How Would You Defend A Mountain Fortress? (Volume II)


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He wanted to experience what epic-level campaigning in my world could be like, especially since his own DM often ends their campaigns when they reach 14th or 15th level, and they have to start all over again. Thus, Dragonblade had never played in an epic-level campaign, so I obliged him by having him join the epic-level campaign I have going.
Had he read this thread? I shudder to think of the shock to an ill-prepared player's system... "Wait! How many Fire Giants? Armed with what?! What do you mean, I'm already dead? I'm 40th level!"

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I was noticing how many different types of evil nasties we have to throw at the Valloreans, and while there are certain synergies there, I was starting to think we should hit them with different waves each day. Their spellcasters would never quite know what to prepare for that day. Cold spells against Fire Giants? Fire spells against Vampires and Wang-Liang?


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And how are the fearless crusaders doing? Are they dead yet?
Btw the nice flying island isn`t that a nice addition to our army?

Two swords are better then one.


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Evil Tactics

More Evil Tactics:

From a tactical point of view, I'd probably split my forces into two groups: mobile forces (vampires, were-wolves, flyers, etc.) and non-mobile forces (infantry, etc.). All the non-mobile forces would fight to the death (and beyond). All the mobile forces would retreat once the Mountain (or a city) becomes hopelessly lost to the enemy.

I'd use several of the classic epic evil city spells you see in Master of Magic or Heroes of Might and Magic. I'd also make use of the possession spells from Book of Vile Darkness and use those possessions against the high level heroes.

Area Affect epic spells to protect a fortress or a city

Eternal Darkness: Only the Undead can see (or those with blind sight).

Zombie Horde: All that die that aren't turned into some other type of undead (i.e. vampire or wight), rise as a zombie in d4 rounds.

Eternal Evil: No spells with the good descriptor can be cast. Smite Evil and Detect Evil do not function in the area.

Terror Beyond Fear: Anybody not immune to fear immediately flees.



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I absolutely LOVE this thread!

Shark, you are an inspiration to our group. We are heading into Epic for the first time, and when we try to envision all the crap that's going to happen, it's tough to get our arms around it. You're doing a really nice job of helping to illustrate it for us on this thread.

BTW, in case the thought hadn't occurred to you, the Epic market-segment is WIDE OPEN and there are MANY, MANY unanswered questions that you could "jump into" with any number of d20 publishers and address.

Book of Vile Darkness. Check it out. There is some insane stuff in that book that will HAVE to make an appearance in these battles.

(10) General Khang-Rhann, the
Wang-Liang/Half-Fiend, has used the Rod of The
Undying Emperor to transform 240 fallen soldiers into the Regiment of Damnation—a force of relentless Winterwights, who have since deployed
throughout the fortress to hamstring Vallorean attacks, and grind them to dark shattered piles of ice!

This is absolutely fabulous. I threw 1 Winterwight (with minions) at my 18th or 19th level party and it nearly wiped them out.

240! :D


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Hello all

Damn... I only recently started reading the EN boards, and I found this thread 4 days ago.

In that time, I've read the entire first thread and the rest of this thread, and then I get to this last page, and I'm too late to help.


I had this amusing idea that as long as we were playing with epic spells, huge versions of something like Otiluke's Resilient Sphere would be amusing.

First cast one that surrounds not only the fortress, but the enemy army beyond. Now the conflict is completely shut off from the outside world (with the number of spellcasters on our side, we should have the ritual support to make the DCs easily).
Next, cast a second one that surrounds our fortress; now the enemy is unable to touch us and unable to leavel.

Now we fill the area (we shall call it the donut, as that is how it would appear in a cross-section) with water through the liberal use of pre-planted contingency spells like Gates to the Elemental plane of Water and planted items like bottles of endless water.

As long as we maintain the spheres, the Valloreans would all drown. Just to be amusing, we could have had our epic spellcasters fashion Living Vaults in the Donut zone from which they could make secret forays out to animate the drowned Valloreans, instructing them to 'play dead' until there are huge numbers of them...


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Ffaeril, its never to late to help!
If the valloreans succeed ( And its gonna be hard), there are more fortresses, and more evil armies in SHARKs domains.

As this is the first stronghold attacked in this (military) campaign. I can only imagine what the rest of the evil lands are doing to retaliate this "unprovoked"attack on our sovereign nation.


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I'd be interested to know approximately what the output of those gemstone mines is. This fortress seems to be able to generate a significant amount of wealth, and I don't think that the potential for hiring mercenaries has been really explored. Planar mercenaries would be the best, as they'd have no political ties to any existing political entities and wouldn't have any qualms about angering the Valloreans.


First Post
How about the rules from the Stronghold Builder's guide allowing for planeshifting strongholds.

Enchant the fortress (Or the entire valley, if you have enough resources) to shift into Elemental plane of water/fire/dust, the abyss, or maybe the negative energy plane.
You might want to include a command word/ritual allowing for the fortress' return.

Should make a nice trap.

Make sure you get your own troops out of there. Or if you go for Water/dust or negative plane, you could leave your vampires, constructs,elementals etc to mop up the troops not killed by the planar effects.


First Post
Re: Hello all

Damn... I only recently started reading the EN boards, and I found this thread 4 days ago. In that time, I've read the entire first thread and the rest of this thread, and then I get to this last page, and I'm too late to help. *sigh*
It is an interesting thread, isn't it, Ffaeril? Welcome to EN World.
I had this amusing idea that as long as we were playing with epic spells, huge versions of something like Otiluke's Resilient Sphere would be amusing.

First cast one that surrounds not only the fortress, but the enemy army beyond. Now the conflict is completely shut off from the outside world (with the number of spellcasters on our side, we should have the ritual support to make the DCs easily).
Next, cast a second one that surrounds our fortress; now the enemy is unable to touch us and unable to leavel.
SHARK would appreciate that this is analogous to some of Caesar's sieges -- only in reverse. Caesar regularly used double encirclement: one circle, facing in, around the besieged enemy to keep him in, and one circle, facing out, around his own forces to keep enemy reinforcements out.

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