D&D General How Weird Do You Like Your D&D

PCs descended into the depths of Undermountain, only to discover they were the entertainment for a multiverse audience which had all been orchestrated by Halaster who was the bodyless host voice they heard from time-to-time... (Idea from a DMsGuild product - Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion by Wyatt Trull)
At the beginning of every session and everytime they descended a level, WWE's Triple H's theme song ("The Game" by Motörhead) would play in the background.

During the day Halaster would taunt them whenever he felt so inspired. i.e. when they were in combat and someone would miss on their attack, Halaster's voice would chime "Ooooo Swing and Miss!"
They would also hear him doing promotional advertising and the placing of bets.

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PCs descended into the depths of Undermountain, only to discover they were the entertainment for a multiverse audience which had all been orchestrated by Halaster who was the bodyless host voice they heard from time-to-time... (Idea from a DMsGuild product - Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion by Wyatt Trull)
At the beginning of every session and everytime they descended a level, WWE's Triple H's theme song ("The Game" by Motörhead) would play in the background.

During the day Halaster would taunt them whenever he felt so inspired. i.e. when they were in combat and someone would miss on their attack, Halaster's voice would chime "Ooooo Swing and Miss!"
They would also hear him doing promotional advertising and the placing of bets.
Wasn't there an RPG back during the 3e days that was based on this idea? I'm blanking on the name. Extreme Dungeon or something like that? I do think it's a very fun idea.

Wasn't there an RPG back during the 3e days that was based on this idea? I'm blanking on the name. Extreme Dungeon or something like that? I do think it's a very fun idea.
I suspect you are right - there might have been. I skimmed the forward, but nothing was mentioned. 🤷‍♂️

He has some great ideas, such as the Transplanar Advertisements which you roll for (you are also encouraged to make up your own and bring through your own zaniness to the mix).

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There's no simple answer to that - I'll do different things at different times.

What I do ask for is a clear statement of what to expect, and then a consistency in delivery.

I like for what is under surface in a setting to be from 7-10, with the surface ranging up to about a 5, but presented in a way that feels like a 2 or 3.

So, the sniper my Eberron players had taking shots at them during a chase had a “bow” that was made of 6 parts, with “arms” that looked like a symmetrical harp body that the projectiles fly out the opening of, with repulsion stones similar to the lightning rail along the arms providing the propulsion for the projectiles.

It’s a mass driver rifle, basically, but the world is full of this stuff that is very magical but you can forget it’s magical.

And then the party spoke to the spirit of the ancient dragon that taught Druidic magic to orcs, in a temple “in a place that doesn’t exist”, and were given a view of the creation of the cosmos, and learned that the progenitors are decisively real and are the fabric of the cosmos, and a ton of other wild stuff, or a wizard has a magical necromantic nuke as her death contingency and the team has to perform a complex ritual to open planar sluice gates to let the necromantic energy be converted to elemental energy and made to flow into other planes, at one point describing how their voices and vibrations resonating up and down the “crystalline latticework of the ritual architecture”.

Or one they haven’t met yet, a dungeon that is a sentient but sleeping ultra-ancient dragon temple that is a dragon-shaped construct.

As OP, I can say with confidence I meant weird. You can have fantastical without weirdness. For example, The Wheel of Time.
WoT is quite weird. From the Ways to the Snakes and Foxes, the world of dreams, the whole swordfighter projected in the sky over Falme (iirc), etc.
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