The last time I really tried to use darkness in game turned out to be a huge pain. I looked at how far each party member could see, with their light sources and senses, and every turn, I would try to block whatever part of the map they couldn't currently see (I'm a battlemap guy). The juice was so definitely not worth the squeeze.
Plus, in 5e, given disadvantage on Perception checks, enemies need to see too, so it makes sense for them to use light as well. I remember, however, that Drow used to have special lanterns that only worked for infravision users, and I've considered bringing back things like that.
People treat darkvision like it's this "omg you see everything" and that's not the case- you will miss details if you rely on it consistently. That's why it's not a huge advantage, and is basically treated like a ribbon ability in race design, unlike the days where darkvision was a big deal for a race.
It's nice when you would otherwise be blind, but you really want light. Otherwise, you might be eaten by a Grue.