Moderator Emeritus
I was cleaning and re-arranging things in the house today and found a box with a few more copies of HOW I RUN IT #5: STAT DRAFTS & Other Character Creation Options (after thinking I had sold out of them long ago). Below are some sample pix of it (click on thumbnail).
Since I'd rather they be in the hands of others, if you send me three bucks via ko-fi (and a message with your shipping address), I will send you a copy (postage included - U.S./Canada only - sorry) and maybe a sticker or something if I can find one.

Since I'd rather they be in the hands of others, if you send me three bucks via ko-fi (and a message with your shipping address), I will send you a copy (postage included - U.S./Canada only - sorry) and maybe a sticker or something if I can find one.