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How will you DDI

How will you Use DDI

  • Reconnect with old group

    Votes: 27 12.2%
  • Move current group onlineJ

    Votes: 10 4.5%
  • oin a regular group with new (ddi) friends

    Votes: 44 19.9%
  • Log in, make a char, jump into a quest once in a while

    Votes: 50 22.6%
  • Use the tools to enhance PnP game

    Votes: 84 38.0%
  • Will play DDI, but not with 4E

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • I am willing to DM on DDI

    Votes: 40 18.1%
  • I wont use DDI

    Votes: 104 47.1%


First Post
I'm not going into DDI.

The tools (map, char visualizer and sheet, virtual table) are worthless to me. There's a bunch of freeware tools out there wich are actually better then the DDI ones. They'll catch up, eventually, and they ought to be hell good, if they want me to pay for them.
I'm not interested in online play either. To me DnD is having fun with friends around a table. If I had to sit in front of a monitor for hours playing with friends, I'd have a lot more fun with a mmorpg, seriously.

Online Magazines. I'm not interested in Dungeon mag, since preparing new dungeons and adventures is something I like doing myself. Dragon is a lot mre interesting to me, with a lot of good content, so maybe I'll buy the pdfs. If there were an yearly subscription for Dragon mag only, I'd definitelly go for it.

DDI has a lot of potential, but still, the fee is somewhat high for what they're currently offering at the moment, expecially if you are not planning to play online often. Still you're going to pay for virtual minis, wich is something trully pisses me off.

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First Post
As a gamer who plays face to face ... and without computers at the gaming table, I find that the DDI offers little real benefit to me.

And paying for "virtual" mini's? ROFLMAO ! :D


I was very excited about DDI. I will probably use it to play online with my brothers.

However, mostly I'll subscribe for the Dragon and Dungeon content. First sight of those looks very good. I particularly thought the adventure was of a high standard though I only looked it over briefly.

I am put off severely by having to pay for virtual minis as an optional extra. I will certainly not pay for virtual minis and I can't see many other people doing so. I think it's a great shame to put in place a 3D environment with lighting and special effects and then have to use counters in it. This is the first thing about 4e that I'm really annoyed about and I'm hoping that Wizards will change their mind over this stupid decision.


First Post
What I want DDI for:

- Tools: I hope some of these will be useful at the RL table.

- DM Prep: I can use it to playtest adventures I will be running with my RL group.

- Play: If I get the itch...

- Play w/ol' friends: This one is probably unlikely, since I've made many friends over the years and I'm horrible at keeping in touch with them all (even with the internet), but you never know.


First Post
I'd consider subscribing to it to use just about all the features we've been told it will have.

However, I can't really answer the question until sometime after it's delivered. First it has yet to arrive and second I'd be steering clear of it until I'm sure it's actually a retail quality product. MerricB's tale of woe in the realm of Gleemax blogs does not inspire confidence.


Assuming they get it right, I'll use it to enhance my PnP games. That means the chargen, Dragon and Dungeon, the Rules Cyclopedia, the dungeon designer.

While the character visuallizer doesn't look bad for a video game, I have nothing but revulsion at the idea of printing out any of the images I've seen and using them for a PnP game. I do see me ever using the game table, either.

I also really hate the idea of applications that should be disconnected being connected. So there's an immediate strike against much of it. Although I really like the idea of Dungeon, especially, being available w/o ads and as a PDF, WotC is really going to have to show some quality with other bits to get my buy-in.

My expectation was that I'd be a sucker for it for the first 6 months and see what they did, but I'm not so sure, anymore.


First Post
Not gonna subscribe but.....

Ill be happy if I can jump online create a character and the print it out for my pnp game, hopefully this is part of the free section and does not require a subscription. Personally I feel they should do that for all customers not just the ones that subscribe.


Right now, I don't plan on using DDI for much of anything.

For starters, I don't like the idea of either having to make a computer available at the game table or printing out everything I need to bring to game. Neither option is palatable to me.

The database tools and character generator aren't features that I would use. If I had a question about the game, I'd rather reference a sourcebook (where I can highlight it or sticky note it for easy reference next game) rather than print it out to bring with me. I use my own custom character layouts that I've made to accomodate my own playstyle, so using off-the-rack character stuff isn't very appealing either.

I like playing around a table with real people, so the virtual game table has absolutely no interest for me. I understand where they're trying to go with it, but it still boils down to being an online RPG with no content. If I have to make the content myself, I'd rather get out from behind the computer, go cook dinner and host a group or go tho the FLGS and get out of the house for a while.

With the possible exception of the map generator (if it's good, and it's free anyway, right?), I have no interest in any of the features. It's just a product that I'm not in the market for.

Voidrunner's Codex

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