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How Would You Defend A Mountain Fortress? (Volume II)


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Isolation and elimination.

So now we only have to find a way to get them unarmed, naked, alone and asleep in between a group of buffed firegiants and we got a chance.

Damn, your Heros are tough!
Lets hope their intelligence isn't as good.

Allthough the knowledge of one of our hero's could draw some in a assasination attempt. Who would be willing to act like bait?

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Yeah this collection of heroes let our undead heart sink pretty deep.

What about my proposal to toxify the country? Is there anything wrong with it?

It seems that our only option is to harass the enemy as long as possible than to retreat and join the forces of our empire. The fortress is lost. All troops who defend it are trapped into it. We should trap it so we can destruct it when the Vallorean forces ar taking the fortress.
The vallorean pride will perhaps blind them long enough that they don´t realize that it is a trap.

If the other forces of Galleran are as pathetic as our troops (oh my god if I think about the normal power niveau of our troops it is unbelievable that I write this) we should leave the country and join some other guys.


First Post

No, all hope is not lost! There are some reinforcements available--but they are not a huge number. It seems that one can expect about two-three dozen evil champions between levels 30-50 to arrive, along with 56,000 elite human troops (levels 8-16).

As for standard encounters, well, this particular group is often not all present, and when they are, they usually fight hordes of beastmen, demons, monsters, vampires, and so on. There was a vampire captain that crushed five or six of them in no time, before the rest pounded on him. Despite their high levels, and a few choice items, they can be taken down. They lose fate points and retreat all the time. They eventually win most of the time, but not always. The Vampire King Mallenar himself makes them flee en masse. His top knight-commanders can certainly kill them for good, so they are often very careful. Mob attacks, multiple spell-casters and such, all working as well-oiled teams, can really put the hurt on the group.

Semper Fidelis,



First Post
As for standard encounters, well, this particular group is often not all present, and when they are, they usually fight hordes of beastmen, demons, monsters, vampires, and so on.
I'm having trouble seeing how hordes of beastmen would pose a threat to a dozen 40th-level PCs.
Mob attacks, multiple spell-casters and such, all working as well-oiled teams, can really put the hurt on the group.
Are the mobs at all effective, or do they just provide "color"?


First Post

Mob attacks effective?: Sure! Imagine groups of flying archers, say groups of (10) 15th-20th lvl Fighters. Each group of ten remains invisible, flying, and firing barrages of arrows at

(1) Groups or individual wizards

(2) Obvious clerics and healers

(3) Front-line combat warriors, knights, fighters.

Depending on what else that you have going, such an ambush can be quite harrowing for the party. Toss in two groups of six or ten 18th level wizards that all agree to drop targeted fire-power on the group of wizards or clerics, and then have a phalanx of mounted knights or heavy infantry rushing in with halberds, and pretty soon, the party--even though they are of powerful, high level--they are milling about, struggling to survive and stay organized, while they attempt to fend off the hordes and quickly organize a plan of counter-attack. I would say that they have a system down, but it varies, because the enemies that they fight are different, and don't just do the same things. I'd say the group loses a henchman or two every other adventure. The party themselves, well, as you can see from the roster, there are significant gaps in power level. That is because of significant player-character and npc attrition losses through various adventures. It can, as you can imagine, get quite ferocious and bloody.

The actual incidence of blood and thunder combat must be kept, in my opinion, at a ferocious level, with mass confusion everywhere, and death at everyone's elbow. I admit that I don't use 6th level trolls. No, I use 16th level flying trolls who have bane arrows, and hide in ambush, and cooperate with a squad of giants as heavy infantry, with a good level of magic power, and they storm the group as they travel quickly. The essence in bringing terror to such a party is while the main wizard is being eaten alive, and is grappled, and can't cast spells, he then can't be protecting someone else. The enemy wizard or wizards can pound the clerics to mush, while additional enemy infantry swarms the party with arrows and hand-to-hand assaults. Even with creatures and characters of significantly lower level, the increased numbers, combined with cunning tactics, and liberal use of spoiling attacks timed precisely to keep the party off-balance, can make their life a living hell.:)

With dealing with a party of such power, as the Game Master, you cannot let them take their time to figure everything out nicely, and optimize every little spell. Hit them fast, hit them hard, and never let up the pressure. Make them make realistic decisions in a vacuum. There's fog, smoke, and screaming everywhere, in addition to flashes of magical Darkness, Light, as well as the constant screams for help, and the shouts of triumph, mixed with the screams of the dying, makes it very difficult for any sense of unit cohesion to prevail.

They don't, despite their often powerful spells and magic items--they don't know, feel, see, hear, everything, instantaneously, that is going on with everyone. They attempt to help the screaming paladin, while over there, in the darkness, evil dire tigers are shredding one of the clerics, and so on. Constant pressure, constant uncertainty, constant screaming and death.

Somehow, when the smoke and fog of battle clears, and they have buried the dead, and healed the wounded, the ones that have survived give thanks to the gods that they are alive, and they have survived another terrible onslaught by the forces of darkness. This of course doesn't necessarily take into account the occasional player-character or npc that is mentally disturbed, sometimes temporarily, and sometimes a few are driven utterly insane, gibbering and broken from the blood, savagery, and horror that they have endured. These characters must be grappled, and taken to a quiet monastery somewhere where they can hopefully live out their days achieving some semblance of peace and tranquility, for they have sacrificed those things so that others might experience them instead. They quietly retire in their enforced quest for peace. There have been three player-characters and 9 npc's that have entered a monastery in retirement.

Thus, such ferocious horde tactics must be used, so as to minimise the party's vast strengths, and bring them down to the level of blood and sweat. Doing so, consistently in my experience, keeps them quite humble, and keeps them firmly in mortal consciousness, for a savage and terrible death always awaits them should they make a mistake, or become arrogant.:)

Semper Fidelis,



First Post
Mob attacks effective? Sure! Imagine groups of flying archers, say groups of (10) 15th-20th lvl Fighters. Each group of ten remains invisible, flying, and firing barrages of arrows...
I was under the impression that epic-level characters would be able to see invisible foes and fly at will -- especially if they're regularly attacked by flying, invisible enemies. They don't all have a gem of seeing and wings of flying (or something similar)?


First Post
Well have to set up several ways of gathering intel.
Mundane, magical and any other way we can think of.

If we need to swamp them with attacks, we need more intelligence.

Clouds of bats, crows and other eyes in the sky. maybe some tremorse creatures buried at key points.

Also do we need to find a way to utilize neutral creatures ( or even good) so detect evil spells/abilities wont detect our spies.

Delaying should still be our first priority.

Hi Shark! I would have posted earlier in this thread but life made me a bit busy recently. Most advices I would suggest were already given , I think that withdrawing most forces from Fortess and making it a deadly trap might be a nice idea. Do you have a list of major evil NPC`s? One of Mallenar`s Generals, maybe one that doesn`t seem that much evil, might pretend to betray his master, give some valuable info, and at the crucial time betray the Valloreans!


Penguin Herder
Do we have time to make an army of iron golems shaped like giant skeletons?

How about one million stirges?

A squad of half-dragon rust monsters?

Could we dominate a force of purple worms?

How about a batallion of gorgons?

-- Nifft


First Post

Maldur, Melkor, and Nift: Indeed, all of these ideas have merit, and can be used to some effect. Good thinking!:) Also, remember that most of the nuetral and evil spellcasters on your side have a greater range of creatures that they can summon and bind to serve them, than the forces of Good have.

Mmadsen: Yeah, you might think that. It is reasonable after all.:) However, various players and their characters have motifs that they follow, and they have favorite items--like certain kinds of cloaks that Wings would interfere with, and so on. They value their special items more than, how do I say it?--absolute interchangeable and flexible mass items and responses, if you see what I'm saying. It isn't like they don't have the wealth to do so!

I'm thinking that the operation might get off the ground this weekend!:)

Semper Fidelis,


Voidrunner's Codex

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