I ran the 1st-level section of the adventure yesterday, and it went off pretty smoothly. I ran it pretty much unchanged, other than throwing in a goblin encounter in the temple section to up the stakes a bit. A father and son had been ambushed by goblins nearby, and the father had killed or driven them off, but was badly wounded. They took shelter in the temple, and when the party arrived, they were immediately confronted with how to save the father, at which point the cleric received his godly vision - from Kiri-Jolith, so i was even able to use the art from the adventure - and healed the man. They then tracked the goblins to their lair and defeated them, recovering a box the goblins had taken from the temple which contained a few minor rewards (the gods had placed the box in the temple for them). This let a couple of characters, like the ranger (tracking) and the rogue (unlocking the box) a couple of moments to shine.
But the wizard test and the draconian encounter were played straight, and both went well. The wizard figured out to cast detect magic immediately, while the draconians scared the Abyss out of them when the cleric started to turn to stone from the baaz death throes!
But the wizard test and the draconian encounter were played straight, and both went well. The wizard figured out to cast detect magic immediately, while the draconians scared the Abyss out of them when the cleric started to turn to stone from the baaz death throes!