D&D General How would you finish Jeff Grubb's unpublished TSR setting - Storm Front?


I was reading the story about the possible publication of Jeff Grubb's lost Mystara sourcebook, but I was more intrigued by the casual mention of a new setting that he unsuccessfully pitched to TSR. He called it Storm Front, or sometimes Stormfront, and I think it's great. The basic premise is that a magical disaster has boiled the oceans and covered the entire world with thick clouds. Civilization retreated to the few mountaintops higher than this cloud layer, but the survivors who couldn't escape from under the cloud layer were twisted and mutated into monsters. Magical ships can sail across the clouds from mountain to mountain, and adventurers scavenge supplies from the ruined world beneath the clouds.

I love this setting, and I want to see more of it. I don't know what the rights situation would be as far as publishing something new based on this premise, but it's a great start for a homebrew campaign. How would you flesh out this proposal if you were going to run a campaign in this world? And since white supremacists have claimed the name Stormfront, what would you rename the setting?

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Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I was reading the story about the possible publication of Jeff Grubb's lost Mystara sourcebook, but I was more intrigued by the casual mention of a new setting that he unsuccessfully pitched to TSR. He called it Storm Front, or sometimes Stormfront, and I think it's great. The basic premise is that a magical disaster has boiled the oceans and covered the entire world with thick clouds. Civilization retreated to the few mountaintops higher than this cloud layer, but the survivors who couldn't escape from under the cloud layer were twisted and mutated into monsters. Magical ships can sail across the clouds from mountain to mountain, and adventurers scavenge supplies from the ruined world beneath the clouds.

I love this setting, and I want to see more of it. I don't know what the rights situation would be as far as publishing something new based on this premise, but it's a great start for a homebrew campaign. How would you flesh out this proposal if you were going to run a campaign in this world? And since white supremacists have claimed the name Stormfront, what would you rename the setting?

In one of his blog posts Grubb I think said that Stormfront as an idea is sort-of a precursor to Nentir Vale. They do strike many of the same themes.


In one of his blog posts Grubb I think said that Stormfront as an idea is sort-of a precursor to Nentir Vale. They do strike many of the same themes.
I don't know that the unique ideas in Stormfront are a direct precursor to Nentir Vale, but they share a common ancestor in the "points of light" concept. So from that perspective you're right on.

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