How hard is a 4E black dragon fight?

Can the level 2 party defeat a level 4 elite black dragon?

  • The party will most likely die

    Votes: 28 42.4%
  • The fight could go either way

    Votes: 20 30.3%
  • The party has a good chance of success

    Votes: 17 25.8%
  • I've never played a D&D 4th Edition game

    Votes: 1 1.5%


First Post
Can they win? Certainly. Without knowing the players themselves, it is hard to put a specific prediction on what their chances are, but there is nothing indicating they are guaranteed success or doomed to failure. I suspect, given they have expended some resources and are up against a rather tough fight, that there is more likelihood of defeat than in many encounters. Given the dragon's nature as a Lurker, and its ability to create darkness, a lot will depend on the terrain and their tactics, whether they keep it on the move and force it out into the open, and so forth.

Given the party composition, they have a decent bit of everything they need (healing, damage, durability), and if they are all built as effectively as the archer, should be able to deliver solid damage if they can get the dragon in the open. I'd say if they play the battle intelligently, they have a very good chance at success without any deaths. If they don't, or if the dragon makes exceptionally good use of the environment, then things may go badly - and if the dragon manages to take out their heavy hitters first, things will be looking pretty bad.

But again... every fight has random chance, every fight will change difficulty based on how good the players are and other specifics. The party definitely can defeat the dragon - the potential is certainly there - but is by no means guaranteed.

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5ever, or until 2024
Mearls wrote a D&D adventure for D&D Experience called Scalegloom Hall that had a Black Dragon fight with 1st level pre-gens that resulted in a lot of near or full TPKs.

I would say they will most likely die.

And based on this I think they have a chance.

Maybe not a high one...


First Post
There are a number of factors, but if played right, the dragon should win that fight.

Do the players have any item powers left? These may help.

Do the players have some terrain advantage over the Dragon? This too may help.

How good are the players' tactics? If they are good, that's another plus, but looking at the number of healing surges remaining and the number of daily attack powers they have used, I suspect not very good. It seems they all blew their dailies too early. So the PC's will likely fail to slay the dragon.

And a question, how does the dragonborn fighter have 46 hitpoints? With 14 Con (judging by the 11 surges) and toughness, at second level he would have 40. If he has 15 Con, he would have 41. How does he have 46?


What kind of Bastard DM are you to put a Dragon after a fight that didn't give the ma Milestone? ;)
Breaking all rules, the DM level the party from level 1 to level 2 in between encounters with no time to rest.

At first (1) level the party just finished the following battle before the Black Dragon fight is about to begin.

8 Kobold Minions
1 Kobold Wyrmpriest
2 Kobold Dragonshields
3 Kobold Slingers
5 Kobold Skirmishers

Taking on 19 creatures was a tough fight (which is why the Fighter used 5 healing surges). However, the caveat is that we've only played two sessions so far and are not masters of 4th edition tactics yet.


...we've only played two sessions so far and are not masters of 4th edition tactics yet.

With this information in hand, the fight will likely be a TPK.

Otherwise, I'd give the party good odds. I've been amazed at times how much damage low level PCs can put out in a very short time. With six characters, I'd be betting against the lone dragon.


Black Dragons suck. If you don't have a couple drow in the party or don't catch the dragon sleeping and get lucky, a 2nd level party (with their dailies) is going to get TPKed. And if they don't it'll be a very long, drawn out, not very fun fight.


First Post
I think the party would be fine, there are six of them. i had a white dragon go against 4 characters and they survived. Those 4 were at full strength and the White Dragon is a level 3, but beside that there are six in this group and the dragon is a level 4. The characters in my game were either level 1 or level 2. I posted a log of the game below (the game was run using OpenRPG, see sig for more information):

Session 2

(365) GM: The group starts in Gilbus Tarn's Inn in Frost forge, a small village in the high snowy

mountains. Gilbus is a retired Dwarven adventurer. Over dinner Gilbus tells of a group of youthed

humans who took off to hunters Pass and got caught in a snow storm. He offers some items left in

an old cairn up there if the heroes will go and find the humans, as he is sure they will end up

in trouble. Along the way they are attacked by a band of kobolds and the retreating slinger

attacks the surviving skirmisher who surrenders, and the retreats himself.
(365) GM: Once they head up hunters pass they are attacked by wolves and find the cairn Gilbus

spoke of.
** (368) Harbek treks through the wind and snow "Bah, when is this going to clear up

friends....friends? where did those tall folk go?" **
(343) Darsha: "Lost in a drift?"
** (355) Osh'lem shivers, obviously don't like the cold **
** (368) Harbek looks at Darsha and thinks back trying to remember where the group had found her

"Aye...err....Aye, probably lass. Have we met before? My mind sometimes rusts on me" **
(365) GM: You stand before an small opeining that leads into a cairn on hunters pass as gilbus

described to you. Nature checks
(368) Harbek: [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19)
(343) Darsha: "I'm not sure. I just found myself on this path somehow."
(355) Osh'lem: [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12)
(343) Darsha: [1d20+3] => [18,3] = (21)
(368) Harbek: " Well a dwarf is obviously trustworthy enough for me. Name is Harbek"
(355) Osh'lem: "I am only here cause I heard there are portal in these parts"
(343) Darsha: "Darsha."
whispering to Darsha, yo spot small tracks going into the cairn...
(343) Darsha: "Portal? Mebbe it is hiding in da hole?"
** (368) Harbek jumps and turns to face the other person "Oh...well as long as your not like the

young humans that ran here. They heard of a dragon and got themselves caught" **
(368) Harbek: Description: Hardek stands at 4'6", weight a stocky 200lbs. Unlike other dwarves,

his red beard is unbraided and uncombed, giving him a wild appearance. His plates of his scale

mail is unpolished, loosely fits, and appears to be a combination of other various pieces of

armor. His hammer however is just the opposite. The maul is polished, shining its steel with a

gold trim. The hammer's shaft contains runewords in the metal handle in dwarven, and its obvious

that this weapon was meant to be used in combat and to intimdate those that might face it.
** (355) Osh'lem realize he is the tallest one in the group... for a change **
(343) Darsha: "Hmmmmph there is a lot of small prints going into that hole or cairn there."
** (355) Osh'lem stands at 5'6, wearing nothing but a robe, his horns carefully hidden behind his

shroud **
(367) metroknight (enter): 22:08
(368) Harbek: "Small? Like kobold prints? You know the bounty on those went up to 8gp a head"
** (343) Darsha is around 4' tall and about 156 lbs. **
(368) Harbek: "Maybe that slinger?! Oh, lets get him"
(355) Osh'lem: "bah! If they dare to stand between me and that portal, 8gp a head won't be

enough to save them if they offered it to me"
(343) Darsha: "Really? Well they are small is all I know. I'm better at figurin' out big

things than small ones."
** (368) Harbek walks/jumps into the hole and into the now dungeon **
** (355) Osh'lem darts his head left and right **
(367) metroknight: Disconnecting from server...
(367) metroknight (exit): 22:09
** (355) Osh'lem doesn't trust the dwarves, those greedy bastards... waits for the other dwarf

to go down before he does **
** (343) Darsha follow her compatriot to make sure he stays out of trouble. **
(371) Zander (enter): 22:11
(371) Zander: hi
(371) Zander: open?
(368) Harbek: (hello)
** (355) Osh'lem follows the short ones, keeping an eye out for everything that indicates signs

of magic **
(365) GM: As you enter you smell dung. The floor is covered in ice and snow but it is warmer in

here than outside, though it stinks. Several lanterns lie nearby, broken alongwith spilled

flasks of oil. The oil isn't frozen but is thick because of the cold.
(343) Darsha: "No fires!"
(365) GM: A broken wooden door leads into a hall. It is quiet
** (355) Osh'lem summons a dim-light, hiding it behind the sleeve of his robe **
** (368) Harbek looks around the cave a moment, adjusting his hammer and heading toward the door

(365) GM: Oshlem's light imbues teh place with shadow and light
** (343) Darsha glances around .... "sure stinks huh?" **
(368) Harbek: "Kobolds always do...."
** (355) Osh'lem tries to stare into the darkness, forcing his eye to focus **
** (355) Osh'lem flicks flames with his other hands, the oil have ignited his pyromanic instincts

(355) Osh'lem: *hand
** (368) Harbek opens the door out of the hole and into the hallway **
(371) Zander: (?)
whispering to Zander, hola
(355) Osh'lem: Perception: [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12)
** (355) Osh'lem stays in the back and stares down the hall **
(365) GM: ((ok i need a marching order please)) Oshlem sees a string of broken wooden doors down

the hall, two more within his sight range.
whispering to Zander, if you have a 4e character 22pt buy, lvl 1 you can get in the game
(368) Harbek: ((low light see anyting?))
(355) Osh'lem: ((I will probably be last behind our meat shield :3))
(343) Darsha: (( I think Har / Darsh / Osh
(365) GM: Harbek sees a string of broken wooden doors down the hall, two more within his sight

(368) Harbek: "My hammer will go first if none of you mind?"
(343) Darsha: "Fine I'll try to back it up with mine."
** (368) Harbek walks forward toward the hall to the next door **
** (355) Osh'lem got an idea.= **
** (368) Harbek opens the next door **
(365) GM: You go to the next door... perception checks everyone
** (355) Osh'lem hunch over the broken laterns, starts a small ritual **
(355) Osh'lem: [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14)
(368) Harbek: [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19)
(343) Darsha: PER [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6)
(365) GM: Harbek goes forth and a larger than life rat dive out from under a fallen door as two

kobolds present themselves, snarling. Another kobold further up the hall appears as well
(368) Harbek: "Ambush!"
** (355) Osh'lem hiss, obviously now pleased that his ritual is disturbed **
(355) Osh'lem: not*
(365) GM: The rat attacks Harbeck
(343) Darsha: "hmmmmphhh .... "
(365) GM: Bite (standard; at-will) Disease [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
Damage; [1d6+2] => [1,2] = (3) and the target contracts filth fever
(373) Random (enter): 22:19
(373) Random: (( oooh ))
whispering to Random, you can use your mishmash character from last time, join up
(368) Harbek: " Gar! Vermin!...."
(355) Osh'lem: ((moo moo random))
(365) GM:
Javelin (melee): (standard; at-will) [1d20+5 ] => [4,5] = (9)
4 Damage
(373) Iris: (( what do we have so far? ))
(365) GM: A minion tries to stab Harbek as well and teh other tosses a javelin at Darsha
** (355) Osh'lem licks his lips, "rats on stick, lunch anyone?" **
(368) Harbek: ((Dwarf Fighter))
(365) GM:
Javelin (ranged 10/20): (standard; at-will) [1d20+5 ] => [7,5] = (12)
4 Damage
** (343) Darsha knocks the stick aside **
(355) Osh'lem: (tiefling wizzie)
(365) GM: The stick hits a wall
(343) Darsha: ( dwarf cleric )
(368) Harbek: [1d20+1] => [12,1] = (13)
(373) Iris: (( hmm 2 clerics weirdness ))
(365) GM: Initiative: [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16)
(365) GM: Initiative: [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
(365) GM: Initiative: [1d20+3] => [4,3] = (7)
(343) Darsha: [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14)
(355) Osh'lem: [1d20+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(355) Osh'lem: ((figures.. xD))
(365) GM: Initiative: [1d20+2] => [10,2] = (12)
(373) Iris: (( mind if I bring in a striker GM? ))
(368) Harbek: (( 3 damage, so i'm 21/32)
(355) Osh'lem: ((gogo power random :3))
(355) Osh'lem: ((bad pun ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (373) Iris...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (356) Norgate...
(373) Iris: (( lol ))
(356) Norgate: (( elven ranger ))
(368) Harbek: (bah, an elf)
(356) Norgate: "Sorry for the wait guys, I got hung up talking to that tree."
(373) Iris: (( heh, Iris was one too ))
(373) Iris: (( er is, that elf racial is amazing ))
(368) Harbek: "Tree, you can't trust trees."
(343) Darsha: "You tree huggers. Now talk to some rats and Kobolds just as hard!"
(365) GM: ((if you just came in add your mini to the screen and seend me a character link, you

will be at teh end of init order for sake of ease))
** (355) Osh'lem mumbles "trees are just oversize matchsticks... hehehhe" **
(373) Karma: popidol wiki / Elfcorewiz001
(373) Karma: (( figure we're not using dragon magazine stuff ))
(355) Osh'lem: ((we be myth-weavers :3))
(373) Karma: href="">http://www.myth-
(373) Karma: (( Iris is not on myth-weavers, sadly ))
(355) Osh'lem: ((time to rebuild my nodes while we wait!))
(365) GM: KM1
(365) GM: tosses a javelin at Darsha
(365) GM:
Javelin (ranged 10/20): (standard; at-will) [1d20+5 ] => [20,5] = (25)
4 Damage
(373) Karma: (( nice that minions don't crit ))
(356) Norgate: (( OA? from the ulgy dude up front? ))
(365) GM: Darsha is hit in the chest and takes 8 damage from the javelin
(356) Norgate: (( and doesnt darsha have cover? ))
(365) GM: he is two squares away from harbeck, so no
(365) GM: cover is not a factor
(343) Darsha: "ooooof"
(356) Norgate: (( oh, km1 got ya sry ))
(365) GM: KS1
(356) Norgate: (( map is too big ))
(373) Karma: (( blue = wall or water? ))
(373) Karma: "Hello all, name's Karma the wiiiiiizaaaard! And today's your lucky day"
(368) Harbek: "So far, I've had better"
(365) GM: KS1
** (355) Osh'lem eyes Karma warily **
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~" practically cackle laughs.
(365) GM: The slinger fires a bullet down at Harbek
(355) Osh'lem: "You better not be here for the portal...."
(368) Harbek: (ack!)
(365) GM: Sling (standard; at-will) Ranger 10/20 [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
Damage; [1d6+3] => [3,3] = (6)
(365) GM: It hits the wall near him
(365) GM: DARSHA
(365) GM: KM2
** (368) Harbek dodges the bullet "Oh! Its you again!" **
(365) GM: DARSHA
(343) Darsha: (( can I even attack anything? ))
(365) GM: yes, but with a ranged weapon
(373) Karma: (( melee cleric? ))
(356) Norgate: (( ranged ))
(365) GM: or spell
(373) Karma: (( delay? ))
(365) GM: KM2
(365) GM: harbek is on deck
(365) GM: KM2 tries to stab harbeck again
(365) GM:
Javelin (melee): (standard; at-will) [1d20+5 ] => [14,5] = (19)
4 Damage
(356) Norgate: (( cover a factor here? ))
(365) GM: even with cover the stab gets through his armor
(365) GM: only -2 on cover
(355) Osh'lem: (no covers here yet)
(368) Harbek: (hit....17hp out of 32))
(365) GM: because of corner
(365) GM: HARBEK
(355) Osh'lem: ((still no cover for me, muahahahahhaah))
** (368) Harbek raises his hammer up and smashes down onto the stupid rat, swinging the hammer

toward the kobold that's hugging the wall it seems. (Minor: Healing Surge, Standard: Cleave

Move: Shift) **
(368) Harbek: Cleave (Maul): [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16) vs AC
Hit: [2d6+5] => [3,2,5] = (10) Adjacent Opponent Takes [3] => 3
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~ Now that's what I call a mauling"
(365) GM: You backhand KM2 with your maul, killing him
** (343) Darsha raises her hand and calls out .... "Moridin come to our aid and heal!" ((

Healing word )) **
(365) GM: The blow lands on the rat as well and it squeals
(365) GM: ok i think the target gets 1d6 hp +healing surge right
(365) GM: I imagine thats on harbek?
(373) Karma: +wisdom for a cleric
(365) GM: kk
(373) Karma: due to healing lore
(365) GM: roll the d6+wis please
(356) Norgate: (( no wis bonus ))
(343) Darsha: (( Close Burst 5 Healing Surge and [1d6] => [5] = (5) ))
(356) Norgate: (( nvm ))
(356) Norgate: (( read the entire thing acsidol ))
(355) Osh'lem: (( are all tree huggers like that? ;)))
(356) Norgate: (( yes ))
(365) GM: Harbek is at 30
(368) Harbek: Saving Throw for filth [1d20] => [17] = (17)
(368) Harbek: done
(365) GM: DR1
(365) GM: Dire rat attacks Harbek
** (355) Osh'lem toss a small fire between his hands, eager to burn.. something **
(365) GM: Bite (standard; at-will) Disease [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
Damage; [1d6+2] => [3,2] = (5) and the target contracts filth fever
(365) GM: oh roll your save also harbek
(368) Harbek: ((miss))
(373) Karma: (( move 1? ))
(368) Harbek: ((points up toward his roll? or roll again?))
(365) GM: ((yes dint notice he moved back))
(365) GM: ok you suffer no effects from the filth
(365) GM: OSHLEM
** (355) Osh'lem targets the space between DR1 and KM1 **
(355) Osh'lem: Scorching Burst: Range 10, Burst 1
Damage: [1d6+6] => [6,6] = (12)
Target 1 [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20) Target 2 [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12) Target 3 [1d20+6]

=> [8,6] = (14)
Target 4 [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24) Target 5 [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24) Target 6 [1d20+6]

=> [14,6] = (20)
(355) Osh'lem: (20 on DR1, 12 on KM 1)
(355) Osh'lem: (12 dmg vs reflex if hit)
(365) GM: KM1 dives out of the way but the rat takes teh brunt of teh blow
(373) Karma: (( oh tiefling, was wondering how ya got +6, nice ))
** (355) Osh'lem sniffs the air, enjoying the smell of something burning **
(365) GM: IRIS
(355) Osh'lem: (( ;)))
(368) Harbek: "All Right! Things Appear to be heating up!"
(373) Karma: Cloud of Dagger *Ref [1d20+3] => [1,3] = (4) Force~ [1d6+3] => [1,3] = (4) R10 Area

1: Creatures starting or passing through sq takes 4 (Wis) Force~ On Dire Rat
(355) Osh'lem: "and it will get hotter!"
(373) Karma: elven reroll
(373) Karma: Cloud of Dagger *Ref [1d20+3] => [19,3] = (22)
(356) Norgate: (( centered between rat and kobold right? ))
(373) Karma: on the Rat, its not a burst, just 1 square
(356) Norgate: (( otherwise our dwarf gets caught up in it ))
(365) GM: Rat is engulfed in daggers nd cut up more
(356) Norgate: (( um...i would hope not ))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(371) Zander' from server... Removing dead client
(371) Zander (exit): 22:49
(355) Osh'lem: (don't think our dwarf is stupid enough to walk into the daggers :3))
(373) Karma: (( i think it was more of a confusion of if it was a burst or not, its only 1 square

** (356) Norgate moves quickly to the mouth of the hall... **
(356) Norgate: "Haha!"
** (356) Norgate leans over and fires a few arrows right between the legs of two dwarves... **
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(369) Atmo' from server... Removing dead client
(369) Atmo (exit): 22:51
(368) Harbek: "Daggers! How am i suppose to slay kobolds when there are daggers in my way?"
(355) Osh'lem: ((would be funny if norgate slips on that oil on the floor ;)))
(365) GM: ((lol))
(373) Karma: (( banana peels are always fun ))
(373) Karma: (( repost: Does blue = wall or water? ))
(365) GM: ((icy wall))
(356) Norgate: Twin Strike (long bow): First attack: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11) vs AC for [1d20+4]

=> [5,4] = (9)
(356) Norgate: Elven reroll
(365) GM: miss on dire rat
(373) Karma: (( wait no quarry? ))
(356) Norgate: Twin Strike (long bow): First attack: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18) vs AC
(365) GM: ok The arrow hits
(356) Norgate: (( meh, oh well i forgot ))
(343) Darsha: "garrrrrrrr!! Watch what yer doing there!"
(365) GM: The rat slumps over dead as the kobolds fall nback into the hallway out of sigght
(356) Norgate: Second attack
(373) Karma: (( sorry, if i sound too critical over text, i just wanna help for PCs ))
(365) GM: ok take shot on KM1
(355) Osh'lem: (it's dead xD)
(356) Norgate: [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17) vs AC of KS1 for [1d10] => [8] = (8) damage
(365) GM: didnt realize you had asecond attack
(355) Osh'lem: (has to be adjacent though)
(365) GM: KM1 is dead, the slinger retreat yelling warning to his freinds
(356) Norgate: (( *twin* strike ))
(355) Osh'lem: (doesn't it?)
(356) Norgate: (( ...ill check ))
(365) GM: --game pause--
(365) GM: ok i have to go across the way and get my wife, so 15 minute break, the we'll resume
(355) Osh'lem: (dw)
(365) GM: The remaining slinger evades you onnce again, retreating
(373) Karma: (( so she was thunderwaving along a building wall, not ground lvl ))
(355) Osh'lem: ((I know, I just misunderstood, that's why I dug for info, I wanted to know ;))
** (368) Harbek stands up after his rest and heads farther into the dungeons, chasing after the

kobold **
(365) GM: ((please kill the ooc))
(373) Karma: "Soooo... onwards?"
(355) Osh'lem: "The portals... the primordial calls...."
** (373) Karma makes a dramatic flourish, only to bang her hand on the side of the wall. **
** (368) Harbek opens the door at the end of the hall? if there is one **
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~ ow."
(365) GM: You pursue the slinegr long enough to see him go into a door and slam it shut loudly
(356) Norgate: (( whats the freaking point of a area spell with only a 1 square diameter ))
(368) Harbek: ((is that a large room or just a hallway?)
(355) Osh'lem: "want me to burn down that door" *cracks a smile*
** (356) Norgate allows the wizards go before him, incase of a attack from the rear. **
(343) Darsha: "Onward!"
** (368) Harbek charges the door to break it down **
(365) GM: The hall your in opens into a larger hall
** (355) Osh'lem bends down, do a small ritual before following the group **
** (356) Norgate knocks a arrows and prepares to fire at any enemies beyond the portal. **
** (373) Karma follows close to the front, but stays to the middle if possible. **
(365) GM: Ths place looks to be where teh kobolds have taken up quarters, pots are strtrewn about

as well as firepist and teh like
(355) Osh'lem: ((I just spend 1 sp to gather 5 flasks of oil with the "make whole" ritual))
whispering to OSD, does that comment pertain to me, otherwise whisper it to whoever
(368) Harbek: ((would it be a bull rush? or a charge?))
(356) Norgate: (( are you shouldering it or using your hammer to smash? ))
(356) Norgate: (( technically you can charge and bull rush ))
(355) Osh'lem: ((charge attack if possible, really good bonus, no penality, just avoid the OAs

(356) Norgate: (( charge + bull rush str+1 vs door's fort ))
(373) Karma: "I think its a little unlucky the kobolds are just trying to live and we're smashing

up their place and pets."
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~"
(373) Karma: "Lucky we're the adventurers though"
(368) Harbek: (( [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21) vs Fort
(355) Osh'lem: "just count yourself lucky, you get free meat... after I cook them"
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~"
(368) Harbek: "Kobold meat, bah...who would want to eat something as scrawny as these little

** (355) Osh'lem swirls the flasks of oil, can't wait to set them aflame **
(356) Norgate: (( door has a 10 fort ))
(355) Osh'lem: "You might not have a choice if we are stuck up here without ration, just don't

come begging if you do run out of food, more for us"
(356) Norgate: (( if its simple wood ))
(365) GM: Harbek charges teh door and slams into it crushing it into splinters. the kobold

behind it is killed by the force of it but each of you is shocked as the entire hall echoes with

a ringing and loud roar! A white dragon eyes harbek and lets out a roaring decree of how

unwlecome you are right now!
(355) Osh'lem: [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17)
(365) GM: Initiative: [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8)
(368) Harbek: "Holy Dragon"
(368) Harbek: [1d20+1] => [19,1] = (20)
(373) Karma: "I knew it! Luck is balanced"
(356) Norgate: Init [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~"
(373) Karma: Karma [1d20+2] => [5,2] = (7) init
(377) Brother (enter): 23:14
(343) Darsha: "Ohhhhhhh lovely."
(343) Darsha: [1d20+2] => [15,2] = (17)
** (355) Osh'lem volunteers to take his turn after Darha **
(365) GM: ((the dragon is large))
(365) GM: ROUND 1
(356) Norgate: (( is this considered a new encounter? ))
(365) GM: HARBECK sights teh dragon through the door and acts first, NORGATE is on deck
** (343) Darsha calls down Moradin's Resolve. **
(377) Brother: Going away. D:
(377) Brother (exit): 23:16
** (368) Harbek laughs histerically "Moradin grants me the battle I have been looking

for....OnWard!" (Move to get into his reach, Minor to shift adjacent, Standard: Villains

Menance) **
(368) Harbek: Villain's Menance(Maul): [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24) vs AC
Hit: [4d6+5] => [4,5,5,1,5] = (20) and gain +2 to attack and +4 to damage to target until end

of encounter.
Miss: Gain a +1 to attack and +2 to damage against target until end of encounter
(373) Karma: (( wait a sec, unless you're a kobold, shift = move action ))
(368) Harbek: ((*t)0
(373) Karma: (( tho beating init, so shouldnt get OA, i forget ))
(368) Harbek: (( so doens't matter?....okay))
(365) GM: yeah it does
(365) GM: you could use an action point this round
(368) Harbek: (oh yeah, those things. Done)
(365) GM: and do all of teh above
(356) Norgate: (( he can just move up to it, the dragon cant take a AO ))
(356) Norgate: (( hasnt acted yet ))
(365) GM: ahh true dat
(378) Lurky (enter): 23:19
(356) Norgate: (( then blow your AP on another attack ))
(365) GM: Your power works and you strike teh dragon on teh nose in defiance to which it snnorts

(365) GM: NORGATE watches teh dwarf's vbravery and acts, OSHLEM is on deck
(368) Harbek: (done for now)
(355) Osh'lem: (not to mention reach doesn't work for OA :3)
** (356) Norgate moves with unnatural elven speed to traverse the hallway and enter the room...

(356) Norgate: (( move plus, Encounter power: Evasive Strike (shift 5 squares before attack)

hehe ))
(365) GM: OSHLEM acts after his elven compatriot and DARSHA is on deck
(380) fenixdown (enter): 23:22
(356) Norgate: Evasive Strike (longbow): [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6) Vs AC for [2d10+4] => [9,9,4] =

(22) damage
(356) Norgate: elven reroll
(356) Norgate: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13) to hit
(365) GM: The strike missies chipping much ice off the wall
(356) Norgate: (( crap ))
(356) Norgate: Action point
(365) GM: k
(365) GM: OSHLEM acts after his elven compatriot and DARSHA is on deck
(356) Norgate: Daily power: Hunter's bear trap: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16) to hit for [2d10+4] =>

[10,6,4] = (20) damage (plus slowed and 5 ongoing
(365) GM: The trap fails, assuming its vs AC
(356) Norgate: (( yea...i suck ))
(365) GM: OSHLEM acts after his elven compatriot and DARSHA is on deck
** (355) Osh'lem notice he can't see the dragon clearly from his position, decides to burn the

ground SE of it for a clear shot. **
(355) Osh'lem: Scorching Burst: Range 10, Burst 1, vs Reflex
Damage: [1d6+6] => [6,6] = (12)
Target 1 [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) Target 2 [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11) Target 3 [1d20+6] =>

[2,6] = (8)
Target 4 [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13) Target 5 [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7) Target 6 [1d20+6] =>

[2,6] = (8)
(365) GM: DARSHA acts while OSHLEM does and the DRAGON is on deck
(355) Osh'lem: (missed...)
(365) GM: The burst scorches teh wall making water
(368) Harbek: (oh boy, here he comes...))
** (343) Darsha moves inside the door and calls out .... "Moradin show your might and release

your lance of faith so bright." **
(355) Osh'lem: (do I hear.. water.... elemental ice trap....!!!!)
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~ And they say elves are into poetry"
** (355) Osh'lem personally wonder how elves burns..... (private thought ;)) **
(356) Norgate: "She must have some fey blood in there some where..."
(365) GM: The DrAGON acts while KARMA is on deck
(343) Darsha: (( Lance of Faith [1d20+3+2] => [16,3,2] = (21) vs Reflex / damg [1d8+3] => [1,3]

= (4) Harbek will get +2 to next attack ))
(368) Harbek: ((ack!))
(365) GM:
Dragon's Fury (Std--at will)
Claw 1: (-Reach 2) [1d20+6 ] => [18,6] = (24)vs AC
Damage: [1d8+4] => [1,4] = (5)
Claw 1: (-Reach 2) [1d20+6 ] => [18,6] = (24)vs AC
Damage: [1d8+4] => [5,4] = (9)
if both claw attacks hit a single target it makes a bite attack agaisnt the same target.
(365) GM:
Bite: (standard; at-will--Reach 2) [1d20+6 ] => [4,6] = (10)vs AC
Damage: [1d8+4] => [4,4] = (8) plus [1d6] => [3] = (3) cold damage
plus an extra [d6] => d6 cold damage on an OA
(365) GM: Harbek is clawed for 14 and nearly gets bit!
(368) Harbek: (( claws hit, so
(339) Loki: It's too late. The die is cast.
(339) Loki (exit): 23:30
(365) GM: yes
(355) Osh'lem: "Someone push that dragon into the water puddle! I will try to immobilize it by

freezing the water!" (if DM allows it)
(365) GM: KARMA acts, HARBECK is on deck
(373) Karma: "Well today is our lucky day!"
(365) GM: ((i will allow it to be held for one round IF that works))
(368) Harbek: "What? Push a dragon?!"
(373) Karma: Thunderwave *Fort [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5) Thunder~ [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) Close

Blast 3. Pushed back 4 (wis) squares.
(373) Karma: elven reroll
(373) Karma: Thunderwave *Fort [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
(355) Osh'lem: (it's only a large, bullrush works :))
(355) Osh'lem: "What are you
(355) Osh'lem: a coward?!"
(365) GM: The forcehist teh dragn but its 4 legs shake, yet it stays stable (missed by 1)
(373) Karma: ap
(365) GM: ROUND 2
HARBECK reatilates from teh physical attacks and NOARGTE is on deck
(373) Karma: *Flaming Sphere (Daily) *Ref [1d20+3] => [4,3] = (7) Fire~ [2d6+3] => [6,4,3] =

(13) R10
(365) GM: The sphere fails to hit teh target
(343) Darsha: (( harbeck has +2 to hit from me ))
** (368) Harbek sweeps his hammer under a leg and lifts with al lhis might trying to drive his

opponent to the ground ((Standard: Sweeping Strike. Minor: Second Wind)) **
(368) Harbek: Spinning Sweep(Maul): [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) vs AC
Hit: [2d6+9] => [3,2,9] = (14) and Knock the Target Prone
(355) Osh'lem: "yes!!! BURN MY PRETTIES!!!"
(368) Harbek: bah!
(365) GM: Harbek hits the ground with his maul NORGATE rsponds and OSHLEM is on deck
(368) Harbek: HP: 24/32. 6 Left for the day
** (356) Norgate shifts into the corner... **
(356) Norgate: Twin Strike (longbow): [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7) vs AC for [1d10] => [2] = (2)

damage. Second Attack [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24) vs AC for [1d10] => [6] = (6) damage.
(365) GM: Darsha's lance glanced teh dragon doing damage
(356) Norgate: (( second is crit wooo 10 dmg ))
(355) Osh'lem: "Curses, dwarf's too close, can't freeze the ground!"
(355) Osh'lem: (quaary!!!)
(365) GM: NOrgates arrow did in fact hurt the dragon a little
(356) Norgate: (( dangit...ill quarry him for next time ))
(365) GM: OSHLEM acts and DARSHA is on deck
(356) Norgate: (( i just rolled this dude up...took me like 2 minutes...dont know quite how to

play em ))
(365) GM: ((np))
** (355) Osh'lem casts his fire at the fireball, enlarging the flame! (cosmetic effect only!) **
(355) Osh'lem: Scorching Burst: Range 10, Burst 1, vs Reflex
Damage: [1d6+6] => [3,6] = (9)
Target 1 [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11) Target 2 [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15) Target 3 [1d20+6] =>

[7,6] = (13)
Target 4 [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16) Target 5 [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) Target 6 [1d20+6] =>

[15,6] = (21)
** (355) Osh'lem curses as he misses **
(368) Harbek: "Oh boy...this could be bad..."
(365) GM: DARSHA acts and DRAGON is on deck
** (343) Darsha calls down Moradin's Resolve on herself. **
(343) Darsha: Then proceeds to try to aid as many comrades as possible and annoy the dragon.

"Give us your Beacon of Hope great Moradin."
** (355) Osh'lem stares at his flasks of oil, stares at the fire, stares back again **
(373) Karma: (( hmm, i've never had a need to use that yet ))
(343) Darsha: ((Beacon of Hope [1d20+3+2] => [16,3,2] = (21) vs Will / The target is weakened

until the end of its next turn. / You and all your allies in the burst regain 5 hit points, and

your healing powers restore +5 hit points until the end of the encounter. ))
(355) Osh'lem: ((tempted to chuck the flasks of oil at the dragon to create on-going damage, but

too much work for the DM, so I will skip that idea :3))
(343) Darsha: (( it is burst 3 and I am 4e new so don't know what it means ))
(355) Osh'lem: (means 7x7 square with you as center)
(356) Norgate: (( 3 square raduis ))
(356) Norgate: (( it misses me ))
(365) GM: ((ill let that grab oshlem, kar and harbeck if she wants to do it))
(373) Karma: yep, i think of it as Norgate's way, but both are correct
(356) Norgate: (( not anymore ))
(373) Karma: yeah, prolly wouldnt cast it where he was
(343) Darsha: (( I'd have moved to there then ))
(365) GM: ((ok gets norgate also then))
(368) Harbek: ( HP 29/32
(365) GM: The Dragon is weakened
(368) Harbek: (( YES!
(368) Harbek: " Thank You Lass!"
(365) GM: The DRAGON heaves and lets loose frosty breath! ((This shoudl catch Harbeck, Oshlem

and Kar with Close Blast 5)) KARMA is on deck
(365) GM:
Breath Weapon (std--recharge (5 or 6)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [5,3,5,4] = (17) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(373) Karma: Flaming Sphere: Adjacent take Fire~ [1d4+3] => [3,3] = (6)
(368) Harbek: (hit)
(373) Karma: for the dragon btw
** (355) Osh'lem ducks, using the corner for cover **
(373) Karma: hit
** (355) Osh'lem get hits **
(355) Osh'lem: (the dragon taking on-going dmg from the sphere right?
(373) Karma: wait a sec
(373) Karma: it needs to roll multiple for us right?
(365) GM: Kar, Harbeck and Darsha take 8 damage, since hes weakened
(373) Karma: 1 dmg roll, many attack rolls?
** (355) Osh'lem nods **
(355) Osh'lem: (forgot about that :))
(365) GM: ok , ill roll 3 new rolls
** (355) Osh'lem prays his cover does something **
(365) GM: order will go vs harbeck, darsha and then karma
(365) GM: then oshlem
(365) GM:
Breath Weapon (std--recharge (5 or 6)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [4,3,2,4] = (13) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(368) Harbek: (hit.)
(365) GM:
Breath Weapon (std--recharge (5 or 6)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [4,4,1,4] = (13) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(365) GM:
Breath Weapon (std--recharge (5 or 6)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [2,1,5,4] = (12) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(365) GM:
Breath Weapon (std--recharge (5 or 6)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [6,4,4,4] = (18) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(365) GM:
Breath Weapon (std--recharge (5 or 6)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [1,2,1,4] = (8) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(365) GM: Karma and Harbeck are hit
(373) Karma: yep
(355) Osh'lem: (what's my roll? :3)
(373) Karma: 5... shouldnt hit ya :)
(356) Norgate: (( no roll, reflex defense ))
** (343) Darsha feels breath around her .... but no cold **
(365) GM: [3d6+4] => [4,3,2,4] = (13) cold damage
(365) GM: [3d6+4] => [5,6,6,4] = (21) cold damage
(355) Osh'lem: (from the blast I mean :))
(365) GM: ok harbeck takes 6, karma takes 10
** (368) Harbek gets goosebumps from the blast as he shivers **
(373) Karma: gm, only 1 dmg roll
(373) Karma: so we both take 6
** (355) Osh'lem nods **
(368) Harbek: (( 29/32...down to....23/32)
(365) GM: ok
(355) Osh'lem: (so I don't get hit? o_O)
(365) GM: nope
(373) Karma: yep
(355) Osh'lem: (since I didn't get a roll)
** (355) Osh'lem dances **
(373) Karma: yeah, yours was 5
(365) GM: OSHLEm acts and HABECK is on deck
(365) GM: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
(373) Karma: er my turn?
(365) GM: yes
** (355) Osh'lem lights the flamesphere on fire again **
(355) Osh'lem: Scorching Burst: Range 10, Burst 1, vs Reflex
Damage: [1d6+6] => [6,6] = (12)
Target 1 [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13) Target 2 [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22) Target 3 [1d20+6]

=> [17,6] = (23)
Target 4 [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24) Target 5 [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26) Target 6 [1d20+6]

=> [17,6] = (23)
(373) Karma: Cloud of Dagger *Ref [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9) Force~ [1d6+3] => [2,3] = (5) R10 Area

1: Creatures starting or passing through sq takes 4 (Wis) Force~
(355) Osh'lem: (13, grrr)
(355) Osh'lem: (oops_)
(365) GM: it rolls by the intended target. HARBECK acts and NORGATE is on deck (ROUND 3 now)
(373) Karma: sustain minor Flaming sphere, and move...
(365) GM: k
** (368) Harbek struggles to bring his hammer up but swings toward the dragon's mouth "Don't

breath on me!" (Standard: Reaping Strike. Saving Throw After the attack. Weakened so half

damage) **
(373) Karma: done
(368) Harbek: Reaping Strike(Maul): [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26) vs AC
Hit: [2d6+9] => [5,4,9] = (18)
Miss: [3] => 3 +4 from Villain's Menance?
(368) Harbek: [1d20] => [14] = (14)
(365) GM: The harsh blow lands puounding into the dragons hide
(368) Harbek: (done)
(373) Karma: [1d20] => [18] = (18) Saving throw :)
(365) GM: NORGATE acts and OSHLEM is on deck
** (356) Norgate curses himself as he fires off two more arrows **
(356) Norgate: Twin Strike (longbow): [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20) vs AC for [1d10] => [1] = (1)

damage. Second Attack [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12) vs AC for [1d10] => [4] = (4) damage.
(365) GM: ahh yes effects are ended on karma
(365) GM: harbeck also needs asave
(356) Norgate: (( first attack gets quarry [1d6] => [3] = (3) ))
(365) GM: and your dmage was only 9
** (356) Norgate stays in the corner and out of the range of the minty freshness of death **
(365) GM: effects ended on harbeck also
(368) Harbek: i did save (( points up))
(365) GM: OSHLEM acts and DARSHA is on deck
(365) GM: ((yup, thx))
(355) Osh'lem: ((how much would it a door cost DM?))
(355) Osh'lem: *would a door cost
(365) GM: DARSHA may also act now
** (368) Harbek feels his blood warm with that swing "Allright, more of that coming Snowball!" **
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho ho~ Today is our lucky day"
** (355) Osh'lem casts 4sp of ritual material on the door's remain and make it whole again **
** (355) Osh'lem closes the newly repaired door, using it as total cover and protection **
(365) GM: DRAGON is on deck
(368) Harbek: ....
(365) GM: DARSHa still needs to act
(368) Harbek: "Seriously?!"
(373) Karma: (( btw rituals do take time... like 10 minutes ))
(373) Karma: (( usually ))
(365) GM: ((yeah was teh door a ritual))
** (343) Darsha moves a bit and calls down Moradin's Resolve and calls out "Moradin once more

bring your faithful lance to my aid." (( Lance of Faith [1d20+3+2] => [15,3,2] = (20) vs Reflex

... [1d8+3] => [4,3] = (7) dmg and Harbek will get a +2 to his next attack )) **
(365) GM: ((you can spend an action pint to keep that action if you like, this time))
(355) Osh'lem: (damn, I will use the action point, forgot about time)
(365) GM: The lance hits teh dragon
(373) Karma: (( definitely creative tho, which 4e doe sorta lack ))
(365) GM: The DRAGON attacks harbeck and uses an action point to attck the nearest standing

target after that
(365) GM:
Dragon's Fury (Std--at will)
Claw 1: (-Reach 2) [1d20+6 ] => [3,6] = (9)vs AC
Damage: [1d8+4] => [5,4] = (9)
Claw 1: (-Reach 2) [1d20+6 ] => [9,6] = (15)vs AC
Damage: [1d8+4] => [5,4] = (9)
if both claw attacks hit a single target it makes a bite attack agaisnt the same target.
(368) Harbek: ((miss!))
(365) GM:
Dragon's Fury (Std--at will)
Claw 1: (-Reach 2) [1d20+6 ] => [2,6] = (8)vs AC
Damage: [1d8+4] => [6,4] = (10)
Claw 1: (-Reach 2) [1d20+6 ] => [19,6] = (25)vs AC
Damage: [1d8+4] => [8,4] = (12)
if both claw attacks hit a single target it makes a bite attack agaisnt the same target.
(368) Harbek: ((...12 damage))
(373) Karma: if you want to GM, dragon takes 4 force dmg from cloud on its turn [1d4+3] => [2,3]

= (5) Fire~
(365) GM: Through teh onslaught Harbeck only takes 12
(373) Karma: so 9 total
(368) Harbek: (( 11/32))
(355) Osh'lem: (if the dragon dies, it's only because of your flame sphere :3))
(373) Karma: "Oh ho ho-" cuts off as Harbek gets sliced.
(373) Karma: (( so true, wizard dailies are awesome like that ))
(368) Harbek: "Aye....Snowball, you are a worthy opponent."
(365) GM: KARMA acts, HARBBECK is on deck
(373) Karma: Wand of accuracy: Standard: Atk vs adjacent. *Ref [1d20+3+2] => [20,3,2] = (25)

Fire~ [2d6+3] => [4,3,3] = (10)
(373) Karma: so.. 15 for crit
(373) Karma: the other door open?
(365) GM: no its not
(365) GM: its wooden and closed
(373) Karma: done
** (368) Harbek swings his hammer again at the mighty dragon, and is able to stop his momentem

and bring it toward the dragon again. ((Standard: Reaping Strike, Action Point: Reaping Strike))

(365) GM: ROUND 3
(365) GM: HARBECK acts and NORGATE is on deck
(368) Harbek: Reaping Strike(Maul): [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11) vs AC
Hit: [2d6+9] => [2,2,9] = (13)
Miss: [3] => 3 +4 from Villain's Menance?
(368) Harbek: Reaping Strike(Maul): [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14) vs AC
Hit: [2d6+9] => [3,6,9] = (18)
Miss: [3] => 3 +4 from Villain's Menance?
(373) Karma: reaping is nice for these solos
(368) Harbek: (( bah, both miss))
(365) GM: NORGATe acts and OSHLEM is on deck
(355) Osh'lem: ((very :3, please mark it Har!)
(355) Osh'lem: (doh!)
(368) Harbek: ((its already marked
(355) Osh'lem: (whew)
(368) Harbek: ((everytime i attack))
(373) Karma: reaping prolly doesnt get the villain's menace btw, due to it effecting "damage

rolls" not just "damage"
(365) GM: ((yeah hes trying to kill you))
(368) Harbek: (( okay, so 6 damage to the dragon))
(365) GM: NORGATe acts and OSHLEM is on deck
(355) Osh'lem: ((Acsidol, you there?))
(365) GM: OSHLEM go, NORGATe delays
(365) GM: DARSHA also acts
** (343) Darsha calls down Healing Word on Harbeck .... (( Healing Surge and [1d6+5] => [2,5] =

(7) )) .... then I move away a little. **
** (355) Osh'lem opens the door, relight Karma's flame sphere and close the door again **
(355) Osh'lem: Scorching Burst: Range 10, Burst 1, vs Reflex
Damage: [1d6+6] => [4,6] = (10)
Target 1 [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17) Target 2 [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12) Target 3 [1d20+6]

=> [20,6] = (26)
Target 4 [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19) Target 5 [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13) Target 6 [1d20+6]

=> [1,6] = (7)
(368) Harbek: ((spending a healing surge. +15hp total))
(383) Deodanth (enter): 00:07
(355) Osh'lem: (17 vs reflex, 10 dmg if hit(
(368) Harbek: ((26/32))
(373) Karma: (( yo deo ))
(383) Deodanth: (( waves ))
(365) GM: miss shlem
(368) Harbek: ((quick,we need a cleric, go!)))
(383) Deodanth: (( lol ))
whispering to Deodanth, if you have a mish mash character you can jon up
(383) Deodanth: (( GO TEAM NOCLERIC ))
whispering to Deodanth, 1st 22pt buy
(355) Osh'lem: (damn, that's one fast dragon 17 reflex and still miss)
(365) GM: oops my bad, that hit
(368) Harbek: ((we have one, but I think she used both her healing words already...wait, maybe

(365) GM: DRAGON acts, KARMA is on deck
** (355) Osh'lem does the money man dance, behind the door **
(373) Karma: (( wait, thought we had a cleric? she used 1 and a beacon ))
(373) Karma: btw beacon adds +5 to your heal Harbek
(368) Harbek: (( Darsha, did you add that already in?))
(373) Karma: no +wisdom?
(373) Karma: Adjacent take Fire~ [1d4+3] => [3,3] = (6)
(343) Darsha: (( yes it was added ))
(373) Karma: 6 more to Dragon for start of its turn
(368) Harbek: (( okay, so hp remains at 26/32
(373) Karma: do you have a +wisdom?
(365) GM: the target is BLOODIED and gets a BLOODIED breath!
(373) Karma: i.e. 12 or more wisdom Darsha?
(365) GM: thsi will target Harbeck and Norgate
(365) GM: in that order
(343) Darsha: (( Wis is not added for Healing Word ))
(365) GM:
Bloodied Breath Weapon (std--autorecharge)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [3,3,6,4] = (16) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(365) GM:
Bloodied Breath Weapon (std--autorecharge)--Cold)
Close Burst [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8) vs Reflex
[3d6+4] => [1,5,4,4] = (14) cold damage and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both)
(368) Harbek: MISS!
(365) GM: It freezes teh puddle behind it
(373) Karma: did ya see healer's lore though? the cleric class feature?
(365) GM: anything else beside flaming sphere karma?
(373) Karma: ah my action?
(365) GM: HRBECK is on deck
(373) Karma: Standard: Atk vs adjacent. *Ref [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15) Fire~ [2d6+3] => [5,2,3]

= (10)
(365) GM: yes
(373) Karma: Move act: 6 sq.
(365) GM: that just misses as the dragon moves to the side
(365) GM: ROUND 4
(368) Harbek: (i get an AO for shift)
(373) Karma: moved my sphere, tho if it shifted, i'd have it follow instead
(373) Karma: or that just rp text?
(365) GM: who shifted, that was only a dramtic description
(368) Harbek: (damn...sorry, i'm jumpy))
(373) Karma: kk
(365) GM: HARBECK is up and NORGATE is on deck
(365) GM: ((lol))
** (368) Harbek swings his hammer again at the Dragon, trying to close out this fight.

((Standard: Reaping STrike)) **
(368) Harbek: Reaping Strike(Maul): [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23) vs AC
Hit: [2d6+9] => [2,4,9] = (15)
Miss: [3] => 3 +4 from Villain's Menance?
(365) GM: 22 then?
(365) GM: oh nm
(365) GM: The tattack hits
(365) GM: NORGATE acts and OSHLEM is on deck
(356) Norgate: (( sry im back ))
(356) Norgate: (( who died? ))
(365) GM: its your round too, take two actions
(365) GM: since you lost an action last round
(356) Norgate: Twin Strike (longbow): [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24) vs AC for [1d10] => [4] = (4)

damage. Second Attack [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14) vs AC for [1d10] => [3] = (3) damage.
(356) Norgate: (( sry for not telling oyu, army stuff ))
(365) GM: crit for 8
(356) Norgate: [1d6] => [5] = (5) to first attack
(365) GM: 14
(356) Norgate: Twin Strike (longbow): [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20) vs AC for [1d10] => [3] = (3)

damage. Second Attack [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15) vs AC for [1d10] => [2] = (2) damage.
(356) Norgate: [1d6] => [6] = (6) to first attack
(365) GM: The dragon is loking fairly worn down
(365) GM: OSHLEM acts and DARSHA is on deck
(355) Osh'lem: Scorching Burst: Range 10, Burst 1, vs Reflex
Damage: [1d6+6] => [5,6] = (11)
Target 1 [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) Target 2 [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19) Target 3 [1d20+6] =>

[3,6] = (9)
Target 4 [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) Target 5 [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25) Target 6 [1d20+6] =>

[18,6] = (24)
** (355) Osh'lem slams the door shut as he misses **
(365) GM: miss
(365) GM: DARSHA acts
(365) GM: DRAGON is on deck
(373) Karma: Adjacent take Fire~ [1d4+3] => [3,3] = (6) for Dragon :)
(368) Harbek: "Hit Something You Horned Freak!"
(365) GM: ((lol))
(365) GM: is DARSHA acting?
(355) Osh'lem: "I'll hit you if you keep it up!" screams behind the closed door
(355) Osh'lem: ((oh, hey, it's Deo :3))
(343) Darsha: (( sorry had to look up something ))
(365) GM: ((k))
** (343) Darsha calls up the Lance of Faith and Moradin's Resolve..... (( Lance of Faith

[1d20+3+2] => [18,3,2] = (23) vs Reflex ... [1d8+3] => [6,3] = (9) dmg and Harbek will get a +2

to his next attack )) **
(365) GM: the lance lands
(365) GM: DRAGON flies upward and through the thin ice cleing of teh room, breaking it into

shards all over teh room ((you are now all on icy terrain)) and it rises 30' in the air for which

HARBECK gets an OA. Then it breathes, cluding the area so vision is impossible and retreats
(365) GM: take yor OA HARBECK
(343) Darsha: (( the last Healing Word does get a +3 Wis modifier ))
(368) Harbek: Normal Attack Maul: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19) [2d6+9] => [1,3,9] = (13)
(373) Karma: btw, if you hit, it wont get to move, so that'll be nice Harbek
(368) Harbek: "No you don't!"
(373) Karma: awesomeness
(365) GM: that hits but doesn not finish it as it flies away leaving its precious hoard behind!
** (355) Osh'lem opens the door **
(373) Karma: "Lucky us, we're alive"
(343) Darsha: "Who let the dragons in here?"
(365) GM: A huge ipile of loot ((to be posted on the mish mash boards) sets on the floor
** (368) Harbek looks over the loot "Nice." **
** (355) Osh'lem dash toward the treasure, looking for any primordial artifacts **
(373) Karma: "Uh, the kobolds?"
(365) GM: everyone gains an action point as well
** (368) Harbek sits on teh ground and rests his hammer against his shoulder as he breathes **
** (356) Norgate stays alert with a arrow nocked **
(373) Karma: "Maybe a rest is in order?"
** (355) Osh'lem scour the area, looking for any broken artifacts or hidden switches **
(355) Osh'lem: Perception: [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(365) GM: Sudenly teh dunegon is quiet as teh mist of ice settles and the cold sky is visible

and the sun above shines down on your
(368) Harbek: "As your looking horned one, try to find evidence of the human's i'm looking for"
(343) Darsha: "Res would be nice."
** (355) Osh'lem hiss "the humans can wait!" **
(368) Harbek: "No! They can't....and it wouldn't hurt you at all"
(343) Darsha: "Which humans?"
** (355) Osh'lem ponders for a bit.... "You are right, they might have vital informations" **
** (368) Harbek breaths "The innkeeper Gillbus, says that a group of 4 human youths were looking

for a dragon in this caves." **
(356) Norgate: "Hey guys, I found something..."
(355) Osh'lem: "Hurry your daisy asses! Rest can wait!"
(368) Harbek: "We figured the kobolds would get them...but if a dragon really was here, they

could have found him..."
(343) Darsha: "Oh! ..... looks around with greater concern."
(365) GM: ((it would behoove everyone to fuiill out the wish list thread on the 4e mishmash board

of mine before i post loot, hint hint))
** (355) Osh'lem stops midsentence **
(373) Karma: (( heh ))
(356) Norgate: "I found a silly dwarf who cares for humans...Hahaha."
** (343) Darsha frowns. **
(373) Karma: (( well, fun encounter, gotta sleep all ))
(365) GM: ((kk, nite ky))
(343) Darsha: "Young ones need care no matter the race."
(373) Karma: (( thanks for the game ))
(365) GM: ((random??))
(373) Karma: (( yah ))
(365) GM: lol
(373) Karma: (( btw i have alt-aholicism for these pick up games ))
(373) Karma: (( cuz i get sick of playing leaders too much ))
** (355) Osh'lem just prance around **
(368) Harbek: " I live longer than most tall ones, I have to teach them something sometime"
(356) Norgate: "A buck to a boar its already dead."
(373) Karma: (( tho i enjoy them, defenders, and controllers ))
(355) Osh'lem: "If you can teach me how to burn stuff better, I will bother to listen oh short

(343) Darsha: "Now who else got hurt?"
** (368) Harbek stands and looks around the room for evidence of the young humans "I'll be fine

now cleric, but thank you" **
(355) Osh'lem: ((I find myself enjoy playing as a fighter, very flexible))
(368) Harbek: ((i I'm at 26/32 right now))
(365) GM: Perception checks please
(373) Karma: (( tata ))
(343) Darsha: +3
(365) GM: lata
(373) Karma: Disconnecting from server...
(368) Harbek: [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19)
(373) Karma (exit): 00:32
(355) Osh'lem: Perception: [1d20+1] => [15,1] = (16)
(356) Norgate: (( i need a better attack bonus ))
(355) Osh'lem: mooter
(356) Norgate: (( every non-elf gets +1 ))
(365) GM: ((ok please kill OOC))
(343) Darsha: [1d20+3] => [1,3] = (4)
** (343) Darsha sees ice shards **
(356) Norgate: Preception [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
whispering to Harbek, you find some ripped clothing in the open north east hall
** (368) Harbek picks up the clothing and walks back toward the group. "Allright, let's take teh

loot and head home" **
(356) Norgate: (( next time i wont activily look ))
(365) GM: You note the dwarf has ripped cloth in his hands
** (355) Osh'lem stalks up to the dwarf **
(356) Norgate: "Told you, you owe me a boar."
** (355) Osh'lem look at the ripped cloth **
(355) Osh'lem: :what is it?"
(343) Darsha: "Alright." ~starts helping haul out loot from a dragon horde no less.
(368) Harbek: " Human clothing."
(356) Norgate: "Woven plant or animal fiber, no doubt."
(365) GM: Yu hear shouts, muffled, from that same direction you found teh clothng now
(356) Norgate: "Ah crap..."
** (355) Osh'lem stops, listens..... **
** (368) Harbek folds up the cloth and puts it into his pack and picks his head up and runs

toward the direction of the shouts, hammer in hand **
(343) Darsha: "What's that?"
(355) Osh'lem: Perception: [1d20+1] => [5,1] = (6)
(365) GM: You head up that hall and realize ther is a cell full of the lost human youths, whom

you save
(356) Norgate: "Well, damn, looks like I owe you a buck..."
(355) Osh'lem: "You!" grabs one of the nearest human "did you hear anything about the portal?!"
(343) Darsha: "Oh now look what we have here. Get you out right quick we will."
** (368) Harbek shoves the tiefling out of the way and starts to untie the youths **
(356) Norgate: "Maybe if you punch him the others will talk..."
(356) Norgate: (( *cell full* they arent tied ))
** (343) Darsha bashes at the lock with her hammer. **
(368) Harbek: ((muffed, gagged?))
(365) GM: Ther are 3 humans, one is dead, dint make it, and they are not tied, Keys hang nearby

and you easily may save them
(356) Norgate: (( behind bars ))
(365) GM: yes behind bars
(368) Harbek: (even better.))
(356) Norgate: (( who needs keys ))
(343) Darsha: "Oh wait they left the keys."
(365) GM: YOu save teh humans
--end session--
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