How do Governments Align?


If you were to exemplify the four root-alignments with a form of government, which would they be? Bonus points for whys. To allay the problem of definitions, here is how I'm (re)defining alignment:

Good: altruism, empathy, compassion
Evil: pragmatism, self-interest at any cost
Freedom: the value of personal freedom, the potential of personal relationships, self-actualization
Order: the value of institutions, everyone has their place in the fabric of society, stability

For context, I've been trying to settle on a form of government which exemplifies each alignment. Although I'm well aware of the issues that come with alignment, and although it has no mechanical impact in my games, I like alignment exemplars like demons, devils, and angels. And instead of having all the usual feudal setups ruled by the demon-kings, the devil-king, the angel-king and so on, I think it'll be fun to have each exemplar race exemplify their alignment with their own form of government.

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First Post
I told you! We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune! We're taking turns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting, by a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority, in the case of more major external affairs.
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I think the problem with Aligning governments is they are usually full of people with different alignments and morality systems. I mean socialism or capitalism could both easily be good or evil, depending on who was running things. However my personal opinion is that power corrupts, so all governments end up being LN or LE over time.


I would also argue with your definition of evil. Although pragmatism at ANY cost definitely COULD be evil, it could also be neutral, I would argue that truly evil people get some sort of joy out of the suffering of others, and seek to actively cause it. Similarly a neutral person could be mildly altruistic due to empathy, without actively seeking to make the world a better place, or necessarily getting any satisfaction out of helping people. Good must actively seek to help others, otherwise its just neutral with empathy.

Sorry i'm going off totally in the wrong direction here.


First Post
I told you! We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune! We're takingturns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting, by a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority, in the case of more major external affairs.

Sounds very Lawful, with all those defined procedures, as well as the imposition of the will of the majority (be it simple or 2/3 majority) on society as a whole.


First Post
That is reactionary propaganda. It is freedom, you see, because it is the people themselves who have chosen their path, not their feudal overlords, capitalist exploiters , or pious ecclesiastics.

No gods or masters! ¡Viva la Revolución!
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The royals/elected government could tend toward one alignment, bureaucrats another, nobles others, churches others, municipal leaders others, the courts others, etc.

In quasi-medieval D&D societies, governments are personal. If King Bob I, chaotic evil, dies and is replaced by King Bob II, lawful good, the government is going to change... provided Bob the 2nd sweeps out the halls of power and replaces the old leaders with his own.


It depends on whether you think of alignment as an ideal type/the myth that a society is known for or the actual practice of government. I am not sure if government maps neatly with alignments at all but FWIW I think

Democracy = CG
Fascism/Autocratic rule = LE
Monarchy - probably on the lawful spectrum
Communal society = Neutral

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