Kilcif snarls in rage and swings his morning star at the Vampire. The vampire easily dodges the first the swing, but receives a soild hit on the second swing (22 points -10 DR). The vampire attempts to grapple Kilcif, but a solid blow by the morning star prevents him from getting a hold (21 points -10 DR). The vampire claws Kilcif for 7 points of damage. Kilcif is feeling weak from the burning wound the Vampire's claw inflicted. Simultaneously Kilcif watches the Vampire's wounds healing.
Kilcif swings again twice, hitting both times (22-10 and 25-10). The Vampire is looking very shaken. The vampire attempts to claw back, one claw penetrating Kilcif's armor. Kilcif takes another 7 points of damage from another burning wound. The Vampire's wounds continue to heal while Kilcif is feeling his energy drain out.
The other vampires are laughing.
Kilcif swings his morning star, missing once, but landing another solid hit (22 points - 10). Leonon snarls something about finishing this fight and attempts to grapple. Kilcif rolls a 3 on his AOO for the grapple. Opposed grapple checks to hold. Vampire rolls a 9, Kilcif rolls a 12, Kilcif wins the grapple check and the vampire does not get a hold. Secondary grapple check, Vampire 12, Kilcif 15, Kilcif avoids being grappled.
Kilcif rolls two attacks 15, 17, striking both times with his morning star for (23-10 and 18-10). Leonon's body turns to fog and floats away before your eyes.
Kiernan laughs and speaks in undercommon, "No hard feelings, right? Come we'll lead you to the other bugbears."
The vampires lead Kilcif down a winding tunnel into a large cavern. Over a hundred drow commoners and humanoids are working in fields and with rothe.
The vampires lead Kilcif to a series of rough-hewn caves where Bugbears, Goblinoids, and a trio of Stone Giants live.
None of the characters find secret doors or traps in their quarters. No one is locked in.