House rules that relate to the "How house rules are changing my Scout." thread.


First Post
So here it is, to all of you who have contributed to my post on my possible DM's house rules. What you are about to read are the house rules that I asked for and have finally recieved. Now, mind you that I am actually considering the Bard because nothing, so far, appears to be changing on him.

Honestly this is how he wants it to be.


Stat Changes
Str- No Change
Dex No Change
Con No Change
Int- Grants +1 skill point, one extra language and allows one non-class skill to be considered a class skill per point of modifier.. Int is also applied retroactively..
Cha- Grants one extra action point per point of modifier.. Also determines good and bad luck..
Wisdom- No change..

Race Changes
Humans.. Unchanged.
Goblins -Use Halflings. Favored Class-Rogue or Scout.
Dwarves- Lose out on the ancestral enemies and giant fighting dodgery..
Save against spells is replaced with all spells being treated as if the caster level was 2 lower..
So 2 lower dice on things like fireballs, friendly cures, durations of spells etc...
Elves- No Change..

Class Changes
All.. 3 points to distribute to saves.. instead of normal save allocation.
Bard- No changes.
Barbarian d8+2 HD otherwise no changes
Cleric.. Two Domains.. Bonus Feat, no turning.. Turning may be purchased as a feat.. Loses Heavy Armor.. Gains an additional domain at 6th 12th and 18th level.. Mostly if you're interested in playing a Cleric talk to me and we'll adapt the class to your starting domains..
Druid- Unavailible
Fighter- D8 HD.. 4sp
Monk- AU (arcane unearthed) changes if it strikes your fancy.. Otherwise lose Tongues and Dimension Door abilities.. Replace with 2 feats.
Paladin- Unavailible
Ranger- Loses trackless step and Hide in Plain Sight. Gains Improved Evasion at 17th
Rogue-D8 HD 4sp
Sorceror.. D8 Knows all spells from one school (inc necromancy).. the spells known column applies to the remaining schools
Sorcerors may drain magik items to use thier spells, but may not use wands, scrolls or staves...
Wizard- D8 HD 4sp Necromancy isn't a direct school anymore..

The Complete Classes
Ninja- Not availible
Scout- Loses Battle Fortiude,Blindsight and Blind Sense, Trackless Step and Hide in Plain Sight.
Spelllthief- Unavailible

Samurai- Unavailible
Swashbuckler- Not really availible.. lil underpowered..

Shugenga- Unavailible
Spirit Shaman- Unavailible
Favored Soul- Unavailible

War Mage- Unavailible
Wu Jen- Availible.. though not really oriental styled.. 4sps a level.
Warlock- Still thinking about this one...

Skill changes..
Listen and spot are combined into Awareness.
Hide and Move Silently are combined into Stealth.
Tumble requires an equal amount of ranks in Jump and Balance as it has in Tumble..
Concentration. Casting in Armor is availible for everyone..
The caster must make a Concentration check (DC 15+SL+2xArmor Check Penalty)

Misc Feat changes.. some feats will get better...
Combat Reflexes- Grants an additional AoO every 3 levels..

Combat Expertise- Is not capped at 5..

Dodge grants an additional +1 dodge bonus that maybe applied to another opponent every 3 levels you have had the feat...

School Focus grants +1 to your spell DCs and another +1 insight bonus against spells of that school..
Greater School Focus grants a +3 to Spell DCs and Saves.. Does not stack with School Focus.

Weapon Focus- Allows access to faster attacks.. IE Fighters gain their 2nd attack at 5th with their favored weapon..
Greater Weapon Focus -Grants a+3 that doesn't stack with Weapon Focus..

Armor Proficiencies- Not only allow the use of heavier armor, it also improves the minor DR of lesser armors by 1 for each. such as a Chain shirts grant DR3/Ad-instead of DR1/Ad if the charater had all 3 feats.

Cleave- grants another cleaving attack every 3 levels after aquiring it..

Metamagic Feats are grouped together by 3s thematically, such as Quicken, Delay and Extend.. or Empower, Maximize and whatever that damn cap overiding meta feat is..

Craft Arms and Armor, Wonderous Items, Rods and Forge Ring are all combined into Create Magik Items..

Scribe Scroll, Brew Potions, Craft Wands and Staves are all combined into Create Impermanent Items..
Costs are slightly tweaked for both..

Track- also makes Survival a class skill..

Quick Draw- grants +2 to starting Init along with normal effects.. Eventually scales to jus being in hand whenever, not jus on your action...

Spell changes
Most debuffs do not grant saves.. So things like Bane provide a -1 to hit do not grant a save.. Spells like Bestow Curse, slow still affect opponents even if the save is made.. THough at half effect and only for Cha mod rounds a level.. You will not always get saves.. If you are glued to the floor with 2 broken legs doused in Kerosene and someone drops a fireball.. You're taking all of it..
That said certain spells like Silence also grant a save to each person in there ona round to round basis,.. Silence is also changed to a full round action spell, while I'm thinking about it...

There really isn't an arcane/divine divide for wizards and clerics.. Cures and Heals are Transmutation... Wizards can adapt all spells to them while clerics spells are more associated with themes then silly restrictions.. Sorcerors can pick up divine spells as well..

Rule Changes.
Critical hits are made as normal or by hitting 9 points above someone's AC.. Cha DC 5 to confirm the critical.. Now I'd like to do something with ability damage here... but still mulling it over...
Critical Fumbles are made on a roll of a natural 1.. Following that the character must make a Cha check.. DC 10.. Failure causes the player to lose his next action.. Failing by more than 5 indicates something even more drastic... Weapons flying from hand, tripping, provoking an AoO..

Initiative is not constant.. nor is it rerolled eery round.. but your actions may move you up in the iniative order or lower you on the scale.. In a rather vague sense being defensive slows you down, or things that hinder you like being prone, disarmed and such., .. While aggressiveness, clever ideas or a plain good hit to your opponents noggin speeds you up.. Charging, Bullrushing, though only against people in the general vicinity.. Does this make sense?

Most Spells lose components.. and instead are taken from something similar to a "craft pool" that'll be discussed later..
BAB also adds to your AC.. This is a dodge bonus (As an aside, magik armor is rare...)

Books Allowed
Core 3
Complete Books.. (though certain spells are considered outright banned.. Quillblast, The orb series.. Pretty much jus talk to me..)


I don't know. I don't think I am that desperate to play actually.

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First Post
ProtoClone said:
LMAO...So I take it you wouldn't play?
Firstly, *phew*. I realised some time after posting, that it might not have been particularly appropriate, and I was hoping it wouldn't be taken badly. Belated apologies to anyone offended by it.

And yeh, I was kidding anyway. I mean sure, the GM strikes me as a bit :confused:, but that's subjective 'n all.

I'd play if they were a good friend, a mate (only after diplomatically debating the really dodgy rules, and flat out arguing them if that failed). Otherwise, my curiosity might still win out anyhow.

And hey, a few of the changes seem OK. Also, I can empathise with the whole 'house ruling mania' thing.

What I do know is: wow, would I not take a Scout.

That, and someone really likes their Sorcerers. :p


First Post
Aus_Snow said:
Firstly, *phew*. I realised some time after posting, that it might not have been particularly appropriate, and I was hoping it wouldn't be taken badly. Belated apologies to anyone offended by it.

And yeh, I was kidding anyway. I mean sure, the GM strikes me as a bit :confused:, but that's subjective 'n all.

I'd play if they were a good friend, a mate (only after diplomatically debating the really dodgy rules, and flat out arguing them if that failed). Otherwise, my curiosity might still win out anyhow.

And hey, a few of the changes seem OK. Also, I can empathise with the whole 'house ruling mania' thing.

What I do know is: wow, would I not take a Scout.

That, and someone really likes their Sorcerers. :p

Yeah, he is a friend. But I just think his ideas are making the game too complicated.

I wouldn't say he likes the Sorcerers, he just thought that changing them like that would make them better.

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