex failed. And so Oridron beheld the first of the demons to spill into the sacred High Temple of the Elthedar. Six huge claws grasped the edges of the frames of the planar rift and before him Yxbudur’zmutkimdu pulled herself through and onto the material plane. His mind reeling from the disconnection from his gods, immensely weakened and near powerless now the divine favour of their gods had left him, Oridron's intestines joined the splattered guts of his fellow priests on the walls as Yxbudur’zmutkimdu revelled in the massacre.

Yxbudur’zmutkimdu sensed the magic emanating from the blood and gut stained piece of cloth and quickly took it as her own as she wiped two smaller demons of the corpse of the disembowelled priest. Now thousands of years later, still sustained by its magic but hardly more that a dirty bloodstained and stinking rag adorning the back of Yxbudur’zmutkimdu it still confers its powers onto its wearer.

Oridron's Rag confers the following benefits onto its wearer:
Fading: The wearer of Oridron's Rag is constantly under the influence of a displacement effect, and as a result gains the benefits of concealment (50% miss chance).
Wall Meld: Oridron's Rag bestows the power onto its wearer to meld into worked stone walls, ceilings and floors at will as a part of a move action. This power doesn't function on walls, ceilings and floors made of natural or unworked stone. In this state the wearer is invisible to blindsight and any other forms of magical detection. The wearer of Oridron's Rag can reappear as a free action.
Wall Flow: Oridron used his cloack to travel almost instantly from one place to another in his temple. Once melded into a wall, the wearer of Oridron's Rag can move through the walls at a speed of 240ft as a move action or 1000ft as a full round action in any direction. This power only lets the wearer travel through worked stone walls, ceilings or floors.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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