D&D General "HOW I RUN IT" - I made a D&D 'zine! (copies of Issue #5 - detailing stat drafts - rediscovered!)


Moderator Emeritus
Bringing back a little of that tactile DIY feel of the early RPG days into the digital age.

(Note: Morrus gave me the okay to post this here, rather than the promotional forum, so don't narc me ;))

So, as a joke a couple of months ago on twitter I wrote about only ever writing for money anymore (anyone who is an academic or former academic knows what I mean in terms of expectations of publishing with little to no compensation) unless it is for myself or for a friend's zine. Someone I know who runs a comics shop in Eugene, OR misunderstood what I was saying and responded "I'll take copies of your zine to sell esp. if it is gaming related!"

Well, I hadn't planned to make a zine, but I used to make a D&D-related zine back in the 90s related to my homebrew, Aquerra (the last issue featured a preview of what we knew about the forthcoming 3E!). So on a whim, I cranked up the ole software, found my bostich booklet stapler in a closet, brought the scanner into my office and got to work.

So what I emerged with is a zine called HOW IT RUN IT in which I take a classic adventure I love and re-present it as I would/have run it, but with advice for adapting it yourself. I am calling them "re-mixes." These are quick n' dirty zines that while they do not absolutely require owning a copy of the original module, it helps - but that also requires some customization on the part of the DM to fit it into their setting and style. In some cases, you'll have to draw your own maps or google for them, in other cases I present maps I re-drew to fit my specific needs or circumstances. I also make suggestions on adventures to link to the main module or to use a sidetrek, from sources like old Dungeon Magazines.

As I said above, this is "quick n' dirty" zine. The first booklet is 38 pages printed in grayscale and will be followed up by two more (in June and July) until readers have a full (enough) version of the first classic I am remixing, N1 - Against the Cult of the Reptile God. It includes 5E stat blocks for opponents and NPC allies - it also includes gaps the DM will have to fill for themselves - which is reflection of how I run anything, for me D&D is as much a DIY hobby as it is a game.

Anyway, I am not making these for a profit, as much as I am for my own amusement and the curiosity of others.

I printed 40 copies of the first booklet and have about 15 left. If you are interested in getting one, you can send me four bucks (or more if you are feeling generous) and that includes shipping and print costs and include your mailing address in the note when you send it. They are numbered out of 40. They are meant to be the opposite of professional, so that way I can just get them done, rather than sweat the details.


I am calling this endeavor "Timeline Zines." You can send money and order one either at the ko-fi for my pop culture public scholarship site (Buy The Middle Spaces a Coffee. ko-fi.com/themiddlespaces) or through Pay osvaldo oyola using PayPal.Me. You can also check out my etsy store.

I am only sending them to U.S./Canada - but if you're interested outside of that, DM me before sending money and we can discuss what it'll cost and if you are still interested.

Oh and one last thing that may matter before you order one, the content warning:

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Moderator Emeritus
I promise I won't be annoying and bump this again, but I wanted to say that a few copies of the first issue are still available and work on issue #2 continues apace.


Moderator Emeritus
Issue #2 is now available! Continuing "Against the Cult of the LOAF"


You can send money (four bucks or more each) and order one either at the ko-fi for my pop culture public scholarship site (ko-fi.com/themiddlespaces) or through paypal.me/osvaldooyola1

Alternately, you can order either or both the first and second issues for slightly more at my Etsy store.

I am only sending them to U.S./Canada - but if you're interested outside of that, DM me before sending money and we can discuss what it'll cost and if you are still interested.

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