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How about your OWN "Dragon" Mag?


I would like to see something like this, however I'm just not sure that the demand would be there for print to make a profit. I remember when the other mags would put out surveys before online to change their content, I cannot say if it was always for the better, IMO.

I guesss the problem is that if it is about all fantasy things, there will not be enough for my money. If it is just what I'm looking for, it is too narrow for lots of subscribers. I wish you luck though.

I would be looking for mostly 4e stuff, and I'm not sure how much you can publish with the new SRD- whatever. A few mini adventures, more like delves. An ongoing column on some city businesses, nps's, sites. Some industry news- future products, cons, new avenue for painted minis? A couple 2-page sections on ideas for new modules, campaigns, something taken from history and not necessarily dnd tie-in. I expect that some ideas and stories are not for me and would be happy with 50% good reading each issue to be worth my cash.

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I think you have a decent idea and as long as your expectations aren't terribly high, I say go for it.

As far as KQ being the successor to Dragon... Yeah... not for me. I have read a few of their issues, and they are OK. Maybe for PF players it is good (I honestly don't know) but the 4e content seems sparse and of average quality. I don't feel I am getting anything new or inspiring. The articles seem kinda... blah. Of course, YMMV. Point being, its hard to be all things to all players, and the resulting player bases who want print magazines, may be too small to support such a venture.

A good model for what you might be trying for is Combat Advantage. A free e-zine specifically for 4e. Again, the article quality can vary, but I feel its a step above KQ generally. Haven't seen one for awhile, so maybe they have stopped.

Good luck!
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First Post
If you are serious then you should check out the kickstarter website. This is a great place to get funding for various projects.

I would suggest going pdf as well as paper. Do the magazine in a two column format. More color the better. Don't use alot of fancy or odd type of fonts. They don't convert well to e-readers and ipads. Do articles on painting figures, landscaping, as well as fantasy articles. Sorta a DIY column. Most important keep an open mind. Start off with a good name like " Bladethrust". DO at least one adventure per issue.

I don't mean to deride your original post.

But, dude, have you checked out Kobold Quarterly?

They really are Dragon Magazine at this point.

I'll set up a poll to ascertain if I'm correct.

Lord Zack

I'd definitely be interested in something like this, even though there are already some like it. As long as there's good content, the more the merrier, I say. I'd even be interested in helping out.


I am not impressed with Kobold Quarterly but I warn you that trying to make a print version of a magazine will mean a significant outlay (we are talking $3000-6000 just for ~500 mags, depending on the page count) and with it comes a significant risk that you would never sell enough to break even. And that is if it is black and white, you draw all the maps yourself and pay little to nothing for art and articles.

If you look on DriveThruRPG you will find that PDF mags that sell a 1000 copies are very rare; much more likely is to sell under 100. Now I have no experience with print mags, but they probably sell better. It is distribution and printing costs that then become problematic.

Now the 3.5 D&D tag would make it attractive but unless the content is top notch, you are really up against it.

Having said that it would be a great venture if someone was willing to start it and I for one would love to contribute. Also be aware that the rush of people saying that they would 'love to contribute' is not often matched by a similar flood of completed and/or publishable articles, once you set an actual deadline; as I know to my cost from editing Ordo Draconis.
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Steeliest of the dragons
Lord Zack, Ydars, & MJH: Thanks a lot! Your contributions would be most welcome.

As to the trials of print media in this electronic age, I am quite familiar and have no delusions of start up costs...That is after all, hopefully, what advertising is for. I have no delusions of becoming a publishing powerhouse in such a niche market. More a "labor of love"...a "by the community for the community" type of thing.

I also have no delusions that limiting the amount (if any) I would be able or willing to pay for art and writing submissions would obviously limit the quality and quantity of submissions to come in...but that's all stuff to work out in the coming weeks/months.

Nor do I have delusions (based on my own experiences) about the (sometime) difficulty of getting contributors to meet deadlines. haha. There's always the "post to the website" for those that don't make the cut.

This was just something, as I said, that crossed my mind from reading about people's love of Dragon/Dungeon...and many people's deep respect and interest of KQ. And I thought...since everyone seems to like them so much...why not have another one?

"The more the merrier", as Lord Zack said, is kind of my thinking here. We have such a plethora of material of all kinds that appears in these (and other sites') forums that it seems there's plenty of interesting things to print to go around.

Also, from a "branding/marketing" perspective, why wouldn't WotC or Goodman Games or Paizo, etc...etc... want to advertise in as many (reasonably priced ;) ) places as possible?

Though, again, from my experience in print publishing, editing and layout, I know getting (and keeping) advertisers is an ongoing uphill battle that requires, more than anything else "time" to build relationships and trust and a commitment to providing the best material/product one can.

That said, since I barely slept last night with this kicking around my brain, I'm thinking something like a modest start...48pp maybe? Of which, from what I understand, I'd need approximately 1/3 to 1/2 to be advertising to sustain itself. Figure 4pp of cover, masthead, editor's letter, and "letters" section, that's another 6-8pp or so.

So, figure 20-22pp of content. If I set column length to be 1/2 to 2 pages (maybe 3 or 4 for a "feature" or 2 per issue) that's a good amount of material in a single issue.

KQ has the right idea...a quarterly mag. seems to be the way to go, especially with undertaken the editing and layout (possibly a lot of art, too) almost entirely by myself.

So far, for organization, I've thought of having the occasional "seasonly themed" issue, breaking sections of the mag up by systems: a 4e section/column, a 3x section/column, a retro-clone section/column, with the "new" races/classes/worlds sprinkled throughout as features. A short story or two...couple of cartoons, maybe a crossword? Maybe a 'Best X" contest column every so often.

I would really like to get a mini-adventure (or possibly repeat setting/ongoing campaign) per issue. Something easily incorporated in most settings...written as "system neutral" as possible.

How's that sound to people (particularly the writers/willing contributors out there?)? Too much? Too little? Something else that would be a "must" or "selling point" to you picking up such a publication?

I'm totally brainstorming here, so all suggestions/comments are welcome.

Thanks all.
--Steel Dragons
PS: "Bladethrust" huh?...hmmm. I'll put a pin in that. Let's see what else people can come up with. Hell, maybe even make naming the mag a contest of it's own!


Sounds ambitious. If this is something you're not serious about, it will fall through. I, however, have high hopes, and as this is the kind of thing I want to do with my life, I am willing to make it a commitment (either by helping write articles or by subscribing)!


Steeliest of the dragons
Sounds ambitious. If this is something you're not serious about, it will fall through. I, however, have high hopes, and as this is the kind of thing I want to do with my life, I am willing to make it a commitment (either by helping write articles or by subscribing)!

Well, it started as a stray idea/thought, but the interest seems to be there...and my ambition is simply born of the skills I possess and the experience with this sort of thing that I have...I am confident I could definitely put a mag like this together...and make it look good. haha.

We're talking months worth of up front work, obviously...but I could potentially see an issue coming out to begin 2012...if not a "winter issue" in Dec. of 2011.

PM me with what you'd like to write about! I'm totally open for suggestions. Even more than one piece would certainly be possible/doable/appreciated.

Other thoughts for a title?

Why not, right?...Let's go for it!

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