David Pulver said that he was told that GURPS Vehicles specifically couldn't use cube roots or logarithms. So there's tables like 1-9: 0, 10-99: 1, 100-999: 2, 1000-9999: 3 and literally "so on", which is a logarithm base 10 in table form.
That certainly wouldn't have bothered me, but GURPS Vehicles overwhelmed me with the amount of calculations. There's applications to create a vehicle using the system, and I'd definitely use them. Same thing with tabletop; I could deal with integer cube roots or logarithms at the table, but the +1 bonus from bless and the +1 dodge bonus from the ring and +2 dodge bonus from this and +1 circumstance against humans and what all is in play and what stacks and what doesn't gets overwhelming.